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Ecosemiotics is a branch of semiotics in its intersection with human ecology that studies the sign relations established by culture, which deal with other living beings, communities, and landscapes.[1]

The field was initiated by Winfried Nöth and Kalevi Kull.[2]

See also[edit]


  • Nöth, Winfried 1998. Ecosemiotics. Sign Systems Studies 26: 332–343.
  • Kull, Kalevi 1998. Semiotic ecology: Different natures in the semiosphere. Sign Systems Studies 26: 344–371.[1]
  • Maran, Timo; Kull, Kalevi 2014. Ecosemiotics: main principles and current developments. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 96(1): 41–50.[2]


  1. ^ Farina, Almo; Santolini, Riccardo; Pagliaro, Giacomo; Scozzafava, Silvia; Schipani, Ileana 2005. Ecosemiotics: A new field of competence for ecology to overcome the frontier between environmental complexity and human culture in the Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 53(3/4): 167–175.
  2. ^ *Maran, Timo 2007. Towards an integrated methodology of ecosemiotics: The concept of nature-text. Sign Systems Studies 35(1/2): 269–294.

External links[edit]