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WA defeat shows 'PM must embrace centre'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull distanced himself from the WA election campaign.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been warned he must embrace the political centre, rather than the far right, after voter anger at a preference deal between One Nation and the Liberal Party helped deliver a massive loss for the Liberals at the West Australian election.

Amsterdam thwarts Turkish ministers

A Dutch riot policeman tries to get his dog to let go of a man after riots broke out at the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam.

Turkish Family Affairs Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya was prevented from entering her country's mission in Rotterdam and escorted to the border by police.

Turnbull, Musk 'pick each other's brains' over energy storage

PM Malcolm Turnbull spoke to the Tesla CEO for an hour on Sunday.

Tesla's Elon Musk may have garnered maximum publicity with his offer last week to solve South Australia's power crisis for free if he did not deliver with 100 days of signing a contract, but neither the Prime Minister nor South Australia's Premier are in a hurry to take him up on the offer.

Markets pause ahead of Fed rate call

Investors are increasingly open to the idea of global central banks tapping the brake on the flood of easy money ...

Global equities have fallen into a bit of a rut, local shares too, as investors wait to hear whether the US central bank raises interest rates this week.

WA's new government faces tough turnaround task

Western Power's possible sale is likely to be off the agenda with the change of government.

New WA Premier Mark McGowan has promised to get straight to work after leading Labor to one of the state's biggest election victories, as voters swept aside a Liberal-National coalition blamed for squandering the state's resources boom and racking up record debt

We tried... a Blood n Bones nose to tail dinner

The entree plate with deep fried chicken feet, prawn heads and trout roe.

I have three irrational fears - the first is flying (somewhat rational), the second is being touched by fish (don't even get me started) and the third is that if I eat squid tentacles the suction caps will suction onto my oesophagus. So it goes without saying, I'm very visually affected when it comes to eating.

Hope shines in Pies' first home-ground win

Moana Hope had a good game against the Giants.

Under-pressure Collingwood marquee Moana Hope finally showed fans why she was held in such high regard pre-season, as she kicked two goals and set up a couple more in the Pies' big win over GWS on Sunday.