No revival, just decay – another update

Thursday, 25 September 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on No revival, just decay – another update 

Labor can push emission cuts out to well beyond the political life of anyone in the government. Unfortunately the Murray crisis creates expectations over what it can do and highlights its impotence now.

The game is not back on – a further update

Wednesday, 24 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on The game is not back on – a further update 

The media’s narrative of a Turnbull-led revival is starting to look like the myth it always was.

The game is not back on – an update

Tuesday, 23 September 2008   Media analysis  Comments Off on The game is not back on – an update 

The last two days have been a reminder why psephological sites are a popular alternative to the mainstream press in this country. Once again political journalists have shown that they never let polling numbers get in the way of a good narrative

The game is not back on

Monday, 22 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on The game is not back on 

Turnbull’s problem is that he has won the leadership before having given the Liberals any sign of somewhere new to go.

Turnbull: A poor man’s Hewson

Thursday, 18 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Turnbull: A poor man’s Hewson 

Political constraints mean that Turnbull can’t really represent anything more than himself.

The old leadership loses control

Tuesday, 16 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on The old leadership loses control 

Nelson has been like a cheap hammer broken in the process of battering Turnbull down and the Costello play was pretty well at an end. Today’s spill was less about catching Turnbull early but Nelson having his last and best chance to use the Howard legacy to keep Turnbull at bay.

That last attempt has now failed and draws a period to a close.

Their last and best chance

Tuesday, 16 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Their last and best chance 

There is a basic misconception journalists have about political parties, especially those on the right, that they are about nothing more than winning office.

Libs re-emerge to a changed landscape

Monday, 15 September 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Libs re-emerge to a changed landscape 

The Nationals’ problem is not some demographic phenomenon of sun-seekers retiring on the NSW coast but a political one. They are the most obvious victims of an unravelling of the old two party system that is affecting all of the parties.

Poor Costello, used again – Epilogue

Friday, 12 September 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Poor Costello, used again – Epilogue 

It is with a heavy heart that this blog must now admit that its campaign, in conjunction with The Australian newspaper, to draft Costello to the Liberal leadership has now failed.

No revival, just decay – an update

Tuesday, 9 September 2008   Media analysis  Comments Off on No revival, just decay – an update 

By proposing a deal with Labor in the first place Grylls and Carpenter have already changed the old bi-polar landscape.

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