Tuesday, September 30, 2014

All Pueblo Council of Governors opposes Escalade development in Grand Canyon

Save the Confluence photo
Hopi and Pueblo cite Escalade Project as threat to religious freedom

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans NAIS

ALBUQUERQUE -- The All Pueblo Council of Governors voted to oppose the Grand Canyon Escalade project on sacred land near where the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers converge.
The Pueblo Council joined Hopis when the Council passed the resolution opposing the project, stating that the tram and tourism development would violate sacred springs and prayer places and violate the final resting place of ancestors. Already Hopis cited the development as a threat to religious freedom.
Navajos living in Bodaway Gap, on the western edge of the Navajo Nation, have been fighting the project. The Save the Confluence website describes the fragile ecosystem and the threat to the traditional Dine' way of life.
Among the Confluence Partners pushing for the development is former Navajo President Albert Hale. Hale resigned as Navajo president during a financial corruption probe of his office, and exposure in Navajo Times of a public affair with his press secretary, and was quickly appointed to fill a vacancy in the Arizona Legislature by the governor.
In September, Hopi Chief of Staff Marilyn Fredericks, on behalf of the office of Hopi Chairman Herman Honanie, released the following statement, after the Zuni Pueblo, Acoma Pueblo and Laguna Pueblo joined the Hopi Tribe in opposing the Grand Canyon Escalade project.
"The Pueblo people have historically come together to join forces against threats to their land, culture and lifeways.
"On Aug. 18 another historical coming together to protect the confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado River took place in Zuni Pueblo and resulted in unanimous opposition to the Grand Canyon Escalade Project by the Governors of Zuni Pueblo, Acoma Pueblo, Laguna Pueblo and the Hopi Tribe. Ongtuppqa, the Grand Canyon, is spiritually significant to the Hopi, Zuni, Acoma and Laguna people.
"Hopi Tribal Chairman Herman G. Honanie, Vice-Chairman Alfred Lomahquahu, Hopi Tribal Council Members George Mase and Lamar Keevama, Zuni Pueblo Governor Arlen P. Quetawki, Sr., Acoma Pueblo Governor Fred S. Vallo, Sr., and Laguna Pueblo Governor Richard B. Laurkie, all voiced their unanimous opposition on behalf of their respective governments.
"In 2012, when Hopi religious leaders voiced their concerns related to sacred sites, the Hopi Tribe enacted Resolution H-113-2012 in opposition to the Escalade Project. The Hopi Tribe called on other tribes, the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona, National Congress of American Indians, and the National Park Service to join the Hopi Tribe in opposing the commercial development. Since that time the Hopi Tribe has voiced its concerns to the Navajo Council, to Navajo President Shelly and we are actively pursuing all avenues of opposition to the Grand Canyon Escalade Project.
"On June 16 Zuni Pueblo enacted Resolution No. M70-2014-Q066, asserting aboriginal and ancestral ties to the Grand Canyon, their relationship with the Canyon through sacred sites, shrines, springs and pilgrimages to the Canyon and strong opposition to the proposed Grand Canyon Escalade project.
"On August 20 the Zuni Pueblo and Hopi Tribe formalized their opposition by petitioning the All Pueblo Council of Governors to support the coalition of the Hopi Tribe, Zuni, Acoma and Laguna Pueblos in their sincere efforts to protect the confluence against commercial development and wrongful exploitation that threatens traditional cultural properties shared by several tribes who have a direct religious connections to the Grand Canyon.
"Should the Grand Canyon Escalade Project become a reality, several identified sacred shrines will be disturbed or erased. Sacred sites cannot simply be moved or documented under federal regulations called "mitigation." Adverse impact on the animals, plants, water and landscape is inevitable as they are part of life present in the canyon and deserve reverence and respect.
"The Grand Canyon, the Confluence, and the Little Colorado River all have place names that have significance to Native Americans and the general public, described as a "church without a roof" in the New York Times on Aug. 10, 2014. However, it is much, much more to the Hopi Tribe. The geological landscape of the Grand Canyon is part of the aboriginal lands of the first inhabitants of the Colorado Plateau. The Zuni, Laguna, Acoma and Hopi will continue to exercise their religious obligations and pilgrimages to the ancestral sacred sites in the Grand Canyon. Ongtupqa, in its natural state, is certainly eligible as a World Heritage Site and the Hopi Tribe calls on Ann Kirkpatrick and the Arizona Delegation to join the Hopi, Zuni, Acoma and Laguna pueblos to protect this National Heritage Site.
"The entire region of the Grand Canyon and Colorado Rivers continues to be under threats that will forever change the landscape. It is of paramount importance that the Grand Canyon Escalade Project be seen as a very real threat to the religious freedom of Native Americans who view the Grand Canyon as their place of worship," the Hopi chairman's office said.

