- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 3992107
Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment or some other benefit. Prostitution is sometimes described as commercial sex.
A person who works in this field is called a prostitute, and is a kind of sex worker. Prostitution is one of the branches of the sex industry. The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country (sometimes from region to region within a given country), ranging from being permissible but unregulated, to an enforced or unenforced crime, or a regulated profession. It is sometimes referred to euphemistically as "the world's oldest profession" in the English-speaking world. Estimates place the annual revenue generated by prostitution worldwide to be over $100 billion.
Prostitution occurs in a variety of forms. Brothels are establishments specifically dedicated to prostitution. In escort prostitution, the act may take place at the client's residence or hotel room (referred to as out-call), or at the escort's residence or a hotel room rented for the occasion by the escort (in-call). Another form is street prostitution. Although the majority of prostitutes identify as female and have male clients, there are also gay male prostitutes, lesbian prostitutes, and heterosexual male prostitutes.
Actors: Nate Archer (composer), Nate Archer (director), Nate Archer (producer), Marissa Johnson (actress), Micki Pellerano (editor), Micki Pellerano (producer), Micki Pellerano (director), Jay Honstetter (actor),
Genres: Short,Subscribe to Earth Touch now for more amazing nature http://goo.gl/thjT7W Sex sells ... all over the animal kingdom. Females from numerous species use prostitution to get what they want -- and males are eager to pay up. Penguins pay for lurve with rocks, beetles offer nuptial gifts & chimps may bargain with a fruit or two ... For many animals, sex is all about the right transaction. 04:00 Spotted bonobos where there should be chimps? Never fear -- we know our apes! The chimp's frisky cousins made the cut because the clip made us laugh ... and let's face it -- they love their monkey business more. In terms of anatomical accuracy, we challenge you to find any noticeable difference in their private proportions: http://bit.ly/MHJU8h; http://bit.ly/a1tQ0R Earth Touch on Facebook http://go...
'A Day In Zona Norte'. A short documentary. Life of a taco vendor and shoe shine boy among prostitutes and drug dealers in Tijuana. - Featured at Cannes Film Festival - Chris Morrow & Michael Hemmingson short presented at Cannes EP Marty Morrow
Should prostitution be legal in Every Country?
It's probably not actually the oldest profession–our money is on hunter-gatherer for that– but it might be close. Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 facts where we count down five random facts about a fascinating subject. Suggestion Tool►►http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest Subscribe►►http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo Facebook►►http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Twitter►►http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo Instagram►►http://instagram.com/watchmojo Channel Page►►http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Since almost all the research we found on the subject looked at the situations of female prostitutes engaged by men, that's what these facts focus on. Special thanks to our users christo or submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest ...
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The Sex Business: How Germany became "Europe's Bordello", and the dark side to the country's booming sex industry. Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnzD42u7lU Meet Italy's Most Famous Gigolo: http://youtu.be/bzRsMU0JFv0 Watch our report on the terrifying underbelly of Amsterdam's red light district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8wxROENdE Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=67628&bid;=2 It's known as the world's oldest profession, but with a number of 'megabrothels' due to open their doors across Germany, many are beginning to question the country's liberal attitude towards prostitution. "What makes this place so interesting is that you ca...
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