

SCOTUS Leftists Rule Child Molestation Less Important Than The Depravity Of Whiteness

[ Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Inevitably, a federal judge (William M. Conley, nominated by Obama) is trying to block President Trump’s revised travel ban [ Judge: Revised Trump ban cannot be enforced on Syrian family, by Todd Richmond, AP, March 11 2017]. This is just the next shot in what is obviously going to be a long war, not just over whether judges get to decide immigration policy but over the overall role in a democracy of our increasingly arrogant imperial judiciary. A little-noticed U.S. Supreme Court decision last week shows just how arrogant, and lawless and Cultural Marxist, our Leftist Kritarchs have become.

First, some perspective: St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a private liberal arts college, has launched a study group, advertised in a campus-wide email thusly:
This is a group where those who most often exhibit racist and sexist behavior — white males — can begin to be self-critical of the very dangerous, brutal, and depraved hierarchical pathologies of superiority, supremacy, and inferiority handed down to us by white Euro-American institutions … The main topic for discussion will be an ongoing one: How do we deal with the depravity of whiteness and the brutality of masculinity? How can we get to the root of this problem?

Student ‘study group’ to address ‘depravity of whiteness,’  by Anthony Gockowski,, March 2, 2017

Well, this SCOTUS story that manages to contain elements of both "the depravity of whiteness" and "the brutality of masculinity." Read more >>

National Data | February Jobs—Americans Triumphant, Immigrants Lose, in Trump’s First Full Month—And Illegal...

Needless to say, the Trump Administration gloated about the jobs growth revealed in Friday’s employment data and the MSM went to work to downplay it ( Sean Spicer’s appalling answer about economic data shows how far we’ve lowered the bar for Trump, by Matthew Yglesias, VOX, March 10 2017) and if possible change the subject ( Sean Spicer’s Quick Twitter Reaction to Jobs Report May Break a Rule , by Patricia Cohen , New York Times, March 10, 2017 ).’s unique analysis: whatever else, the January numbers do show a downturn, possibly decisive, in immigrant displacement of American workers—and suggest that the illegal surge that characterized Obama’s last year may have reversed.

In fact, it wasn’t even close. With the wall still a metaphor, E-Verify not universal, and even Trump’s hard ban on entries from some Muslim countries sabotaged (temporarily) by the courts, many of us wondered whether the first month of his tenure would be materially different from the 96 months of the past eight years. We can now exhale. Household Survey Jobs data released Friday revealed one of the biggest U-turns in the insidious displacement native-born American workers by their foreign-born immigrant competitors since January 2009—the month Barack Obama became President.

As usual, the MSM focused on a different employment survey, the one that does not ask nativity or ethnicity of workers. The payroll survey found a respectable 235,000 new jobs were created in February, a continuation of the steady albeit unspectacular growth of the past few years.

But the “other” employment survey, of households rather than employers, reported a gain of 447,000 jobs in February—nearly twice the gain reported by employers. More importantly, our analysis of Household Survey data indicates a stunning reversal in American worker displacement:

In February:

Pat Buchanan: Is a Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?

To back up Defense Secretary "Mad Dog" Mattis' warning last month, that the U.S. "remains steadfast in its commitment" to its allies, President Donald Trump is sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to Korea.

Some 300,000 South Korean and 15,000 U.S. troops have begun their annual Foal Eagle joint war exercises that Read more >>

Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Increasingly Unequal Justice For Whites

See also: Trump Administration Must Use Civil Rights Law To Defend #BasedStickMan, Supporters Against Berkeley Anarcho-Tyranny

America is not bound by blood or culture, we are told incessantly, but by a dedication to certain “ideals.” As we can’t even agree on what those ideals are, all that we have to hold us together is the law. But now, it appears that even equality before the law has become a meaningless expression, as the post-American managerial state is selectively enforcing the law depending on who is committing a crime.

Witness the case of Kyle Chapman, a.k.a. Based Stick Man, a.k.a. the Alt-Knight. Chapman was among the thousands of Americans who rallied in support of President Trump last weekend. As “anti-fascists” had vowed to violently disrupt the protest in Berkeley, California, where they had already rioted to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Chapman came prepared with a stick and a helmet. Read more >>
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