- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 15469
The Ruhr (German pronunciation: [ˈʁuːɐ̯], German: Ruhrgebiet), or the Ruhr district, Ruhr region or Ruhr valley, is an urban area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. With a population density of 2,800/km² and a population of eight and a half million, it is the largest urban agglomeration in Germany. It consists of several large, industrial cities bordered by the rivers Ruhr to the south, Rhine to the west, and Lippe to the north. In the southwest it borders the Bergisches Land. It is considered part of the larger Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region of more than 12 million people, which is among the largest in Europe.
From west to east, the region includes the cities of Duisburg, Oberhausen, Bottrop, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Bochum, Herne, Hagen, Dortmund, and Hamm, as well as parts of the more "rural" districts of Wesel, Recklinghausen, Unna and Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis. The most populous cities are Dortmund (approx. 572,000), Essen (approx. 566,000) and Duisburg (approx. 486,000). The Ruhr area doesn't have an administrative center; each city in the area has its own administration, although there exists the supracommunal "Regionalverband Ruhr" institution in Essen. Historically, the western Ruhr towns, such as Duisburg and Essen, belonged to the historic region of the Rhineland, whereas the eastern part of the Ruhr, including Gelsenkirchen, Bochum, Dortmund and Hamm, were part of the region of Westphalia. Since the 19th century, these districts have grown together into a large complex with a vast industrial landscape, inhabited by some 7.3 million people (including Düsseldorf and Wuppertal).
Ruhr in Love or Ruhr-in-Love is an annual family festival of the electronic music scene in Oberhausen, Germany, where it has been held since June 2003. It is a one-day open-air festival at which more than 35 "colourful and imaginatively designed floors" are presented by clubs, event organisers, record labels, booking agencies, radio stations, magazines etc. The focal point is the Mixery-Stage featuring international headliners.
The festival is put on by I-Motion GmbH, now a part of SFX Entertainment. Every kind of electronic music is represented. There is an official indoor after-party called Mega-Love Invasion. The 2014 event drew 46,000 people despite rain; there were a record 400 DJs.
Since 2003 Ruhr-in-Love is supported by eve&rave Münster e.V. with drug-information-desks.
Postwar Germany: "A Family of the Industrial Ruhr" 1958 McGraw-Hill Text-Films
Die Ruhr - Von der Quelle bis zur Mündung 1/3
Make Germany Pay - part 2 (The Ruhr, Hyperinflation, Recovery)
Kriegsende an Rhein Ruhr und Weser Teil 1/3
Unit 2 Germany Revision 4 Occupation of the Ruhr
Ruhr-in-Love 2015 / Official Aftermovie
Phoenix West - Rhein und Ruhr (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Rotterdam Terror Corps at Ruhr in Love 2014 - Megarave Records Stage
Phoenix West - Rhein und Ruhr (offizielles Video)
Zahni Live @ Ruhr in Love 2016
more at http://quickfound.net/ "Examines the varied activities in the life of an average working man's family in a German industrial city after World War II." Public domain film from the Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhr The Ruhr (German pronunciation: [ˈʁuːɐ̯], German: Ruhrgebiet), or the Ruhr district, Ruhr region or Ruhr valley, is an urban area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. With a population density of 2,...
Von der Ruhrquelle bei Winterberg bis zur Ruhrmündung in den Rhein bei Duisburg zeigt dieser Dreiteiler die ganze Vielfalt der sich ständig ändernden Flusslandschaft entlang der Ruhr. Teil 1: Von der Quelle bei Winterberg bis Olsberg
Revision presentation on the Occupation of the Ruhr 1923. Fast forward to 8:00 for the musical interlude, and 11:00 for the exam practice. Watch the whole presentation for the full explanation.
Ruhr-in-Love 2015 / Official Aftermovie Alle Videos von Ruhr-in-Love: http://bit.ly/RiL_youtube Fantastisch! Das war Euer Tag. 48.000 Herzen tanzten, liebten und feierten. Der Bass war Euer Kompass und die Sonne Euer Begleiter. Ihr macht Ruhr-in-Love zum schönsten elektronischen Familienfest der Welt – Danke! Ruhr-in-Love 2015: 27. Juni, OlgaPark Oberhausen FOLGE Ruhr-in-Love IM WEB: http://www.ruhr-in-love.de http://www.facebook.com/ruhrinlove http://www.instagram.com/ruhrinlove http://www.twitter.com/ruhr_in_love https://www.youtube.com/user/ruhrinloveofficial TRACKLIST OFFICIAL AFTERMOVIE: Nicky Romero & Vicetone - Let Me Feel (ft. When We Are Wild) (Matty Menck & Basti M Rework Edit) Micha Moor & Avaro - Kwango (Radio Edit) Pierce Fulton - Kuaga (Lost Time) (Radio Edit) VIDEO BY...
Das erste offizielle Musikvideo von Phoenix West - Rhein und Ruhr. Bitte unterstützt uns! Wir könnten am 30.04.2016 in der Sendung "Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel" im ZDF zum Newcomer des Jahres gewählt werden. Dazu müssen wir im Telefonvoting unter die Top 3 (von noch 10 übrig gebliebenen Bands) kommen. Unsere Durchwahl ist die 01371 36 36 04 und ein Anruf kostet 14 Cent! Wir danken euch für eure Unterstützung und die ganzen positiven Kommentare zu unserer Musik. Das freut uns unglaublich!! Euch gefällt die Musik von Phoenix West? Hier könnt ihr das Album bestellen (seit dem 8.4.2016 überall erhältlich): Amazon ► http://amzn.to/1ZktTqG itunes ► http://apple.co/1OPol60 Website: http://phoenix-west-musik.de Facebook: http://facebook.com/phoenixwestmusik Twitter: https://twitter.com/phoeni...
