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Peace and anti-war news.

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Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action / Wythnos o Weithredu Stop NATO

31-07-2014 18:04

A week of action against the NATO summit. / Wythos o weithredu yn erbyn Uwchgynhadledd NATO.

This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales. In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business interests and resource supply routes – will gather on the edge of this historic Welsh city. Many people from Newport, Cardiff, Bristol and beyond, will oppose the summit and use a diversity of tactics against it. We, an anti-capitalist, anti-militarist network in South Wales, plan to facilitate mobilisations and provide space for workshops, skill-shares and social events. We are organising without leaders as we do not agree with bosses or bombs.

For timetable, see the full article.

On the newswire: No Borders/Stop NATO day of action | Round up of Week of Action events | Stop NATO action against securitisation & policing | AFIACH benefit compilation | NATO CopWatch | Day of Action Against Militarism | 16-17 Aug, National Convergence, Blackpool | Police Harassment in Merthyr

Other links: Stop Nato Cymru | Anarchist Action Network

Full article | 1 comment

Newport Rising: Festival of Radical Change

28-05-2014 10:53

26 May - 1 June, Newport.

Organised by Anarchist Action Network, Stop NATO Cymru and South Wales Anarchists, the festival runs all week at 95-96 Commercial Street, Newport NP20 1LU. Sharing ideas and skills, celebrating resistance & organising to win. All welcome. Workshops and skill shares all week, free cafe all day and free meal every evening.

The NATO Summit comes to Newport at the beginning of September. Come along this week and prepare for the Stop NATO week of action 30 August - 5 September and take part in some of the many talks, sessions and workshops. Something for everyone! All welcome (except cops and mainstream journalists, who will be asked to stay outside). The venue is an alcohol & drug free space.

If you can only manage one day and want to get clued up on NATO and what's planned for August & September, come along on Sunday:
Sunday 1 June. 4pm: Talk - Resisting the NATO Summit. 6.30pm: Meeting to build resistance against the NATO Summit.

On the newswire: Protest & Street Theatre | Banner drops | Photos from Newport Rising | Anarchists Shut Cardiff Barclays | Anarchist Travelling Circus Presents Newport Rising | Protest the NATO Summit | Antimilitarists Block NATO Conference | NATO Uncut Call-out | Stop NATO Cymru Statement

Other links: Stop Nato Cymru | | No Nato Newport | The Long March on Newport

Full article | 3 comments

Stop the Murder, Stop the Hate, Close Down the Group of Eight!

09-06-2013 20:39


StopG8 have organised a week of action in London from 8th to 15th June, ahead of the UK G8 summit. Tuesday June 11th will be the big day, The #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism mass action will start at 12 noon on Tuesday June 11th, the meet-up points will be:

  • North: Oxford Circus.
  • South: Piccadilly Circus.

The action will finish with a ‘street party’ at 5:30pm, the location will be announced on the day.

Other links:

Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit |Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us

Full article | 5 comments

Bradley Manning's Trial begins 3 June. Call-out for solidarity everywhere

27-05-2013 11:22

The trial in the Court Martial of Welsh-American WikiLeaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning is finally scheduled to begin on Monday 3 June 2013 at Fort Meade, Maryland, US after an unprecedented three years of pre-trial detention. The mistreatment of Bradley Manning in prison including almost a year of torture by the US authorities that was condemned by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has to be seen in the context of the vast, 'secret' Grand Jury conspiracy and espionage investigation into WikiLeaks and the pressure that must have been exerted on Brad in a sustained but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to persuade him to testify against Julian Assange, who the US authorities very badly want to get their hands on.

Read or listen to Bradley Manning's statement to the court (extracts below) and his chat logs to see why he felt that the information he found himself in possession of should be shared with the world and what he hoped might happen as a result of risking his life and liberty to do this.

There are 22 charges against Brad including 'Aiding the Enemy' that potentially carries the death penalty although the prosecution has said it will not seek this sentence. Brad has already pled guilty to 10 lesser charges that could themselves result in a 20 year jail term and the government has accepted his lesser plea on just one count but not on any of the other lesser charges, for which it will still bring evidence. During the final pre-trial hearing on 21 May, Judge Lind announced that portions of the trial dealing with 24 witnesses, including US Ambassadors, will be held in closed session, with redacted transcripts provided afterwards.

The US, aided and abetted by Britain, is pursuing a permanent 'War on Terror' and continues its project of creating and escalating conflict around the globe at terrible cost to human life. The significance of the anti-war actions of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange can be judged by reference to the zeal with which both are being persecuted by the US authorities and the extent to which they have been variously misrepresented, vilified, smeared, ridiculed or ignored in the mainstream media. As anti-war activists or war resisters, they deserve our support and solidarity.

Join existing or create your own solidarity actions on Saturday 1 June and throughout Brad's trial, expected to last into August unless there's an early plea deal. 1 June solidarity is currently planned for London and Cardiff.

