Federal Politics

How the west was lost

An angry Colin Barnett.

When Colin Barnett was elected, George W Bush was President, iPhones had just hit the market and Amy Winehouse was cleaning up at the Grammys.

Slow track to dawn

Pro- bono lawyer David Burke interviewing a Rohingya refugee applicant.

Nasir* waited almost five years for the chance to state his case. Then he had just a single day to nail it.

Investors storm back, elbowing out first home buyers

Treasurer Scott Morrison

Investors have roared back into the housing market, buying properties that would have otherwise gone to owner-occupiers, and embarrassing the government by taking out more than half of the new money meant for housing.

Morrison denies he is being sidelined amid reshuffle talk

Treasurer Scott Morrison says he is working well with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Federal treasurer Scott Morrison has brushed aside suggestions he is being shunted as the government's chief economic salesman heading into the May budget, following reports of disquiet in government ranks about his performance. 

Morrison ponders way to put tens of millions into community housing

Treasurer Scott Morrison will discuss the affordable housing proposal with his state and territory counterparts.

The Coalition government is considering the creation of a new affordable housing finance corporation to kick-start tens of millions of dollars in investment in community housing, in one of several major initiatives being examined for the federal budget.

Childcare industry slams government's omnibus bill

The sector unanimously criticised the changes at a Senate committee hearing in Parliament on Thursday.

The sector that has the most to gain from funding changes under the Omnibus bill has slammed the government's bill as unfair. "We just don't believe that it's necessary to predicate investment in early childhood eduction through savings in other areas," the Senate committee hearing into the Omninbus bill has been told.

Widening wealth gap a risk to investment, miners told

Labor's Andrew Leigh says the federal government's debt recovery process is 'crude'.

The widening gap between rich and poor in Australia should be viewed as a new form of "systemic risk" endangering billions of dollars tied up in long term resources projects, the nation's big miners will be told on Friday.

Dutton points to super-sized security departments in the US, Britain

Minister Peter Dutton at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 2 March 2017. Photo: Andrew Meares

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, seen as the chief government backer of a proposal to create a super-sized homeland security department, has articulated the intelligence-sharing rationale for the United States making a similar change and said Australia must continue to have a modern system that strives for "world's best practice".

Ex-students 'would struggle to feed themselves' under $1300 cut

The public hearing into the government's proposed changes to social services legislation at Parliament House was told ...

University students on youth allowance "would struggle to pay the rent" and "feed themselves" under changes to the federal government's omnibus bill, a senate committee has heard, after being stripped of their income for five weeks between leaving university and finding paid employment.

Turnbull warns Australia is in an 'energy crisis'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy met Bill Leak at the time of the Spycatcher trial.

Declaring that Australia is in the midst of an energy crisis, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he will call together the chief executives of east coast gas companies to address the threat to their customers.