Thursday, March 9, 2017

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Bulldozed School at Sacred Stone Camp

Sacred Stone Camp School Bulldozed by Tribe, Following Eviction and Arrest of Water Protectors by Militarized Police

By Brenda Norrell
Photo: Screen capture from Johnny Dangers video
as Sacred Stone Camp Braced for Eviction.

CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe bulldozed the school at Sacred Stone Camp, the children's school built by volunteers from earth and straw. This comes after the tribe evicted and arrested or displaced, all water protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp, Seventh Generation Camp and Sacred Stone Camp.
LaDonna Allard, Standing Rock Lakota land owner of the site of Sacred Stone Camp, the original camp, said the children's school was bulldozed on Wednesday.
LaDonna said this morning, "Hihanna waste I started out the day being a little down, wanting to cry, because they bulldozed down our beautiful school yesterday. I have not heard about our kitchen but I am sure it is coming down, the many prayers and songs that were shared there, I feel the loss of the fellowship we had in those places."
"These were not professional protesters, most were community members, Native people from across the Americas, many reservations, Native people from urban areas, many people came for a weekend and stayed for months, giving up their jobs and in some cases their homes, people who felt that the time is now to change the world, all ages, all religions, people who took leave from their jobs and families to protect the water, young people who came to help and stayed. We had spiritual leaders from all religions come to pray with us, people came with water from the world to offer it to the river."
"People felt that healing that is coming from the land, the healing that comes from prayer and community. People learned to live with each other in the camps, we learned the best of humanity in the camps," LaDonna said.
"We also learned the worse in humanity by Morton County, North Dakota Governors, State Officials, tribal Official, BIA police, National Guard, National Parks and Black Swan, DAPL security."
"The physical attacks on people left life-time injuries, the trauma of our own people attacking us who were suppose to protect and serve, the nightmares the water protectors are having as the loss in our humanity is seen on their faces. I have seen some great leaders arise out of this movement. The youth are the leaders for the future, we need to protect them," LaDonnna said.
Praising the Water Protectors for their sacrifices, courage and service, LaDonna said, "I will stand on truth, and I will stand for the future of my grandchildren. Mni Wiconi Water is Life."

Standing Rock Tribe Evicted Water Protectors and is Now Bulldozing Camps
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe passed a resolution in January evicting all water protectors from the camps, which have been home to as many as 10,000 water protectors.
The tribe's resolution instructed the BIA to deliver the trespass notices to the camps. The tribe instructed all law enforcement agencies to carry out the evictions.
The Oceti Sakowin Camp, Seventh Generation Camp, and Sacred Stone Camp were attacked by police. Federal police assaulted water protectors in the same brutal, out-of-control show of excessive force that has been directed by Morton Country Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.
All water protectors were arrested or displaced, following the tribe's order. The camps are now being bulldozed and water protectors property is being destroyed.
Earlier in January, the tribe "reallocated" $3.2 million donated to the water protector camps by supporters, for the tribe's own use.
During 2016, as the frontline resistance grew to the Dakota Access Pipeline -- the crude oil pipeline threatening the Missouri River and water source of millions -- Indian Nations from across North America, and Indigenous from the world, came to the camps, bringing gifts, including truckloads of firewood, food, water and supplies, along with cash donations for the tribe.
At that time, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe asked for help in fighting the pipeline and welcomed Indigenous from around the world. Standing Rock Chairman Dave Archambault began telling water protectors to go home on Dec. 4, 2016, after announcing one of many public relations announcements by the Army Corps of Engineers and Obama administration, regarding the permit for the pipeline. However, the announcements and delays were short lived, and construction continued.
Then in February, the tribe brought in militarized, federal police to evict, arrest and displace water protectors. The tribe is now bulldozing the camps and destroying the belongings of water protectors. 
Sacred Stone School Construction Was Labor of Love
The movement of 'Water is Life' awakened people around the world to the message of water.
A Petaluma, California, man described the labor of love that went into building the Sacred Stone Camp school with earth and straw.
"Petaluma native Miguel Elliott said he wasn’t sure exactly what he would uncover as he helped dig through the frozen North Dakota ground last month, advancing gradually through the icy surface to reveal, inch by labored inch, the softer earth beneath." 
Read article on the earth and straw building material known as 'cob construction.'"