Guest column: Colorado River tribes should oppose Escalade Confluence project

By Gertrude Multine

Tuba City, Arizona

Letter to the editor:

An open letter to the Navajo Nation Tribal Council:

I urge you to oppose the Grand Canyon Escalade project that has come to you for approval. Please consider the following reasons for my opposition in your deliberations.

Protester “chipmunks” obstruct work at Utah tar sands mine; 5 arrested

Protester “chipmunks” obstruct work at Utah tar sands mine; 5 arrested

A masked person gives a double thumbs up in front of stopped machine. (hi res)
Press Contact:
Raphael Cordray
Sept. 30, 2014 | For Immediate Release
PR SPRINGS, Utah–Protesters again stopped work at the construction site of the first tar sands mine in the US.  Five people were later arrested and jailed but the campaign to stop the mine said the resistance will not relent until all tar sands plans are canceled.
By moving quickly through the site to obstruct numerous construction vehicles, just a handful of speedy protesters were able to shut down the enormous construction project on a sprawling 213 acres in Utah’s Book Cliffs.
The action took place Sept. 23.
“Direct, physical intervention is necessary to halt the completion of this toxic project,” said one protester. “If just five percent of those people at the People’s Climate March in New York City came to Utah, we could shut down tar sands construction for good–and probably get away with it.”
Two masked people sit with several large construction vehicles halted in the background. (hi res)
A playful video of the action released by Utah Tar Sands Resistance shows protesters donning chipmunk masks, running, dancing and posing for pictures among the many halted machines.
Despite the humor, protesters say Utah tar sands development threatens the safety of drinking water for 40 million people and would cause irreparable damage to the land, including clear-cutting of old-growth juniper, fir and pine forest.
US Oil Sands began major construction of their strip mine in 2014 and hopes for commercial sales beginning sometime in 2015. Hundreds of people have participated in actions disrupting construction work this year, vowing to prevent functioning of the mine. Including the new five defendants, 27 people from Utah and throughout the Americas are facing criminal charges in connection with protest actions.
Construction of the mine is scheduled to end this month due to oncoming winter conditions. Protesters have vowed to return in the spring.
Utah Tar Sands Resistance received the following communique from the “chipmunks”:
The tar sands industry is not threatened by symbolic media actions. Direct physical intervention is necessary to halt the completion of this toxic project. What we did was necessary, but it was not enough. We need more people to intervene to roll back US Oil Sands’ assault on land, water, plants, animals and indigenous sovereignty. We encourage everyone to act to halt construction and note that it is no one’s duty to hand themselves over to the state each time they disrupt dangerous projects. We knew we were risking arrest of ourselves or nearby friends who weren’t even involved in this action, and we do not regret our actions. But please, anyone who is able: disrupt the tar sands industry, halt construction and operations and get away with it! Hundreds of thousands of people Sept. 21 marched in New York City just to have a parade for the media. If just 5 percent of those people came to Utah and engaged in direct action, we could shut down tar sands construction for good–and probably get away with it. Our friends who were arrested were subjected to abuse and trasmisogyny from police and jailers that left all of us in a state of terror regarding the welfare of our trans woman friend who was kept in solitary confinement–where the jailers had ample access to abuse her without witnesses, a regular occurrence for incarcerated trans people. No justice seeker should feel compelled to subject themselves or their friends to this kind of state-sponsored abuse that comes with arrest and jail just to live up to some class-privileged individuals’ problematic views on what types of protest deserve respect. Lastly, the video of the chipmunk work stoppage on US Oil Sands’ strip mine project–occurring on stolen Ute land–demonstrates this company’s blatant disregard for the life and safety of people on the work site. US Oil Sands CEO Cameron Todd made claims in the media that workers stop work immediately if anyone is present on the worksite–a requirement of federal safety regulations. But the video shows what we’ve seen again and again: rampant deviation from this guidance and thus rampant violations of safety regulations. KBR-contracted Stubbs and Stubbs’ reaction to our presence echoes their disregard for the amazing ecosystems of the Book Cliffs and beyond, and the lives that they are systematically poisoning and destroying. 

