Human Life International Pro-life Missionaries Protecting Life and Family

What We Do

What we do at HLI

Gathering Leaders in Defense of Life.

What we do at HLI

Teaching Life & Family Issues.

What we do at HLI

Providing Essential Tools.

What we do at HLI

Following up on Progress.

Our Educational Apostolate Focuses on:

The root of the Culture of Death
The tragic consequence of failed contraception
Established by God and threatened by man
Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide:
Attacking the vulnerable at life’s end
Reproductive Technologies:
Unethical procedures of procreation
Latest News & Commentary

Our Mission Field

We organize, train, equip, and mentor leaders
in over 100 countries around the world (hightlighted below in blue).
Click a region for more information.

What Church Leaders have said
About our mission

What we do at HLI
“I encourage you to give strong support for the most important work of HLI.”
– Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
What we do at HLI
“I praise you for your important and courageous apostolate.”
– Francis Cardinal Arinze
What we do at HLI
“You’re doing the most important work on earth.”
– St. Pope John Paul to HLI Founder Father Paul Marx, OSB
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