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Plan to safeguard suburbs as Melbourne's population heads to 8 million

Strict new height limits will be introduced across Melbourne's suburbs to ward off "inappropriate development", as the city prepares to swell to 8 million people within a generation.

In a refreshed 33-year plan for the city, the Andrews government has promised to assess every metropolitan region for its capacity to accommodate new housing.

The government will assess every metropolitan region for its capacity to accommodate new housing. Photo: Paul Rovere

If trends continue, the western and northern suburbs will experience the largest population growth, becoming home to 3.5 million people by 2051.

But there will be no change to the urban growth boundary, with the government instead to ensure a break between the urban sprawl of Melbourne and the outskirts of Geelong.

Every region will be assessed for its capacity to accommodate new housing. Photo: Glen McCurtayne

Huge swaths of suburbia will be given stronger protections, in response to concerns about overdevelopment.

Planning Minister Richard Wynne said he would introduce mandatory height limits in neighbourhood and general residential zones, which cover about 57 per cent of zoned land in the city.

Developers will be able to build to only two storeys, or nine metres, in the neighbourhood residential zones. In the general residential zone, the height limit will be raised from nine to 11 metres, but the rule will be mandatory.

The previous controls were discretionary, which meant developers could build higher if they could argue their case successfully to the council or VCAT.

"Discretionary basically meant go as hard as you can and push the heights as far as you can," Mr Wynne said.

"We want to ensure that is no longer the case and there is certainty."

The residential growth zone (which covers less than 1 per cent of zoned land) will remain at a discretionary 13.5-metre height limit, or four storeys.

In the next 34 years, it's predicted Melbourne's population will swell to a size close to London and New York City.

The inner-south east, which includes suburbs such as Brighton and Camberwell will experience the smallest growth, welcoming another 230,000 people, bringing its population to 761,000.

But the booming west will continue to rapidly expand.

It is expected almost one million people will flood into areas like Footscray, Altona and Caroline Springs, with the west reaching a population of 1.76 million by 2051.

While Mr Wynne said the government was "up to the challenge" of the huge influx of people to the city, transport expert John Stanley said regional cities may be needed to take some pressure off Melbourne.

Plan Melbourne was first released by former planning minister, now opposition leader, Matthew Guy, but was criticised by some leading urban planners, including Roz Hansen, for failing to properly address key issues such as climate change and public transport provisions.

Professor Hansen sat on the ministerial advisory committee for the refreshed plan. She said 79 of the committee's 93 recommendations had been adopted.

"I think that is certainly a very positive step forward," Professor Hansen said.

"But I think the real test of this strategy will be the implementation in terms of how the rubber hits the road."

A new implementation plan includes 112 actions to plan for the future growth of the city.

As the population hurtles from 4.5 million to close to 8 million, the government will be working with cemetery trusts to secure locations for future cemeteries and crematoria.

There will also be a specific plan for statewide golf facilities, "given the increasing pressures for some golf courses to be rezoned for residential use".

The government will seek to acquire land for future transport projects, as well as retaining the land set aside for long-promised projects such a rail link to Melbourne Airport.

A new airport in the south-east region has also been flagged, with plans in the next two to five years to finalise a preferred site past Koo Wee Rup.

"Climate change risks" will be incorporated into infrastructure planning, as the government works with councils to develop tree targets for each of the metropolitan regions.