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Open Letter: Against the blacklisting of activists and writers

Open Letter on

The cancellation of a lecture by journalist Rania Khalek, who was invited to speak on the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill campus by Students for Justice in Palestine on February 27, 2017, raises important issues of tactics and strategy within movements for social change. An open letter from journalists, intellectuals, and activists says in part, “when a group seeking justice in Palestine subjects speakers or members to a political litmus test related to their views on Syria, it inevitably leads to splits, silencing, confusion, and a serious erosion of trust. It runs contrary to the possibility of people learning from one another, changing their minds, and educating one another through their activism. Disagreements about political issues exist inside every movement coalition. They must not be made fodder for targeted vilification of activists in the movement.”

Justin Trudeau’s choice

Carlos Latuff on

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is out of step with his own people when he opposes sanctions on Israel’s conduct. A cartoon by Carlos Latuff.

Rabbi Sacks endorses religious crimes in video against BDS

Michael Lesher on

In less than 10 minutes of a whiteboard video on BDS, eminent British Rabbi Jonathan Sacks manages to endorse apartheid on religious grounds, shred principles of international law in favor of religious violence, and to demonize an entire people — because they don’t happen to be Jews.

Israel and Palestine: Settler colonialism and academic freedom

Ilan Pappé on

Ilan Pappe: I call upon the German public and media to treat individuals who challenge zionist belief systems fairly, not only but especially within the academia. This entails the space to express their views and to engage in public debate without fearing to be smeared and degraded.

Breaking the cycle of violence and inequality: an end to individualism and the hope in collaboration

Yoav Litvin on

The human race is in a state of crisis. Inequality is growing, our planet is dying and we are divided, lonely and frightened. Abandoning notions of individualism within a rigid hierarchical system and embracing egalitarian collaboration and movement building can lead to the formation of novel, transformative and sustainable approaches, which can break the cycle of violence and inequality

BDS activists score a first victory in Ecuador

Palestinian BDS National Committee on

A Quito-based research institute — the International Center for Advanced Studies in Communications for Latin America (CIESPAL) — decided against renewing its contract with the British security company G4S after meeting with BDS activists who informed it about G4S’s complicity with Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.

Open Letter to Progressive Jews: The ADL and AJC are not our allies

Mondoweiss Editors on

In an open letter to progressive Jews, Jewish activists says this moment calls for a strong, broad, united front against the Trump administration’s agenda but there are groups within the Jewish community that progressives should not stand beside: “Specifically, we refer to the February 12 rallies in support of refugees in which Jewish social justice groups cosponsored the action with, among others, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), two organizations that have toxic anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian policies.”

Despite fawning praise in press, Batsheva receives a cold welcome in Brooklyn for complicity in occupation

Jesse Rubin on

As the Batsheva Dance Company winds its way across North America, the media has clamored to laud the show on its artistic merits, glossing over the political implications of the group’s visit. However dozens of protestors welcomed the group to Brooklyn this weekend, calling attention to its role in the Brand Israel program which seeks to take attention away from the Israeli occupation.