Devastation of mining and war silenced at Indigenous World Conference

Devastation of mining and war censored, Pacific Islanders withdraw support for Indigenous World Conference
Protest in Toronto of Hudbay mine in Guatemala
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

French translation by Christine Prat
Mining is among the leading causes of murder, rape, assassinations and disappearances of Indigenous Peoples globally.
However the non-profits, especially those at the United Nations, are strangely silent about the fact.
The seizure of land, water and resources for mining, and the violence against Indigenous Peoples defending these, should be a priority at the UN, with coal, uranium and metals mining topping the list.
Another leading threat to Indigenous Peoples is nuclear dumping and the effect of war, especially on women and children. As revealed in this statement by Pacific Islanders, demilitarization was censored at the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/09/demilitarization-censored-pacific.html
Kalamaoka’aina Niheu, of the Pacific Caucus, said, “It is with great sadness and outrage to find at the 11th hour that Paragraph 21 regarding Demilitarization has been removed from the Outcome Document.”
“For this reason, Ohana Koa –Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific can no longer consent to our participation in the High Level Plenary Meeting (HLPM) also known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP).”
There is no mention of mining or militarization in the outcome document for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, held in New York in September:
The censorship of the voices for peace, and against mining and war, is not new in Indian country.
Louise Benally, Dine' (Navajo) resisting Peabody Coal's coal mining, forced relocation and US militarization, was censored by Indian Country Today when she opposed the Iraq war, comparing it to the genocidal forced Long Walk of Navajos.
Remembering her great-grandfather forced on the Long Walk to the prison camp at Fort Sumner, N.M., Benally said, “The U.S. military first murders your people and destroys your way of life while stealing your culture, then forces you to learn their evil ways of lying and cheating." http://bsnorrell.tripod.com/id78.html

In October, Pacific Islanders will block the world's largest coal port in canoes.

Thirty Pacific Climate Warriors from 12 different islands will arrive on Australian shores to stand up to the coal and gas industry. "We are now excited to announce that on October 17th, the Pacific Climate Warriors will use the canoes they have built to paddle out into the harbour of the world’s largest coal port – Newcastle – to stop coal exports for a day."

For permission to repost this article brendanorrell@gmail.com

Mt Polley Disaster: Action on Oct 1, 2014

Emergency Action Oct. 1, 2014

We are calling upon communities to join us this Wednesday, October 1, at 12 PM for an emergency province wide action in solidarity with the Klabona Keepers to shut down Imperial Metals. Drum, sing, take the streets, rally, sit in, be creative and gather with your networks to stand up against the Mt.Polley disaster and keep Imperial Metals from destroying yet another integral salmon-bearing watershed!

This afternoon the Klabona Keepers in alliance with the Secwepemc lit an estsu kun’desk’āke (Grandmothers Fireplace) at the entrance of Imperial Metals Red Chris Mine to gather the Indigenous and settler communities to unite, and in one voice demand action. This fire is lit under the collective jurisdictions of all Nations connected by the water and the salmon and has been lit to halt the Red Chris Imperial Metals mine operations until further notice out of concern for their community of Iskut, which is located only 18km away from the mine site.

On August 4th, 2014, Imperial Metals Mount Polley mine unleashed billions of gallons of toxic wastewater into the deepest glacier fed lake in the world and into the river host to second largest salmon run in the world. It is common knowledge that sudden and catastrophic failure is a consistent and major risk of all large tailings storage facilities using earthen dams. The bigger the dam, the higher the risk. The Imperial Metals Red Chris mine's storage facility in Tahltan territory is much larger and uses the same structure and technology as the Mount Polley Mine and so it is not a question of if, but when the storage facility would breach and destroy yet another integral salmon-bearing watershed, the Stikine River of the Tahltan territory.

