S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

2015 Symposium – M. W. Davis

Voting Traditionalists are Here to Stay, And so is Party Politics In light of the recent Liberal Party leadership spill, traditional conservatives in Australia have favoured one of two courses … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · 1 Comment

2015 Symposium – Frank Salter

Australian Conservatism after Abbott: The Need for Social Movements Following the replacement of Tony Abbott by Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister, some conservatives are asking what can be done to … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · 1 Comment

2015 Symposium – Thomas F. Bertonneau

Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs On Baudelairean Traditionalism I The Prelude Edwin Dyga invites a response to the question, Whither Conservatism – or rather “Quo Vadis, Conservatism,” a nicely history-minded verbal … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · 1 Comment

2015 Symposium – Luke Torrisi

Don’t Mention the War! Conservatives’ Forgotten Role The Paleoconservative or Traditionalist is a lonely soul.1 They often feel displaced, going about their business in a dissociative state. They are grateful … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Johannes Ekjord

The Rise of the Right in Europe: The Need for Traditionalism I The Current Situation Ever since the end of the Second World War, the ideology that underpins social democracy and … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Michael Tung

Ride That Tiger Or, The Party’s an Ass “… I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat’— though it contains (and in legend may contain more … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Morgan Qasabian (Part 1)

Conservative Prospects in the Second Age of Malcolm Part One I On 15 September this year, a left-wing Prime Minister was sworn in. The 29th Prime Minister of this Commonwealth … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Morgan Qasabian (Part 2)

Conservative Prospects in the Second Age of Malcolm Part Two [Return to: Part One] IV Tony Abbott went to the 2013 election promising to restore freedom of speech by repealing §18C … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Morgan Qasabian (Part 3)

Conservative Prospects in the Second Age of Malcolm Part Three VI The need for a social movement cannot be merely posited; its need has to be found out through weighing … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

Introduction and Welcome to the 2015 Symposium of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

If indeed the major consequence of a near-universal liberal hegemony in the cultural sphere has seen politics displaced by economics, perhaps noone ought to be surprised at the endemic mediocrity of the Western … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · 1 Comment

2015 Symposium – Alastair Hermann

The Abbott Aberration Tony Abbott was the most conservative Prime Minister in Australia’s recent history, yet when history writes up his tenure it will regard all his efforts as but … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · 1 Comment

2015 Symposium – Paul Edward Gottfried

Paleoconservatism: A Vanishing Traditional Right The apparent discontent and turmoil among Australian traditionalists after the ousting of the former Prime Minister by the socially liberal Malcolm Turnbull, as reported in … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Urho Lintinen

Impressions from the Old Continent I Introduction 2015 has seen steadily escalating polarization of political lines dividing European public sphere due to the re-emergence of the Greek financial crisis, rapidly … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

2015 Symposium – Valdis Grinsteins

When a Conservative Feels that he is a Foreigner in His own Home Several times I have heard the joke among conservatives that the conservative party only wants to “conserve” … Continue reading

17 October 2015 · Leave a comment

Recommended book:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

RSS Orthosphere

RSS Gornahoor

Recommended book:

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature in Australia's Political Culture"

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature"

RSS Social Matter

Recommended book:

Aristokratia Vol. 3 (Manticore Press, 2015)

RSS OzConservative

Recommended book:

Derek Turner, "Sea Changes" (Washington Summit Publishers 2012)

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