As the news came today that the tribe had bulldozed the school, water protectors pointed out that these are only material items, and the Spirit can not be demolished by a small group of politicians or bulldozers.
'Stronghearts to the Front,' remains the battle cry in the Dakotas.

Watch Tawasi's video of the school, filmed on Feb. 13, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Simon Ortiz 'Khow dzee haitih duuwah dzah RESOLUTION NO. 007-17?'

Khow dzee haitih duuwah dzah RESOLUTION NO. 007-17?
By Simon Ortiz, Acoma Pueblo

i can hear them
'what is this thing that RESOLUTION NO. 007-17 is?'

to stories told
by their elders
when they were girls
and boys

here and now it's 2017
the earth under our feet
is being fracked up and down
trump and his gang are lying and lying and lying
trying to make it truth
but cannot

grandmas and grandpas that is what they do
and say when they want us to surrender
and die
so they can laugh and chortle
celebrate and
celebrate some more

redboylettingeldersknow 3/8/17

The resolution was approved by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, evicting all water protectors and calling on all law enforcement to carry out the evictions. As a result, all water protectors were either arrested or displaced in the brutal raids of the camps by militarized federal police.

Thank you Simon for sharing with Censored News!

Simon Ortiz

Arizona State University
Professor, Department of EnglishCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education
Dr. of Letters, University of New Mexico (Honorary)
Simon J. Ortiz is an Indigenous poet and writer of Acoma Pueblo heritage who specializes in Indigenous Literature. Courses of study focus on decolonization of Indigenous people's land, culture, and community. With literary perspective as a guide, research interests include cultural, social, political dynamics of Indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. Ortiz's publications in poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, essay, and children's literature reflect his literary perspective across a range of his varied, active engagement and involvement in contemporary Indigenous life and literature. His publications, research, varied experience and intellectual participation is the basis of his engaging approach to the study of-involvement-engagement with Indigenous literature and its place in the canon of world literatures. Ortiz is also the founder and coordinator of the Indigenous Speakers Series sponsored by ASU Department of English and American Indian Studies.

Mohawk Nation News 'Star Spangled Stooges'


Please post & distribute.
MNN Mar. 7, 2017. Malcolm X said, “If you want a garden that will thrive and produce, you have to weed it out”. In the corporate money-murder system, lies are backed with violence that constantly attacks natural life.
This is better than the suit and tie that all the other stooges wear to DC. The corporation rewards and protects the sell-out INDIANS. The kangeroo court looks the other way. The star spangled INDIANS revere and obey their head mouthpiece. They are trained to act like they don’t know what’s going on. They are trained to look the other way while our people are being violated.
They should be very ashamed of of their role in the continuing genocide. The corporation rewards them, they go to swanky parties, dances, travel, art shows and huge offshore bank accounts. When they learn “to forget about the people and only think about you and your family” they flee to their not-so-secret mansions in Florida.
They are being put on trial in the minds of the people right now. 
The corporation reminds them “This is war!” The winner is the one who can tell the most lies and commit the most treacheries against their people. As time goes on frauds become easier and more fraudulent.
What will these traitors do? They exclaim, “What! I never committed genocide against my people!” Taking $200,000 a year is their pay for their role in the genocide. They turn their back on the atrocities that were created in ourr communities. The other tribal band council members claim they do not know what is going on, they point fingers at each other in community meetings to divide and conquer the people, as per their script.
The laws of nature cannot be stopped. The insanity pushes them to be more insane and try to overcome nature. Each cohort of the cabal, is going along for the ride and stashing away their own booty.
Serious psychotic breakdowns and mega disasters are around the corner. kaia’nere:kowa, the truth, will always win in the end, as Bobby Bear sings to the tribal and band councillors and other traitors: “Now you remind me a lot of my young days with your knuckles clenchin’ white. But, boy, I’m going to sit right here and sip this beer all night. And if there’s something that you gotta gain to prove by winning some silly fight, well, okay, I quit, I lose, you’re the winner. So I stumbled from that bar room, not so tall and no so proud. And behind me I still hear the hoots and laughter from the crowd. But my eyes still see, and my nose still works, and my teeth are all still in my mouth. And you know, I guess that makes me the winner”.
Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit
brendanorrell censored

