

German discounter Aldi starts online sales in China this month, using Australian suppliers

German discount supermarket chain Aldi is planning to start online sales in China this month, hoping to appeal to Chinese consumers with a selection of wine, snack and breakfast products.

The company will sell its own brand products via online platform Tmall Global, operated by Alibaba, and will use its Australian suppliers to serve the Chinese market, it said in a statement on Thursday.

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An initial "soft launch" on March 20, which typically sees a product offered to a limited audience, will be followed by a full launch event in Shanghai on April 25, Aldi said. It's speculated stores will also be launched. 

One person with knowledge of Aldi's China operation said Aldi was moving "slowly and sensibly" on China, increasing orders only slightly for the six months to August.

Aldi has company in selling products through Tmall. Australia's biggest supermarket, Woolworths, has been selling hundreds of products there for more than a year.

It sells products such as baby formula, vitamins, Australian almonds, Weet-Bix cereal, diet powder, UHT milk and Lucas' Pawpaw Ointment. 


While Woolworths has repeatedly stated that Australia is its focus, it said its sales to China were progressing well.

​Contacted about Aldi's China plans late last year, a spokeswoman for the company told BusinessDay the site would sell "non-chilled" groceries and wine, and the "majority of these products will be sourced from Aldi's existing Australian suppliers."

She wouldn't say how many Australian suppliers would be supplying the Chinese site. 

​The spokeswoman said, "We know there is a strong demand among Chinese consumers for Australian manufactured products and our goal is to provide a competitively priced alternative for shoppers seeking quality groceries.

Lebensmittel Zeitung's German retail blog downplayed the likely contribution from Australian suppliers, citing "experts close to the company" as saying Aldi "intends to create a truly local assortment with products 'made in Germany' as a topping".

Alibaba Europe manager Terry von Bibra said the Chinese middle-class was becoming more and more interested in "Made in Germany" products.

German discount chains are increasingly expanding abroad, with rival Lidl saying last month it would open its first stores in the United States this summer.

The Chinese foray is being run by Aldi South, which also owns Aldi US and runs the chain in Britain. It entered the Australian market more than 15 years ago.

Reuters with BusinessDay