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Domino's Pizza franchisee terminated after being caught out selling visas

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Embattled pizza giant Domino's has kicked a Queensland store owner out of its network after a Fairfax investigation caught him offering to sell a visa sponsorship for up to $150,000.

Bohai Shangguan, known also as "Eric", was secretly recorded trying to sell a visa sponsorship as part of a Fairfax Media investigation into underpayment and visa fraud in the Domino's Pizza network.

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Domino's Pizza franchisee discusses the price of securing a visa.

Domino's said it conducted an immediate investigation and terminated the franchisee within five days.

"He no longer operates any Domino's store," a spokesman said.

"We are in the process of finalising the legal requirements to end his agreement with our company."

Domino's said the allegation that Mr Shangguan committed visa fraud at the Atherton store in far north Queensland "was surprising, and disappointing, because the store was among the top 5 per cent of profitable stores in our network". It said it demonstrates that this behaviour was not linked to profitability.


Fairfax can also reveal that Domino's biggest NSW franchisee Pamir Dehsabzi is being investigated by the Fair Work Ombudsman following allegations he instructed store managers to keep a lid on labour costs.

Three former store managers from Mr Dehsabzi's stores have now come forward claiming they were told to keep labour costs below 27 per cent, irrespective of the hours staff had actually worked.

Mr Dehsabzi did not respond to questions from Fairfax, but has previously denied underpaying employees.

Since the scandal broke last month, alleging widespread underpayment of wages across the Domino's franchised network, the company has agreed to take steps to improve compliance as well as shore up its reputation with customers, investors and regulators.

This week it said it would conduct preliminary audits or internal spot checks, which look at two weeks' worth of a store's pay data, across its entire network to be completed within three months.

Fairfax Media can reveal the company has appointed Deloitte to review its current processes, previously reviewed by Ernst & Young, "to identify areas we can improve our compliance program".

Over the last three years at least 2400 workers have been underpaid an estimated $4.5 million, with 26 franchisees either terminated or leaving the system after underpayment issues were detected as a result of 102 audits.

Last month the Fair Work Ombudsman confirmed it had launched an investigation into the pizza giant, conducting a number of site visits at Domino's outlets.

The wage scandal comes as the federal government introduced new laws, dubbed the Protecting Vulnerable Workers Bill, which makes franchisors accountable for workplace breaches by the franchisees if they have "significant influence over the franchisee; if they knew or should have known of the underpayments; and if they failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the violations".

Fairfax Media spoke to a number of workers on visas from China and India who said visa fraud was common. Visa sponsorship typically costs anywhere between $30,000 and $150,000.

It is illegal to ask for, receive, offer or provide a benefit for visa sponsorship. The Department of Immigration said it takes breaches of visa obligations very seriously – penalties include two years' imprisonment and fines of up to $324,000.

Mr Shangguan did not respond to questions from Fairfax but has previously admitted to offering a sponsorship, but denied asking for money.

"We just need someone to run the shop ... we don't do those things," he said.

During the recorded phone call Mr Shangguan said the sale price did not include added expenses like lawyer fees which would need to be paid on top of the price.

"I will say straight that we want to sell this sponsorship ... but you need to pay some money," he said on the phone in Mandarin.

"We might need you pay $100,000 plus ... $100-$150,000."

The call was recorded by Jon, a Chinese student on a visa, who was working undercover for Fairfax Media. He requested his full name be withheld for fear of retribution.

Domino's said it had never previously received a visa-fraud complaint.