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ABC restructure: After a rocky start, Michelle Guthrie finally asserts control

Ten months after her arrival as managing director, Tuesday marked the day Michelle Guthrie finally asserted control over the ABC.

Since taking over from Mark Scott, Guthrie's tenure has been marked by internal angst and external confusion about where the ABC is going.

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ABC cuts 200 jobs

Managing director Michelle Guthrie announces up to 200 jobs will go in a corporate restructure. Vision courtesy: ABC News 24.

Online conspiracies - suggesting the former News Corp executive is a secret agent pursuing the "Murdochification" of the ABC - have been circulating wildly.

As ABC staff headed on their Christmas break last year the mood was, in the words of one prominent presenter, "feral".

Radio National staff had issued a no-confidence motion against management over programming changes and there was widespread outrage about the gutting of science program Catalyst.

"It's like a Shakespearean play in which you have a weak king being buffeted by barons, earls and dukes all fighting for their own positions," one respected ABC veteran said.


"Everything seems to happen despite Michelle rather than because of her."

Indeed, most of the big decisions made so far under Guthrie's leadership were already afoot before her arrival or driven by those beneath her.

That all changed on Tuesday when Guthrie announced her major restructure of ABC operations.

Up to 200 staff will leave the broadcaster, most from support roles such as finance, information technology and property.

While no one likes to see job losses, there is a trade off: a new fund - eventually worth up to $50 million a year - for original content.

Guthrie has made clear she wants bold, fresh ideas that will appeal beyond the ABC's rusted-on audience of older consumers.

For example, she wants to develop an original TV program that can provide a strong lead in for the vital 7pm news.

That slot is currently filled by a game show appropriately called Pointless.

Guthrie has also played to the ABC's strengths by targeting investment at regional areas that rely on the ABC for local news. Up to 80 new regional jobs - including reporting roles - will be created.

Until now Guthrie has been a poor public communicator, giving confusing answers about whether programs will remain on air and reading from pre-prepared notes at Senate estimates hearings.

Staff who attended her briefing on Tuesday remarked that Guthrie appeared more confident and in command of her material.

One ABC veteran, who has been highly critical of Guthrie, said: "I'm delighted there'll be more money for programming and it would be great to see the shiny bums and carpet-strollers [in middle management] go."

The test will be in the execution.

Will the content fund be used to create successful, important programs or flops?

And who are the real victims of the cuts?

Word began leaking out of the ABC on Tuesday afternoon that 70 vision mixers, lighting producers and camera operators - more appropriately called program makers than managers - would lose their jobs.

The restructure is Guthrie's baby and she will own its consequences - both good and bad.

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