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Trump Tells 46 U.S. Attorneys to Resign in Major Shakeup

  • President Trump told the United States attorneys from the Obama era to tender their resignations.
  • Surprisingly, the order included Preet Bharara, the federal prosecutor in Manhattan, whom Mr. Trump had reportedly asked to stay on.

Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey During Campaign

Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser, who resigned after less than a month, accepted more than $500,000 to investigate a Turkish cleric in Pennsylvania, documents show.

No Insurance Is Hard. No Phone? Unthinkable

Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah suggested that Americans should invest in health care rather than “getting that new iPhone.” His constituents had something to say about that.

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Thirteen months after Zika was declared a global health emergency, some of the alarm over the mosquito-borne virus that swept through Latin America is receding. For families of Zika babies, however, the disastrous effects are only deepening. That is especially true in Brazil’s impoverished northeast.

Video by ADRIANA ZEHBRAUSKAS, EMMA COTT and KAITLYN MULLIN. Photo by Adriana Zehbrauskas for The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.


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