Federal Politics

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon is the political editor of The Age.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during his tour of the Snowy Hydro Tumut 3 power station.

Malcolm's power surge

When Malcolm Turnbull assumed the mantle of a nation-building prime minister this week, evoking the vision and courage of those who delivered Australia's biggest engineering project, he could have offered a silent prayer to his Liberal predecessors.

Pro- bono lawyer David Burke interviewing a Rohingya refugee applicant.

Slow track to dawn

Nasir* waited almost five years for the chance to state his case. Then he had just a single day to nail it.

Malcolm Turnbull responded with platitudes about how this is about "getting the balance right:.

Why Malcolm Turnbull show leadership on penalty rates

  Malcolm Turnbull needs to change tack if he is to have any prospect of neutralising the debate on Sunday penalty rates in the retail and hospitality industries, let alone winning it – and change tack fast.

Ken Wyatt is the most senior Indigenous MP in Parliament.

Be bold, but be prepared to bend, Wyatt implores

Indigenous Australians should think big, but be willing to compromise to ensure the referendum to recognise them in the constitution wins overwhelming support, the country's most senior Aboriginal politician, Ken Wyatt, has urged.

Minister for Employment Michaelia Cash and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull distanced themselves from the rates decision, ...

The rise of blah-blah politics

There is an important discussion to be had about the penalty rates decision, but our politicians appear incapable of engaging in it, much less leading it.