Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

February 25, 2014

Video: Keystone PipeLies Exposed: Spills

Alberta tarsands

Keystone PipeLIES Exposed - Spills from Center for Media and Democracy on Vimeo

Keystone PipeLIES Exposed: New Film Refutes Jobs, Security, Gas Price, Tax, Safety, and Climate Claims

By Center for Media and Democracy
Censored News

MADISON -- Today, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released a new short film and launched a series of major investigative reports debunking key claims of proponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline, as the State Department solicits comments from the public on its controversial environmental impact assessment.
Over the past seven months, CMD has interviewed experts and activists in Port Arthur, Texas; Detroit; and Washington, DC; and examined detailed tax, safety, economic, environmental, and campaign finance studies in assessing the claims made by proponents of the pipeline, which would carry more than 3/4 million barrels of tar sands oil a day from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.
“We made this film and investigated the public relations campaign for the Keystone XL pipeline because the fake 'facts' about jobs and energy security peddled by industry-funded politicians and uncritical pundits has left too many Americans deeply misinformed," said Lisa Graves, the Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy. CMD is the publisher of the award-winning “ALEC Exposed” investigative reporting project about the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Mohawk Nation News 'Ukraine and Venezuela'


MNN. Feb. 25, 2014. The US is the Black Serpent Dekanawida warned us about. It took over the White and Red Serpents, EU and NATO. They are busy fomenting war everywhere in the world, as they always have. See link:“From Wounded Knee to Libya”.
US/EU/NATO: Up to now only the Black Serpent has profited fro war!
US/EU/NATO: Only Black Serpent profited from war.  

February 24, 2014

Mohawk Nation News "I am Dekanawida"


MNN. Feb. 23, 2014. Our messenger, Dekanawida, told us this story about the White, Red and Black Serpents just before he left us.  Dekanawida referred to them as serpents because they slither underneath society like a serpent in the grass.
"I am Dekanawida. With the statesmen of the League of 5 Nations, I plant the Tree of Great Peace".
“I am Dekanawida. With the statesmen of the League of 5 Nations, I plant the Tree of Great Peace”.

February 23, 2014

Traditional Dine' educate University of Arizona on water rights

Photos by Ed Becenti, published with permission

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photos Louise Benally and Marshall Johnson at UofA by Ed Becenti

TUCSON -- When the University of Arizona in Tucson invited a water rights attorney who is protested by Dine', traditional Dine' made the long journey from the northern part of the state to southern Arizona to both protest the selection of the attorney to speak and to educate the university about Dine' water rights and true sovereignty. 
Louise Benally of Big Mountain (above) was among the speakers. Benally's family has resisted forced relocation since the 1970s. The so-called Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute was actually orchestrated by an attorney working for Peabody Coal. The scheme was designed to remove Navajos from their homelands to make way for Peabody's coal mines on Black Mesa. More than 14,000 Navajos were relocated to make way for the coal mines. Some elderly died of broken hearts after being removed from their homelands.

Today, the State of Arizona, Arizona Congressmen and the United States government are relentless in their attempts to steal both Navajo and Hopi water rights. The water is sought to water the unsustainable desert cities in southern Arizona -- Phoenix and Tucson -- and to provide water for the dirty coal industry's Navajo Generating Station. It uses Peabody coal, Mother Earth's liver, from Black Mesa. 
The coal-fired power plant located on the Navajo Nation near Page, Ariz., supplies electricity to southern Arizona and uses enormous amounts of water, while polluting the region and causing sickness for Navajos and others in the Southwest.
Meanwhile, most Navajos in the area live without electricity and are forced to drive long distances to haul their water.
Navajos speaking at the University of Arizona protested the selection of Stanley Pollack, hired by the Navajo Nation government as the tribe's water rights attorney. Dine' said Pollack is not serving the best interests of Navajos. The elected Navajo Nation government continues to sign leases with the dirty coal industry, and recently purchased a coal mine.

Photos Tucson Peace Fair 2014: Defenders of Human Rights!

Never giving up, Isabel Garcia, Derechos Humanos, battling for migrants rights
Raging Grannies taking on Obama, singing of Obama's broken promises
Hopi Foundation's 'Owl and Panther' poetry and arts for children victims of torture and exile
Iskashitaa Refugee Network sustainable community: Harvesting Hope, Empowering Dreams
'Humanitarian Aid is Never a Crime' No More Deaths rescuing dying migrants in the desert 

Mohawk Nation News 'World War III'


MNN. FEB. 22, 2014. US President Obama thinks he can beat President Putin of Russia at diplomacy, war, intelligence and propaganda. It’s so complex. They’re both powerful. Let’s try and simplify it as we did in the Great Law using tewa’ara:ton. We want to know who the toughest guy on earth is!