Day 56: Secwepemc Blockade Imperial Metals Mine

Day 56: Secwepemc Blockade Imperial Metals Mine

By Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe Camp
Censored News

On Day 56 of the disaster we are burning. The sacred fire lit by the Secwepemc women on August 18th 2014 at the Imperial Metals Mount Polley Mine site has spread, is spreading. 

We spend the morning at the Klabona Keepers hunting blockade finalizing plans and then acting them out. It's time. After our presentation and meeting on Imperial Metals Mount Polley mine, the Klabona Keepers, the Tahltan elders come to a consensus decision. Now is the time to mobilize.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Demilitarization Censored: Pacific Islanders withdraw support for Indigenous World Conference

"What happens at the UN when indigenous peoples even attempt to speak to the issue of demilitarization? We are forced to leave the "process" with the one thing we cannot even consider bargaining away: our conscience." -- Noho Hewa

Statement by Kalamaoka’aina Niheu
Ohana Koa-NFIP
Censored News

Aloha kakou,
It is with great sadness and outrage to find at the 11th hour that Paragraph 21 regarding Demilitarization has been removed from the Outcome Document.
For this reason, Ohana Koa –Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific can no longer consent to our participation in the High Level Plenary Meeting (HLPM) also known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP).
At every stage in the process on the road to the HLPM, demilitarization has been a critical demand for the different regions throughout the world. Its removal at this stage indicates a gross disregard for one of the key issues facing our community and an indication of the lack of strength of this document.
Military violence, occupation, transport, storage, practice, and construction have been the cornerstone for the destruction of all Indigenous Peoples. For what reason have we been forced to watch as our culture, lands, and peoples are destroyed and abused for economic gain? Because political power grows out of the barrel of their guns.

Listen: Are Indigenous Issues sold out at the UN?

Indigenous Peoples' summit pushed out of the spotlight

Updated 29 September 2014, 11:54 AEST
During a frantic week in New York when world leaders gathered to discuss climate change and the security situation in Syria and Iraq, a meeting of the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples has largely slipped under the radar.
Many of the delegates wanted to be involved with the climate discussions, which they consider to be vital to the future of their peoples, but conveners controversially ruled out climate change from the agenda, as well as the thorny issue of demilitarisation.
Kalama Oka Aina Niheu from Hawaii is a member of the Pacific Caucus and she says there is growing concern that the landmark United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is in danger of being sold out.
Presenter: Richard Ewart
Speaker: Kalama Oka Aina Niheu, member, Pacific Caucus

US Gunrunning to Cartels: Four facts mainstream media doesn't want you to know

Arizona police circulated ATF Project Gunrunner 'Weapons of Choice' in 2008

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

When US Attorney General Eric Holder resigned, the Blaze reported that it was in response to the fact that a federal judge ruled that Fast and Furious documents must be released.

Still, the mainstream media is scratching itself, and refusing to report on the ATF gunrunning weapons to the cartels.

Here's four facts that the media, and the US government, don't want you to know:

1. Gunrunning to cartels began in 2005 in Texas:
A Department of Justice report in 2010 states that Project Gunrunner began in Laredo, Texas, during the Bush administration in 2005. 
More http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2012/09/project-gunrunner-enters-oz-phase-with.html

2. Tucson's Operation in 2006:
Although the news media has focused on the ATF’s Fast and Furious, another operation, Operation Wide Receiver, allowed guns to “walk” into Mexico during the Bush administration, 2006 -- 2007, according to a Tucson gun seller who kept a lengthy journal.

3. US Army and Navy were on Arizona police e-mail about gunrunning in 2008:
Anonymous' Lulzsec hacked the Arizona police departments and a Project Gunrunner brochure was exposed and posted online. (See photo above.) ATF's Project Gunrunner Weapons of Choice was dated as revised in 2008 and shows photos of the automatic weapons, which the US allowed to "walk" across the border. The e-mail containing the brochure was circulated by e-mail from an Arizona police officer to US army and navy personnel.