Video: Cheyenne River Chairman: Speaking out for Freedoms and Rights at South Dakota Legislature


Cheyenne River Sioux Chairman Harold Frazier describes legislation in South Dakota concerning protesting, and First Amendment Rights.
Video by We Are The Media.
Watch below.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier provides an update for South Dakota water protectors including details regarding Sophia Wilansky's upcoming surgery and bills that effect first amendment freedoms.
Video via CRST Chair / Remi N Alaina [3/6/17]

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Monday, March 6, 2017

'The United States Kangaroo Court' -- American Indian Genocide Museum

The United States Kangaroo Court

By Steve Melendez, Paiute
President, American Indian Genocide Museum
Censored News
Photo Western Shoshone Carrie and Mary Dann

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz,  just published her End of Mission Statement March 3, 2017. She wrote, "I have learned that many of the complex issues that Native Americans face in the energy development context today are rooted in a long history of land and resource dispossession. In particular, the policy of allotment implemented by the Dawes Act in 1887 continues to have significant impacts on the development of energy resources throughout Indian Country."  This is very insightful, but the Dawes Act which reduced the Indian land base from 130 million acres in 1887 to 49 million acres in 1933 must be seen as government sponsored land theft,  plain and simple.  To be sure, the letter of this unjust law allotted (gave or assigned) to each Indian a 160-acre tract while the other  81 million acres, they gave to themselves.

What any outside observer will more than likely miss is that even at Standing Rock, the Dawes Act is still at play. In the same way the Dawes Act purported to "give" the Indians land in 1887, today the government purports to "give" the Indians the right to occupy America.  How is it that the white man can give something that he does not own? The truth of the matter is that here in America, there are two sets of laws: one for the Indians and one for everybody else. The definition of "American Indian law" is: "The body of law dealing with American Indian tribes and their relationships to federal and state governments, private citizens, and each other".  In this "body of law", terms such as land  "title" are redefined and you need a law dictionary to keep up with the double talk.  You would think that land title would denote "ownership".  Not so in "American Indian Law".  In American Indian Law when the white man has title, the white man owns the land and when the Indian has title, the white man also owns the land. In order to understand this Satanic concept we need to refer to Black's Law Dictionary. "Indian Title" is defined as, "A right of occupancy that the federal government grants to an American Indian tribe based on the tribe's immemorial possession of the area. Congress does not recognize tribal ownership of the land, only possession."

How can the Indians live on the land from time immemorial and when the white man shows up, he owns everything? The answer is very simple. The United States government is standing on the white supremacist colonial law which was codified in the 1823 Supreme Court decision of Johnson v. M'Intosh- the "doctrine of discovery".  On August 6, 2001, in reply to the question by the UN committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the U.S. representatives said that they considered the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley only in the context of Johnson v. M'Intosh.

This is significant because the Western Shoshone took their 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley all the way through the U.S. court system but each court found excuses not to address the treaty.  In reality all Carrie Dann and the Western Shoshone got for their three decade court fight was a kangaroo court based on the Doctrine of Discovery.  They wear you down, then throw paper dollars at you. Any time the U.S. government  runs a people  around for 30 years in the guise of justice, then offers a cash settlement to an impoverished people, the United Nations should declare any such fraud null and void.  Why?  Because the Doctrine of Discovery posits that American Indians are not human being enough to own anything. Why?  Because the judicial system concerning Indians has been rigged with white supremacist colonial law.

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples requires in Article 27 that, "States shall…adjudicate the rights of indigenous peoples pertaining to their lands, territories and resources." In "American Indian Law" the term "adjudicate" seems to have been redefined to mean "a kangaroo court where the Indians always lose.

Steve Melendez, Paiute
President ,  American Indian Genocide Museum  

Member,  Reno-Sparks Indian colony

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