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Greens call for dedicated seats for Aboriginal people in NSW Parliament

Aboriginal people could be given dedicated seats in the NSW Parliament to ensure they have a "direct voice" in the democracy, according to the newest MP in the upper house.

Greens MP Dawn Walker used her maiden speech to call for a re-examination of whether there should be dedicated seats for Aboriginal people, elected by Aboriginal people, as occurs for Maoris in the New Zealand Parliament.

"I would like us to resume the discussion about facilitating Aboriginal representation in our political system to ensure Aboriginal people and communities have a direct voice in our democracy," Ms Walker said.

"I intend to consult and work with Aboriginal people about this and will work in this place to put this conversation back on the agenda – perhaps working toward a referendum at the next state election."

Ms Walker said the model would be up for debate, but might include one or two dedicated seats in each house of Parliament and Aborigines could choose to vote for those seats or their general seat.

The concept of designated seats for Aborigines was explored by an upper house inquiry in 1998, although it was never seriously pursued because the then premier Bob Carr ruled it out on the day hearings started.


Ms Walker said the need for Aboriginal representation in the NSW Parliament had increased since the only publicly identifying MP, Linda Burney, had gone to Federal Parliament.

But Ms Burney said she was "agnostic" on the concept of Aboriginal seats, and it would be more effective to advance Indigenous people within the parties.

The Labor Party was attempting to do this through an Indigenous leadership program, identifying potential candidates and investigating whether there were barriers within its party procedures, she said.

"I think political parties have some work to do to make themselves attractive and relevant to Aboriginal people and that's certainly what the Labor Party is focusing on," Ms Burney said.

"Maybe the Greens could preselect some Aboriginal people in winnable seats."

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten wants the party to set a target to lift Aboriginal representation in all jurisdictions by 2025.

There are three MPs in NSW Parliament with Aboriginal heritage – Labor MPs Lynda Voltz and Greg Warren and Liberal Jai Rowell – though none have publicly identified as representatives of the Aboriginal community.

A NSW Liberal Party spokeswoman said it was important for political parties to reflect the broader community and the party encouraged people from all cultures to join it.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Sarah Mitchell said Aboriginal representation in Parliament was an important discussion.

"I intend on being a part of that conversation to ensure Aboriginal people and their communities have a direct voice," Ms Mitchell said.

Of the 40 submissions to the 1998 inquiry, seven supported the establishment of dedicated seats and 20 – mostly from individuals – opposed the measure.

Most suggested one or two dedicated seats in either or both houses, but there was disagreement over whether Aborigines would be able to vote for the general seat as well.

The arguments posted in favour of dedicated seats ranged from the symbolic to the practical, including that they would give Aboriginal people a voice and overcome barriers to representation in Parliament.

Most of those who opposed them did so in the belief that they were undemocratic because it undermined the democratic principle of "one vote, one value", while others argued such a system would open the floodgates to other ethnic or special interest groups.

Labor MP Peter Primrose, who was on the inquiry committee, said Aborigines were supportive of the concept of designated seats but wanted more consultation about how they would operate.

But given that the model would require a referendum, it made more sense to work to increase representation within the parties, he said.

"We can do that without having another 20 years' wait while people get around to considering whether Aboriginal people should have designated seats," Mr Primrose said.

"The Greens can do that today."