4. US public showed little compassion for the death of Mexican citizens
There was no public outcry in the US after the US gunrunning to cartels was first exposed, even though innocent bystanders were often killed with those weapons in Mexico. The outrage came only after US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed with one of the weapons in southern Arizona in 2010. A second US federal agent, ICE agent Jaime Zapata, was killed with one of the weapons in northern Mexico in 2011.

Tribunal on Indian Boarding Schools Wisconsin Oct 22 -- 25, 2014

October 22 - 25



You’re invited to attend our forum focused on the experiences of Native children who were forced at early ages to attend Indian boarding schools.  This Tribunal is scheduled for October 22 through the 25th, 2014, at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, in Oneida, Wisconsin.
A panel of qualified Native judges will be listening to the witnesses as they provide first hand testimony of the abuse and mistreatment they suffered at the hands of the federal government and religious institutions while being forced to live away from their families and Nations.  At the conclusion of the Tribunal, the Judges will issue an executive summary with their findings and recommendations.  The executive summary will be shared with Native communities.

Canada Attacks Indigenous Rights at UN

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation at Peoples' Climate March, ahead of the UN Climate Summit in New York. Photo by Zack Embree.

Excerpt from Vancouver Observer:

In response to Canada's objections over the non-binding document on Indigenous rights, high-profile First Nations groups issued a strongly-worded joint statement condemning the federal government's stance:  

Indigenous peoples' organizations and human rights groups are outraged that the federal government used a high level United Nations forum on Indigenous rights as an opportunity to continue its unprincipled attack on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
On Monday, the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples -- a high level plenary of the UN General Assembly in New York -- adopted a consensus statement reaffirming support for the UN Declaration.
Canada was the only member state to raise objections.
Chief Perry Bellegarde, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, said, "The World Conference was an opportunity for all states to reaffirm their commitment to working constructively with Indigenous peoples to uphold fundamental human rights standards. Alone among all the UN members, Canada instead chose to use this forum to make another unprincipled attack on those very standards."
The Outcome Document, the product of many months of negotiations between states and Indigenous representatives prior to the World Conference, calls on member states to take "appropriate measures at the national level, including legislative, policy and administrative measures, to achieve the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
The Outcome Document also affirms provisions in the UN Declaration that decisions potentially affecting the rights of Indigenous peoples should be undertaken only with their free, prior and informed consent.
After the Outcome Document was adopted, Canada filed a two page statement of objections, saying that it could not commit to uphold provisions in the UN Declaration that deal with free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) if these provisions were "interpreted as a veto."
The notion that the Declaration could be interpreted as conferring an absolute and unilateral veto power has been repeatedly raised by Canada as a justification for its continued opposition to the Declaration. This claim, however, has no basis either in the UN Declaration or in the wider body of international law.

Read article in Vancouver Observer

First Nation groups condemn federal government's "indefensible attack" on Indigenous rights at UN meeting


Willie Nelson, Neil Young honored for Keystone pipeline fight!

(Photo above by Michael Friberg / Bold Nebraska
Bold Nebraska
Censored News

Willie Nelson and Neil Young honored by the Rosebud, Oglala, Ponca and Omaha Nations for their dedication to family farmers, ranchers and native families. The buffalo hide was hand-painted by artist Steve Tamayo and volunteers called "Pipeline Fighters" with symbols to tell the story of people killing the black snake which in tribal prophecy is believed to be the Keystone XL pipeline, a threat to land and water.

The "Harvest the Hope" concert featuring headliners Willie Nelson and Neil Young took place on Sept. 27, 2014 at the Tanderup farm near Neligh, NE.

Proceeds from the event will go to Bold Nebraska, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the Cowboy & Indian Alliance, to fund the ongoing fight against the Keystone XL pipeline, and small, community-based clean energy projects on farms and tribal lands.