Previous features: December 2012 (Torture hearing) | April 2011 (Call-out for solidarity)
On the newswires (recent): Thanking Bradley Manning in Kabul | Bradley Manning's in jail for us, We're on the streets for him | 1 June call-out for Cardiff | Vivienne Westwood supports Brad | London solidarity in run-up to trial | Solidarity at Chester May Day | Downloadable flyers for 1 June | London solidarity/Report from Fort Meade | Brad nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (again) | Wrexham solidarity on 1000th day of detention

Other links: | | | | Alexa O'Brien's searchable database of all available legal documents |

Full article | 2 comments

Anti-capitalists gear up for G8 protests

08-05-2013 12:33


Anti-capitalists have been gearing up for the protests against the G8 Summit with Mayday actions across the country. The focus was on Primark and other businesses profiting from the global slave labour system which led to the death of 700 people in Bangladesh. There were angry protests in central London, Hackney, Lewisham, Birmingham, Brighton and Bristol, with the clear message going out that the disaster was not an accident but the inevitable consequence of the callous capitalist system. Stop G8 is holding another organising meeting in London on May 25 and May 26, before the big week of action in the capital from June 10 to June 14, featuring the #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism.

On the Newswire: Mayday protest in central London | Mayday protest in Glasgow | Mayday protests in Birmingham, Hackney and Lewisham | Mayday protest in Bristol | Mayday protest in Brighton | Squatted social centre in Lewes | Guillotine in Worthing | Oxford Stop G8 meeting | Call-out for J11 | Call-out for week of action

Other links: Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit | Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us

Full article

Bradley Manning Takes the Stand: 11 days of Testimony on Abuse at Quantico

13-12-2012 11:58

courtroom sketch by Clark Stoeckley

Accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, the young American military intelligence analyst with Welsh and Irish roots, gave evidence in person for the first time at Fort Meade, Maryland in a hearing on the Defence's Article 13 unlawful pretrial punishment motion. The court sat for eleven days between 27 November and 11 December to hear the case that Brad was subject to unlawful pretrial punishment at Quantico brig where he was held for nine months before being transferred to less punitive conditions at Fort Leavenworth in April 2011. Brad's mistreatment at Quantico has already been condemned by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez. On the strength of evidence of mistreatment, the Defence is calling for all 22 charges Bradley Manning faces in connection with the biggest anti-war whistleblowing act in history to be dropped or, failing that, for any sentence imposed if he is convicted to be substantially reduced. Judgment has been reserved and the ruling of military judge Denise Lind is unlikely before January.

12 Jan:
This feature (below) now finalised
12 Jan: Verdict from this hearing Judge declines to dismiss all charges; finds some unlawful pretrial punishment but ignores most; only 112 days sentencing credit awarded.

On the newswire - Notes from the courtroom: Verdict | 11 Dec | 10 Dec | 7 Dec | 6 Dec | 5 Dec | 1-2 Dec | 30 Nov | 29 Nov | 27-29 Nov | London vigil: 27 Nov Report | Call-out | Previous feature: April 2011

This feature has been compiled from the sources listed in the posts above. Read the full article for a summary of the hearing and links to articles by independent journalists and supporters of Bradley Manning


Full article

Oxford peace activists to visit Afghanistan

11-12-2012 15:20

Afghan Peace Delegation Members

Two women from Oxford are amongst a group of peace activists visiting Afghanistan this month. The delegation aim to spend time meeting and making links with ordinary Afghans, and then raise awareness back in the UK of what they discover.

"We are traveling as friends and equals of the Afghans we will be visiting, not to fix Afghanistan but to fix UK perspectives on Afghanistan" -Mary, one of the group.

Nine years ago another local peace activist, Paul, moved to Afghanistan to work with the UN, and sent a series of personal reports, providing a revealing first-hand account of life there.

UK Peace Activists Visit Afghanistan | From Cowley Road to Kabul | First days in Kabul | Kuchi Refugee Camp in the Shah's Back Yard | Oxford Man in Afghanistan
VCNVUK blog | Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers | Global Days Of Listening | RAWA

Full article | 6 comments

Gaza solidarity

22-11-2012 11:34

Israel launched a new offensive on the people of Gaza last week which claimed the lives of 162 Palestinians. Four Israeli civilians and one soldier have also died as a result of retaliatory rocket attacks.

As of 20th November 23% of Palestinian casualties were children. The youngest victim of the recent Israeli aggression is 11-month-old Omar Al Mashharrawi.

Hundreds of solidarity demonstrations have been held globally and a national demonstration is planned in London on Saturday 24th November. On Friday 16th November a demonstration was held in Birmingham and another is planned for Thursday 22nd outside the BBC offices to protest biased reporting. In Brighton on Saturday 17th November activists locked on to the Ecostream store, a shop owned by an Israeli company that has its main manufacturing facility in the West Bank settlement of Mishor Adumim. Later on a hundred strong crowd marched to the store and held a noisy demonstration outside the shop. On Monday 19th a phone and twitter blockade of the company was held.

