Category Archives:
US Politics

‘NYT’ runs U.S. propaganda on Russian crimes– without even a comment thread

Donald Johnson on

In eulogizing the late Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin in the New York Times, Samantha Power may be describing how she sees herself: someone who wants peace but works within the system and covers up or whitewashes the brutal atrocities supported by the government she represents. This piece might be a kind of absolution Power is granting herself. But why is the NYT publishing this propaganda?

Israel’s neverending occupation is bringing ‘infamy’ to Jews worldwide, making Jewish life ‘precarious’ — Tony Klug

Philip Weiss on

Israel’s neverending occupation is not just endangering Palestinians, but changing the nature of what it means to be Jewish, from a justice-loving people to one that supports injustice. Diaspora Jews must demand that Israel end its occupation, lest their own situation in the west become precarious. Tony Klug’s speech at J Street last weekend.

Wave of bomb threats renews charge that anti-Semitism is fueled by BDS

Alex Kane on

Every Jewish group in the United States is rattled for one reason: Since Donald Trump’s election, 90 bomb threats have been called in to 73 Jewish Community Centers. But while Jewish activists are united in worry over the anti-Semitism, there is is a stark, albeit expected, divide on one question: whether the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel over human rights abuses is helping fuel the uptick in anti-Semitism in the U.S. Right-wing Jewish groups have cast BDS as a threat not only to Israel, but to Jews around the world. Left-wing groups that criticize Israel, though, say that this conflation obscures the roots of anti-Semitism, and is more about shutting up dissent than combatting anti-Jewish hatred.

Name the six countries the U.S. is bombing in the Middle East

Philip Weiss on

Ilan Goldenberg, Democratic foreign policy hawk, says the US is bombing six countries in the Middle East, and that’s the way our role of guarantor of trade and stability works. And the Iran Deal is “the Obamacare of foreign policy”– Donald Trump won’t be able to rip it up.

The 50th anniversary of the occupation will rock the Jewish establishment

Philip Weiss on

In three months the American Jewish community is going to hit an iceberg called the Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the occupation/Six Day War. The collision is going to change the Jewish establishment. The fractures that have been developing for years over Israel are going to break out in public agony. The anniversay will change the American Jewish relationship to Israel forever, as the Six Day War did 50 years go.

Palestinian Americans find Trump’s stance on Israel/Palestine, Friedman appointment ‘severely distressing’

Sheren Khalel on

Donald Trump’s pick for the U.S. ambassador to Israel has turned out to be one of the most controversial appointments in recent years, with five former U.S. ambassadors to Israel condemning the pick, calling David Friedman “unqualified for the position” due to his “extreme, radical positions.” While Friedman’s appointment has also been condemned by Jewish Americans as well as international human rights groups, Palestinian Americans, in particular, feel disenfranchised by the prospect of a Friedman appointment.

DNC debate batters Trump– but Israel support must be ‘bipartisan,’ says Ellison

Philip Weiss on

The subject of Israel and Jews came up very early in last night’s debate on CNN of the eight candidates to be Democratic National Committee chairperson. The job is to be voted on by the DNC this weekend in Atlanta. During the debate one candidate after another denounced Trump on one issue after another, and put down the donor class of the Democratic Party too, in favor of the grassroots. But on the issue of Israel conservative bipartisanship is the only way, officially.

On rewards against terror and for justice

Marc H. Ellis on

The Council on Islamic Affairs (CAIR) has offered a $5,000 award for anyone with knowledge of those threatening Jewish community centers in the United States. Violence has to be condemned unequivocally. If the center of American democracy is to hold under Trump’s assault, all hands against violence must be on deck. But the level of incitement against Muslims and the undocumented, now extending to Jewish institutions, isn’t simply a Trump phenomena. Jews aren’t only victims in this cycle. These same Jewish institutions now under threat contribute to the cycle of violence they are now threatened with.

Trump is putting the crunch on liberal Zionism

Philip Weiss on

Liberal Zionism has never been under so much pressure as it is in the Trump era. For two reasons: Trump has rendered the death of the two-state solution a naked reality that is no longer deniable. And liberals who are vocally resisting Trump must affirm values that are inconsistent with Israel as it has turned out. Liberal Zionists and anti-Zionists must form a new coalition for progress, and liberal Zionists will have to give up their illusion of a Jewish, democratic state.

After exciting disruptions, David Friedman hearing is a walk in the park

Philip Weiss on

A repentant David Friedman, Donald Trump’s nominee to be the next ambassador to Israel, got an easy ride at the Senate Foreign Relations committee this morning. The most exciting part of the hearing were the first few minutes, as Friedman’s opening statement was interrupted repeatedly by protesters.