Donald Trump's revised travel ban omits Iraq but still doesn't please its critics

Donald Trump's revised travel ban omits Iraq but still doesn't please its critics

Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter. Call it the double espresso of news – the morning news kickstart for busy people who want to know what they need to know before they get going.

1. Trump's new travel order

Donald Trump has signed off on his second version of his so-called 'Muslim Ban' after his first was struck down by the courts. [Executive Order]

The second is drastically revised. It omits Iraq – which the US is partnering with to defeat Islamic State right now in Mosul and across the border in Syria. [Reuters]

It still applies to Iran, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It will not apply to existing visa holders and still bans refugees for 120 days, but it makes no distinction between refugees from Syria or elsewhere, as the previous order did.


Travel ban 2.0 has 10 days before it comes into effect (March 16) unlike the first order, which took effect immediately and sparked nationwide chaos. [Full summary of differences]

US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.Credit:AP

Optics wise, Trump signed this order off-camera (the White House later issued a photo) and sent out the Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, the Attorney-General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to address the media and set out the case for the ban. They did not take any questions.

The ACLU, which halted Trump's first travel ban, is vowing to take the second to court, describing it as "prejudice rewritten."

2. Aust politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Turnbull is considering a fresh push from within the bureaucracy to establish a Department of Homeland Security, which has been vigorously opposed every time it's been proposed. [Peter Hartcher/The Sydney Morning Herald]

This would be a bad idea, Hartcher elaborates in a comment piece. [Fairfax]

Iraq's Ambassador to Australia has warned of "sleeping colonies" of extremist recruiters using money to lure young Muslims to Islamic State. [Primrose Riordan/The Australian]

From me. A Liberal source tells me the WA party's polling is far worse than the published polls and Colin Barnett is bracing for a wipeout with polling conducted one week ago showing the Liberals behind 57-43. [Fairfax]

Labor's Treasury spokesman Chris Bowen looks to give an interesting speech to the Lowy Institute – he will argue the Coalition's preference for bilateral trade deals is the 'third-best outcome' and that Australia should be focusing on regional and multilateral deals, a slightly unfashionable view given the failure of the Doha trade talks and now the likely collapse of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Donald Trump opposes. [Philip Coorey/Financial Review]

Mark Kenny called the major organisations who called for Sunday penalty rates to be abolished on a Sunday and none of them answered. [Fairfax]

Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells wants to introduce a "reasonable person" test to resolve the deadlock over Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act which makes it unlawful to "insult" or "offend" a person based on their race. [Oped/The Australian]

Leadership speculation: Tony Abbott's friend Catherine McGregor says the former PM thinks Turnbull will fall after the budget but that he himself blew his chances at making a comeback by being too impatient, which is Tony Abbott in a nutshell, full stop. [The Daily Telegraph]

Abbott is back overseas – in Poland today and in London later this week.

3. The ABC

ABC Managing Director Michelle Guthrie.

ABC Managing Director Michelle Guthrie.Credit:Andrew Meares

Hundreds of middle and upper managers are set to lose their jobs in major redundancies to be announced today at the initiation of the ABC's new managing director Michelle Guthrie. [Quentin Dempster/The New Daily]

Meanwhile, News Corp, which owns Sky, is quoting female Sky News presenters criticising their rivals at the ABC for installing women into prominent broadcasting roles usually held by male presenters to mark International Women's Day. [The Daily Telegraph]

4. Murdoch's Sky bid

Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall and Lachlan Murdoch leave Kirribilli House after a Malcolm Turnbull event for big business in January.

Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall and Lachlan Murdoch leave Kirribilli House after a Malcolm Turnbull event for big business in January. Credit:Christopher Pearce

And in the UK, Murdoch's 21st Century Fox's bid to acquire Sky has hit a hurdle.

Culture Secretary Karen Bradley has given a statement to the Commons confirming she is referring the proposed takeover to the nation's communications regulator Ofcom.

The minister cited media plurality and News Corporation's behaviour in the past as two of the areas where she would be "minded" to intervene. This does not bode well for Murdoch, who already owns two newspapers in Britain – The Times and The Sun – as well as a stake in Sky.

But the minister told the Commons she has not taken a decision.

Labor's Tom Watson, who led the attack over the News of the World hacking scandal, immediately asked if Ofcom would consider evidence provided to the Leveson inquiry.

Ofcom can consider all evidence, the minister said.

An armed British police officer on security patrol outside the Ministry of Defence in London earlier this month.

An armed British police officer on security patrol outside the Ministry of Defence in London earlier this month. Credit:Bloomberg

Also making news in Britain: authorities say they have thwarted 13 Paris-style Islamic state inspired terror attacks since June 2013. [BBC]

5. Russia urges restraint after North Korean missiles

The Pentagon is leaving open the possibility that North Korea fired more than the four ballistic missiles that landed in the Sea of Japan.

"There may be a higher number of launches that we're not commenting on. But four landed and splashed in the Sea of Japan," a Pentagon spokesman said. [Reuters]

The missiles represent "a new kind of threat," says Japan's Shinzo Abe. [Japan Times]

Russia is urging restraint by "all parties" saying a "political and diplomatic" solution is needed. [Sputnik International]

6. French elections

Former French PM Alain Juppé says he will not seek to replace conservative candidate Francois Fillon ahead of next month's first presidential poll. Fillon is due to be placed under formal investigation next week. [France 24]

Juppé lost to Fillon in the primary. Ordinarily, a runner-up ruling themselves out once and for all would prompt a sigh of relief.

But Juppé says he's not running because it would be way too difficult to unite the party with voters drifting to centrist Macron and on the right to the Front National leader Marine Le Pen. [Reuters]

Gideon Rachman on the implications of the populist right in Europe and across the world and its effect in isolating Germany is an excellent read. [Financial Times]

And that's it from me today – you can follow me on Facebook for more.


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Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in London.

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