Aerial view of city buildings.

Get the best of both worlds

Find out why 82 percent of businesses drive innovation by blending their on-premises infrastructure with the cloud.


DevOps: A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study

Uncover both the benefits and risks of implementing DevOps to help manage environments and create cost savings. Then, examine the potential ROI for eight organizations that deployed a DevOps solution from Microsoft.

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Create native iOS and Android apps

See how Xamarin and Microsoft Visual Studio help you develop cross-platform apps that deliver a native user experience, native performance, and 100-percent native API access. Then, build a user interface right from inside Visual Studio.

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Stress less and code more

Learn how development and test environments on Microsoft Azure help development teams be more agile, deliver custom applications faster, and create higher quality software—while dramatically lowering costs.

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Integrate, deliver, and deploy continuously

Discover how your team can embrace cloud DevOps to better collaborate and be more productive. Learn about new monitoring and analytics capabilities to ensure your apps are always available, performing, and succeeding.

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City street with bright street lights.

Five things you’ll love about the new System Center 2016

From cloud integration to faster time to value, uncover the five key ways System Center 2016 will simplify your datacenter management.

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