

Cartoonist Bill Leak 'did everything to extremes'

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Bill Leak wished Mark Latham had stayed longer in politics. The cartoonist thought Latham had the head for it, literally.

"He was heaven-sent because he didn't have any back to his head," Leak told the broadcaster Mark Colvin in 2012, when asked which politicians were good to draw.

"If you looked at his head in profile … it was a bit like a fence post just poking out of a collar or a pole poking out of a collar and then just with this great big bulbous nose on the front. But no shape at the back."

Leak, who died on Friday of a heart attack aged 61, cared about the shape of things.

He saw Kevin Rudd as Tintin, because his head was so round. He noted that Bob Hawke was living testament to the adage that a man's ears and nose keep growing as he ages.

He loved the "artistry" of the Herald's cryptic crossword (only when compiled by David Astle) and he loved Cezanne.


It is easy to forget, given the recent controversy Leak stirred up over his cartoon depicting a neglected Aboriginal child, published by his long-time employer The Australian, that he was an artist before he was a controversialist, and he was an illustrator before he was a provocateur.

"You see all the hate out there for him on Twitter, it doesn't marry with who he is," said Herald cartoonist John Shakespeare, who knew Leak from his time at Fairfax Media.

Leak, a brilliant raconteur, spoke at Shakespeare's wedding, much to the chagrin of the writer Matthew Condon, who had to speak after him.

"He was the funniest and most generous person I met in my life. A really loveable guy. He was bright and well read," Shakespeare said. "He did everything to extremes. He found it hard to be moderate."

Leak, who spent much of his adult life struggling with drugs and alcohol, had reportedly been sober for several years, following a dreadful accident in 2008, which resulted in a brain injury. His Wikipedia page says he fell off a balcony while trying to feed African grey parrots and gang-gang cockatoos. He loved birds.

Journalist Leigh Sales met Leak over a decade ago. The pair was very close. To him, she was "dear ginger nut".

"People forget he used to be a real darling of the left, he hated John Howard," Sales said on Friday. "He could never do anything by halves, he was all in or all out. There was a feeling he was invincible."

He loved like that, too, says Sales.

"I never did anything less than brilliant, according to him. If he loved you, he was loyal."

Leak sent Sales presents – books, a sheepskin rug for her baby, and any cartoon of his she admired.

Leak offended many with his cartoons, and he was fierce in defending his freedom to draw what he pleased.

He held his nerve in the face of complaints to the Human Rights Commission over his works, and in the face of death threats against him after he drew a cartoon depicting Mohammed.

He had to move out of his home. Friends say it rattled him, but it didn't stop him. He railed against political correctness and what he saw as "Chronic Truth Aversion Disorder".

Leak worked obsessively, even after his accident. He woke early, he walked his dog, he did the cryptic, and he sat down to fine-trawl the news in search of a subject. Once he lit upon it, he would draw until late.

He is survived by his wife, Goong, his stepdaughter Tasha and his sons Johannes and Jasper.

The Australian's editor-in-chief Paul Whittaker described Leak as "a giant in his field of cartooning and portraiture and a towering figure for more than two decades" at the newspaper and said he was "simply irreplaceable".

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in a statement he couldn't believe Leak was dead.

"Who had more life, more energy than him? So many more cartoons to draw, paintings to paint, politicians to satirise – so many more lives to enhance with his wit, his brilliance, his good friendship."