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Everything Trump Did in His 7th Week That Really Matters

His administration escalated bombing in Yemen while barring travelers and immigrants from that country from coming to the US. 

Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick


ICE Relents and Releases DREAMer Daniela Vargas

Immigrant-rights advocates say that Vargas’s release is proof that resistance works.

Julianne Hing

Rebecca Solnit: How Women Are Changing the World

An interview with the author and activist on feminism, Trump, and our exciting and horrifying moment in history.

Jon Wiener

Why Doesn’t the United Nations Pay Its Interns?

The institution sets the benchmark for progressive values around the world—except when it comes to unpaid labor.

Brandon Jordan
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From the Magazine

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Foreign-Policy Elites Have No Answer For Trump

Trump won because the status quo was terrible. We can’t go back to it. 

Robert L. Borosage

The GOP’s Health-Care Plan Could Strip Addiction and Mental-Health Coverage From 1.3 Million

Republicans aren’t just gunning for Obamacare—they’re trying to radically alter Medicaid.

Zoë Carpenter

Don’t Burn Out: Take a Day Without Trump Every Week

I know I need one.

Jon Wiener


How Donald Trump Speaks to Ohio’s Autoworkers

Where coastal elites see a buffoon, many here see a man of action.
D.D. Guttenplan

Lordstown, Ohio—The first thing that hits you is the silence. On a normal day, the General Motors assembly plant here is one of the noisiest, busiest places on the planet. It churns out the Chevy Cruze—some 299,227 in the past year alone, rolling off the line every two minutes, seven… Continue Reading >

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Your Guide to the Sprawling New Anti-Trump Resistance Movement

An explosion of new activism offers a ray of hope in these dark political times. 
Joshua Holland

The election of Donald Trump was a catastrophe for progressive America, but the damage may be mitigated over the long term by a remarkable surge of energy on the left in response to his election. As many as 5.2 million people participated in hastily organized Women’s Marches across the country,… Continue Reading >


Syd’s Quiet Storm

No longer in the background of Odd Future, the Los Angeles singer is finding her voice.

Marcus J. Moore

Brian Eno’s New Album Insists There’s No Such Thing as a Mistake

Amanda Petrusich

The Young Turks Are Beating Major Media Operations—on YouTube

They sat down with Laura Flanders to discuss the future of progressive media.

Laura Flanders
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World Politics

Will FIFA Ever Stand Up to Israeli Teams in Illegal Settlements?

Human-rights organizations have a simple demand for FIFA: Follow your own bylaws.

Dave Zirin

Are We Drifting Toward War With North Korea?

We have no alternative but to open talks with Pyongyang; the sanctions strategy is not working.

Patrick Lawrence

For Fast-Food Workers in Israel—Especially Palestinians—Organizing Presents Special Challenges

The McDonald’s franchise is owned by a Peace Now advocate who opposes the occupation, but he’s no friend to unions.

Miriam Berger

Watch and Listen

Listen: The Edge of Sports Podcast: The Enduring Legacy of ‘Hoop Dreams’

Peter Gilbert on the landmark film, Michael Bennett on the Women’s Strike, and harsh words for Mike Francesa.

March 7, 2017

View: In a World of Closed Borders, Deciding Who Deserves Asylum

At Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, workers face few humane options.

February 9, 2017

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016


Take Action

Net Neutrality Is in Danger. Tell the FCC Why We Need It

Our new FCC chairman has said that net neutrality’s “days are numbered.”

Take Action Now! >
