Category Archives:
Middle East

Finders Keepers in the Holy Land: So who was there first?

Fathi Nemer on

We must reject the “who was here first?” argument about national rights in Palestine. Then we can focus on the real history. Our pasts intersected throughout the centuries. We must stop viewing Palestinian and Jewish histories as competing, mutually exclusive entities.

While Justin Trudeau continues to aid and abet Israel, Canadians awaken to the reality that the peace process was a charade all along

Dimitri Lascaris on

A poll, conducted in January and February 2017, exposes a vast divide between Canadian government policy and public opinion when it comes to Israel. The poll found that 66% of respondents who expressed a view consider Canadian government sanctions on Israel to be a reasonable means of ensuring Israel’s compliance with international law. An even higher proportion of respondents (78%) believe that the Palestinian call for a boycott is also a reasonable means of ensuring Israel’s respect for international law. Although a large majority of Canadians are now receptive to sanctions and a boycott, the recently elected government of Justin Trudeau is continuing Stephen Harper’s inglorious tradition of aiding and abetting Israel at every opportunity.

The emergence of the Just Jew

Yoav Litvin on

When Netanyahu embraced Trump, he exemplified the collusion between Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism. In fact, it is now clear that the Israeli government cannot protect- and does not represent liberal Jews who wish to live in peace within diverse communities around the world, or within Israel itself.

Poll: Canada’s politicians drastically out of touch with public on Israel

Dimitri Lascaris on

A new poll finds that 46 percent of Canadians, including a majority of those who support every party but the Conservatives, hold a negative view of Israel. The Canadian government is seen to have a pro-Israel bias by 61 percent of respondents, while 91 percent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic. These results suggest that Canada’s big political parties are out of step with Canadians on these issues.

In Trump’s world, money talks, and Saudi Arabia gets a free pass

Medea Benjamin on

In Trump’s world where money talks, poor Yemenis are banned from entering the United States (and are killed back home) and Syrians fleeing violence are portrayed as terrorists, while Saudi princes who cling to power by torturing and beheading dissidents get safe passage to their luxury digs in Manhattan’s Trump Towers.

Carded at Erez crossing

Alice Rothchild on

What the mainstream press leaves out: January 8 killings of four soldiers in Jerusalem were likely result of a young Palestinian man losing all hope as well as the ability to cope in an increasingly oppressive situation, targeting the people who have made his life a misery, writes Alice Rothchild.

Why the Personal Has Always Been Political: an Iranian-American reflects on the Trump executive order on refugees

Noushin Framke on

Noushin Framke was born in Iran in 1960 into a family where politics was ubiquitous and permeated every layer of life. Her father was a political prisoner under the last Shah’s regime; he had been rounded up with many writers and intellectuals after the 1953 CIA coup. Now, she reflects on President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from Iran and how a family that has always been obsessed with politics is coping.

Burying bad news in the killing fields of Yemen

Daniel Margrain on

Two years of Saudi-led coalition bombing of Yemen has culminated in a situation in which 18.8 million people are now in need of some form of humanitarian aid. Britain and the U.S. are implicated in Saudi war crimes, but the western press has largely ignored the atrocities.

Yes, this is really apartheid

Alice Rothchild on

The Stop the Wall movement in Palestine began a dozen years ago and has transformed the international struggle: bringing people together based on human rights to end the occupation, end racial discrimination towards Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, and to support the right of return for refugees.