IEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness
of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous
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Tom Goldtooth spoke to 2016 Presidential candidate Martin O'Malley about Donald Trump and his plans to privatize reservations ... See MoreSee Less

Today at the Standing Rock camp in Washington DC, Tom Goldtooth spoke to 2016 Presidential candidate Martin O'Malley about Donald Trump and his plans to privatize reservations.

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#NoDAPL Last Stand Call to Action!

Helen Red Feather, Wounded Knee Veteran,
Photo from Oceti Sakowin Camp
photo via Ayşe Gürsöz.

The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is calling for an international day of emergency actions to disrupt business as usual and unleash a global intersectional resistance to fossil fuels and fascism. Connect with other struggles. Think long-term movement building. We are in this for the long haul.

Dept. of Army Announces Approval Of DAPL Easement, IEN Response

Cannon Ball, ND — Today the Army Corps of Engineers notified Congress that it will grant an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline in the next 24 hours, trampling a planned environmental and tribal consultation review process.

Statement from Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network:

“Donald Trump will not build his Dakota Access Pipeline without a fight. The granting of an easement, without any environmental review or tribal consultation, is not the end of this fight — it is the new beginning. Expect mass resistance far beyond what Trump has seen so far.
The Department of Army also stated that it will waive the procedure to wait 14 days until the official easement can be granted. The Department plans to grant the easement within the next 24 hours.

The Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to Executive Orders for Approving KXL & DAPL

“The Indigenous Environmental Network is extremely alarmed with President Donald Trump’s announcement of the two Executive Orders setting the stage for approving the dirty energy pipeline projects of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline. “The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other Sioux Tribes, as sovereign Native nations, were never consulted by Trump or his Administration on this decision that further violates the treaty rights of the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota people. Trump is portraying his true self by joining forces with the darkness of the Black Snake pipelines crossing across the culturally and environmentally rich landscape of the prairie lands of America.

10 Banks Financing Dakota Access Pipeline Decline Meeting with Tribal Leaders

Divest DAPL, Wells Fargo, NODAPL, Water is Life, Mni WiconiDallas Goldtooth, Keep it in the Ground Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network said: “As a movement to stop this dirty Bakken oil pipeline, we are demonstrating the inherent power of organized communities and mobilized citizens. We are showing Big Oil and government leaders that we know the power of our capital, and as such we collectively choose to invest in life and water, not death and oil. As first peoples of the land and in defense of our Indigenous rights, we will continue to rise, resist, self-determine and divest until the Dakota Access pipeline is nothing but the defeated aspirations of a Energy Transfer Partners’ dream.”

10 Indigenous and Environmental Struggles You Can Support in 2017

The places that need help most, and all ways to support them. The Black Snake is not yet dead. Far from it. The corporations behind the Dakota Access pipeline made it clear that they “fully expect to complete construction of the pipeline without any additional...

On the Anniversary of Sitting Bull’s Death, Meet His Great Great Granddaughter, Brenda White Bull

NODAPL, Water is Sacred, KeepitintheGround

Photo credit: Ayse Gursoz | Indigenous Rising Media

“Everyone has that fight in them, no matter what tribe, native, non-native. We never knew that this was going happen in Hunkpapa Lakota Territory, and it happened for a reason because I believe that this was a place that our ancestors, Sitting Bull, Black Elk, spoke about. All the generations, all the people, all of humankind, would come together one day. Those were our leaders, our ancestors, who predicted those things. They predicted the black snake that would come. It was called upon us to be here, to lead this, to lead this fight, of protecting Unci Maka, our Grandmother Earth, and to protect our Mni Wiconi, our water of life”

United Nation Experts Validate Standing Rock Sioux Opposition To Dakota Access Pipeline

“The UN Expert got it right,” said Tom Goldtooth, the Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network. “What the US calls consultation is not consultation but a statement telling people what they’re doing after millions of dollars have been invested, painting Indigenous Peoples as spoilers. The right of free, prior and informed consent begins prior to the planning process, not when their bulldozers are at your doorstep.”

Open Letter to President Obama: Halt Construction and Repeal Permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline Project

We write to you because we are deeply concerned by the Army Corps of Engineers’ approval of Dakota Access LLC’s construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the impacts of which have been highlighted by the growing public opposition to this project. The Dakota Access Pipeline project would extend 1,168 miles across North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois, crossing through communities, farms, tribal land, sensitive natural areas and wildlife habitat.

Urgent Appeal for International Observers

Call for International ObserversWe, the Indigenous defenders of the land and water within the traditional treaty lands of the Oceti Sakowin, make an urgent appeal to the international community to assist us in facing a human rights crisis. Dakota Access is trying to put a crude oil pipeline under the Missouri River. This is a dire threat to the drinking water and future generations of the Oceti Sakowin who have lived here for generations.

Intimidation of and Harassment Against Indigenous Human Rights Defender

Gloria-Hilda-Ushigua-SantiOn 31 May 2016, five men sat outside the home of Ms Gloria Ushigua throughout the night, in what appeared to be an act of intimidation against the human rights defender. Gloria Ushigua is an Indigenous human rights defender and has been the target of increasing levels of harassment over the past month, as a result of her peaceful and legitimate work in defence of environmental rights and of her ancestral land. This follows another act of intimidation against her niece on 26 May 2016 and the killing of the human rights defender’s sister-in-law, Anacleta Dahua Cují, on 2 May 2016.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Revokes Permit

constructionpermitrevokedDAPDes Moines, IA – The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has revoked its approval of a construction permit for the Dakota Access pipeline through the Big Sioux River Wildlife Management Area in Northeast Iowa. This permit is called the Sovereign Lands Construction Permit and was revoked because a significant Native American archaeological site was discovered along its proposed path. Due to the permit revocation, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has ordered that Dakota Access LLC stop all construction work for its Bakken oil pipeline until a survey of the area is conducted and consultation with local agencies and tribes is completed.

Ihanktonwan/Yankton Sioux Assert Sovereignty

Construction crews have begun the tearing of earth near the Sacred Rock Spirit Camp, near Cannonball on the Standing Rock Reservation. Photo Credit: Joye Braun

Construction crews have begun the tearing of earth near the Sacred Rock Spirit Camp, near Cannonball on the Standing Rock Reservation. Photo Credit: Joye Braun

A long awaited meeting between the Yankton Sioux Tribe and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) took place at the Tribe’s Ft. Randall Casino on Wednesday, May 18, 2016. The Yankton adamantly oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline (“DAPL”), and further resent the appropriation of the name “Dakota,” which means “the people” in the Dakota language, by DAPL officials. Though it was initially termed “consultation” in the Tribe’s invitation, the Tribe chose to change the event to a pre-consultation meeting when it received word that Colonel Henderson of the Corps was arriving late in the day at 4 pm and had only two hours available to meet with the Tribe. In addition to the meager two hour time frame insisted on by the Corps, the Colonel arrived a half hour late and the Tribe felt that the brief time could not give justice to a full government-to-government consultation.

Carbon Offsets cause Conflict and Colonialism

Brazilian indigenous Child with No REDD Shield 2New York –A false solution to climate change known as REDD+ causes conflict and is a new form of colonialism and must be immediately canceled, Indigenous Peoples denounced at the United Nations. REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) is a carbon offset mechanism that uses Nature as a sponge for greenhouse gas pollution instead of cutting emissions at source. “The sacred air we breathe is being sold to the highest bidder. We implore the UN to have compassion for humanity and Mother Earth by immediately canceling carbon trading, carbon offsets, and REDD+ projects in or near Indigenous Peoples’ lands and territories” said Calfin Lafkenche of the Mapuche Nation in Chile.

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