Willie Nelson and Neil Young at the press conference prior to the Harvest the Hope concert on September 27, 2014 (Photo by J Grace Young / Bold Nebraska)
Willie Nelson and Neil Young at the press conference prior to the Harvest the Hope concert on September 27, 2014 (Photo by J Grace Young / Bold Nebraska)
Two music legends — Neil Young and Willie Nelson — performed a benefit concert on Sept. 27 on a farm near Neligh, Nebraska that is on the route of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and also crosses the historic Ponca Tribe “Trail of Tears.”
Proceeds from the “Harvest the Hope” concert go to Bold Nebraska, the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Cowboy & Indian Alliance, to fund the ongoing fight against the Keystone XL pipeline, as well as a number of small, community-based clean energy projects on farms and tribal land. The afternoon concert will take place in a field on a farm owned by a family who are part of a strong collective of Nebraska landowners refusing to sell their land to TransCanada for the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline, and a sacred tribal ceremony will be included in the day’s events.
The day-long event also featured performances from Native American hip-hop artist Frank Waln, performing with traditional hoop dancers the Sampson Brothers; Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real with special guest Micah Nelson (sons of Willie!); and the “Stopping the Pipeline Rocks All-Stars,” some of the local Nebraska artists who recorded a benefit album in the solar-powered barn built inside the path of the Keystone XL pipeline last summer: The Bottle TopsDr. John WalkerJack Hotel, and McCarthy Trenching.

Details on the concert:

Photo Mitch Paine

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mohawk Nation News BEER HALL PUTSCH


Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 25, 2014. The tactics that Doug Ford is using for his election campaign for mayor of Toronto reminds us of Hitler’s famous “beer hall putsch” to totally control a meeting. Hitler went into the beer halls with his armed brown shirt goons and provocateurs. They shouted, screamed and threatened anyone who questioned him. He became a national figure. After that success he created the National Socialist Party NAZI. Nobody dared interfere because the Zionists were behind it. To end the chaos, the authorities would come in and convince the cowering people to give in to Hitler.
Corporate band/tribal councils.
Corporate councils: “Okay Chief. The guys are going into the meeting to stir them up good!”

Toronto all candidates .meeting for mayor
Toronto all candidates meeting for mayor.
Ford’s life mission is to become mayor. He goes to the housing projects and hands out $20 to $50 to poor people on the streets. A putsch is organized. They’re bussed in to create a loud circus to drown out his co-candidates. See: Toronto City Hall Election Debate.
This putsch formula is being used on those who oppose government policies, in particular the pipeline and theft of our lands. We are made to feel like we have no future unless we accept the bullying and destructive plans of the corporate elite. Our communities and organizations are infiltrated with provocateurs, such as the “pipeline police” mercenaries who are being trained by the RCMP, big oil and Canada. SeeMNN Pipeline Police.The distraction is some contentious issue like racial purity to stop us from raising important matters. Kept off the table is the constant theft of everything we have and being coerced to sign one-sided agreements with big business for our resources. A prime concern is the Canada-RCMP-Big Oil setting up of the “pipeline police”. Public meetings are filled with rowdy gangs who attack those who raise these kinds of questions. Shouters dominate. Marches, threats, violence and fear divert our energies. Factions are deliberately fostered so we will argue. Then their handpicked solution is implemented to stop the dissension.
The media does not cover life and death crucial issues. People are scared. We are told that resistance is futile. They want us to believe that the only viable answer is that of the corporate tribal/band council that answers to them. They then come forward with their preplanned scheme to take something from us. We’ll get a little bit or a favor. If we refuse their offer, we’ll be threatened with continued ruinous poverty.
Like Hitler, the putsch splits the community, points out the opponents and followers and brings the instigators to national attention. They get into power and take out their enemies and assert their corporate agenda.
Chief:" Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do our work on  your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession".
Chief:”Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do work on your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession”.
We know who’s doing this. Just follow the money! We fear nothing! The Great Peace and the Council of Women would never allow this farce in our communities. Like Johnny Cash sings: “What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in the end. And you could have it all; my empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt”. Johnny Cash. “Hurt”.
MNN Mohawk Nation Newskahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go towww.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws
Obama and Clinton studied Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” on how to destroy democracy. Saul Alinsky.
See short Video: Megalomaniac Obama.

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