An 8 minute impression of Dj Distortion and RTC live at Ruhr in Love the 5th of july 2014. Gabber your ass off to the funky beats Deutschland! #RIL2014 Krakauer....
Das erste offizielle Musikvideo von Phoenix West - Rhein und Ruhr. Euch gefällt die Musik von Phoenix West? Hier könnt ihr das Album vorbestellen (ab 19.02.16 überall erhältlich): Amazon ► http://amzn.to/1ZktTqG itunes ► http://apple.co/1OPol60 Website: http://phoenix-west-musik.de Facebook: http://facebook.com/phoenixwestmusik Twitter: https://twitter.com/phoenixwestband Mehr zu Phoenix West: Das sind Chris Dunker, Philipp Ohleyer, Steffen Eckert und Martin Krieger. Vier Freunde, die sich über ihre gemeinsame Leidenschaft, die Musik, und ihre Begeisterung für den Ruhrpott, kennengelernt haben. "Rhein und Ruhr" ist der erste Titel aus dem am 19.2.2016 erscheinenden Debütalbum "Ohne Uns" und eine hymnische Liebeserklärung an die Heimat von Phoenix West. Beeindruckende Bilder stillgelegte...
Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Ruhr Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart c...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Essen: Travel Guide Germany: Botanic Garden, Essen Minster, Grugapark, Museum Folkwang, Schloss Borbeck, The Baldeneysee, The Old Synagogue, The Ruhr Museum, Villa Hügel, Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Zollverein Park
To be honest: the Ruhr area is not the typical tourist destination but suprisingly it has more to offer than you might think! Especially the combination of Coal and Culture in Essen - or more detailed: the transformation of the industrial area to the European capital of culture in 2010 - sparked my interest. Music: "Moving Forward" by Dmitry Lifsthiz Zeche Zollverein: www.zollverein.de Unperfekthaus: www.unperfekthaus.de Follow me: http://www.back-packer.org http://www.twitter.com/BackPackerSteve http://www.facebook.com/BackPackerBlog
Adolf Winkelmann is a film director from Dortmund, and his work is often an homage to the Ruhr region. See his favorite spots around town with Winkelmann' three tips for a trip to Dortmund. More on video on demand!
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. It is the third-most populous municipality in the European Union after London and Berlin, and the fourth-most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, London, and the Ruhr Area. Visit http://natgeotv.com.au/ for more information.
Cruising the Rhine River, we dodge riverboat traffic and the legendary Lorelei. After climbing castles and descending into dungeons, we relax with Rhine wine. We tour Burg Eltz — a lived-in castle where the noble lady still puts out fresh flowers. Then we enter the walled town of Rothenburg for Germany's best wood carving, a vivid dose of medieval punishment, and a tour with the night watchman of the town's lamp-lit ramparts. © 2002 Rick Steves' Europe
For over a century the German Ruhr area was dominated by the coal and steel industries. But today its 53 cities and more than five million inhabitants, see culture as its main resource. The Ruhr has transformed itself into the third largest urban area in Western Europe. And the EU has designated it the European Capital of Culture 2010, giving it the opportunity to stage 3000 cultural projects throughout the year. [Katharina Langsch, Marketing Director, RUHR.2010 GmbH]: "Most people from outside the Ruhr don't picture the area as particularly nice. Unfortunately that image isn't really up to date. Most people think the region is still muddy and covered with dust, that it's impossible to hang the laundry outside and that people sweat away here. But that isn't correct anymore." The o...
Visit Duisburg Zoo and Dolphinarium Rwe - Tourism in Duisburg Zoo and Dolphinarium Rwe Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube The Duisburg Zoo, founded on May 12, 1934, is one of the largest zoological gardens in Germany. It is especially well known for its dolphinarium and, since 1994, for breeding koalas. Far less well known are the breeding successes in other areas, for example, with fossas (civits from Madagascar) and Red River hogs. The zoo is located in the northern part of the Duisburg urban forest on the border with Mülheim on the Ruhr. Federal highway A 3 divides the zoo into western and an eastern parts, which are joined by a leafy country bridge. The highway is scarcely noticeable to the visitors. Dolphinarium The...
Places to see in ( Duisburg - Germany ) Duisburg - Germany is a German city in the western part of the Ruhr Area (Ruhrgebiet) in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is an independent metropolitan borough within Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf. With the world's biggest inland harbor and its proximity to Düsseldorf International Airport, Duisburg has become an important venue for commerce and steel production. Today's city is a result of numerous incorporations of surrounding towns and smaller cities. It is the twelfth-largest city in Germany and the fifth-largest city in North Rhine-Westphalia with 486,800 residents as of December 2012. The city is renowned for its steel industry. There is still one coal mine in operation, but Duisburg has never been a coal-mining center to the same extent as other pl...
Appreciated every word you said
Another hit, and I swear it's the last time
This should keep me in the straight and narrow
I'm such a sucker for the capital
She told me once, and that's all it took
To make me realize I'm starting over
It takes a strong boy, a strong push
And a reason to come clean
I've got a caddy, and a pistol
That says the light is turning green
There's sand grains in my hair
And love is in the air
So keep the rag top down
Because the sun's about to flicker out
There's no way
This closet's keeping me in here
I've got to break away
This gun is all that I've ever known
They took my lover away
Now I have upped the stakes
This confession is my only sin
Captivated by the passing lights
Incriminated by my growing up
And out of status premonitio is of their ways
I hold this curse at my arm's length out
I've got every reason to
My gut says, "Listen Up"