The same day in Wrexham activists picketed Barclays Bank in protest at Barclays investments in companies supplying weapons to Israel.

On Tuesday 20th a group of solidarity activists occupied G4S headquarters over the company's contracts with the Israeli prison service as well as providing equipment and services to Israeli military checkpoints and maintaining contracts with businesses working in Israel's settlements.

The 'Don't Dance with Israeli Apartheid' campaign held demonstrations against London performances of the Israeli state sponsored Batsheva dance troupe at Sadlers Wells on the 19th-21st November as part of a coordinated international campaign. There were also protests both inside and outside of the Birmingham performances at the Hippodrome on the 14-15th November coinciding with the start of the latest Gaza massacre.

Palestinians in the West Bank have also been demonstrating in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Gaza, only to be met with typical Israeli oppression. On Saturday, 31-year-old Rushdi Tamimi was shot by an IDF soldier at a protest in the village of Nabi Saleh. He died of his wounds in hospital on Monday around the time news surfaced that Hamdi Mohammad Jawwad Al-Falah, 22, was killed after being shot four times during a demonstration in the Bir al-Mahjar neighborhood in western Hebron. A baby also died in hospital on Monday after an Israeli tear gas canister landed in his bedroom in Qalandia refugee camp.

A ceasefire was reached on Wednesday 21st of November. However, the conflict is likely to continue if Israel does not end its siege of Gaza and attempts to control the Gazan economy. The need for solidarity with the people of Palestine struggling against Israeli militarism, apartheid and occupation has never been greater.

Upcoming events: Thursday 22nd November - Gaza solidarity demo in Brighton at the Old Steine at 5pm and Die In on the BBC Steps at the Mailbox in Birmingham 6pm-7pm| 23rd/24th November - Don't Dance with Israeli apartheid demos in Plymouth| Hebden Bridge Gaza solidarity demo - meet at the Central Intersection at 5pm| 24th November - Mass Gaza Solidarity demo in London| Sunday 25th - Demo at Ecostream, Western Rd, Brighton, 1-3pm

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Week of Action to Ground the Drones

01-10-2012 18:45

To coincide with International Keep Space for Peace Week (from 6th - 13th October) the Drone Campaign Network is calling a week of action on the growing use of drones.

While over seventy countries now possess drones, so far only the UK, the US and Israel are known to have used armed drones. The UK has launched over 300 drones strikes in Afghanistan but there is little public information about these strikes. Israel regularly launches drone attacks in Gaza and the US has been using drones in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. It is suspected, but not confirmed that US drones have also undertaken strikes in Mali and Philippines this year.

Protests against the growing use of drones have taken place in Pakistan and Yemen and protests have been growing in the UK and the US over the past year. [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

On the newswire: Ground the Drones Week of Action announcement | Drones Week of Action events listings | The faceless face of military drones at Menwith Hill: 9 October | Veterans for Peace action at General Atomics | Terrorist drones come to Lincolnshire – drones peace walk | Drones and Thrones – A London Diary

Links: Drone Campaign Network | Drone Wars UK | TBIJ Covert War on Terror

Full article

Citizens' Weapons Inspectors lock-on outside EDO MBM

18-07-2012 10:11

On Monday 16th July 2012 Smash EDO held a Citizen's Weapons Inspection' of EDO. Kent, Sussex and Hampshire Police used new Police Liaison Officers and a steel wall against demonstrators.

Despite this, activists dressed in white suits managed to breach the police cordon and hang banners outside the factory gates and close down the industrial estate by locking-on to the police cordon.

On Sunday 15th July Smash EDO hosted a gathering against the G8, launching a new network. There will be a workshop to plan action against the G8 at Earth First and the next gathering will be 22nd September in Birmingham.

Links: Smash EDO| FITwatch| Mainstream media coverage

From the Newswire: Call to kettle the police at Smash EDO's Citizen's Weapons Inspection| Pics| Update| Future Smash EDO events

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Text Ambulance Targeting Was Based On Turkish Disinformation
16-07-2016 08:11

Image The Blair Bridge Project (& solidarity with Manning & Assange)
12-07-2016 06:59

Image What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?
11-07-2016 21:09 | 1 comment

Text Trident month of direct action- video report
11-07-2016 10:27

Text Howard: Iraq-war was criminal
09-07-2016 15:05

Text NATO decisions in Warsaw
09-07-2016 14:15

Image The European arms dealers profiting from the refugee crisis
04-07-2016 12:57

Audio UG#736 -Why 9/11 Is Still The Issue (Understanding Institutional Silence on 911)
04-07-2016 08:02

Image Communist Party of the Philippines supports state burial for Marcos
18-06-2016 14:41

Text Occupation-Era Constitution Invalid: Special Observer
15-06-2016 19:50

Image Akbayan rejects Chinese call for dropping West Philippine Sea arbitration
13-06-2016 12:54

Text “BUILD PEACE WITHOUT WEAPONS”: Burghfield Month of Action
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Text New book: Struggles for autonomy in Kurdistan
23-05-2016 10:48 | 1 comment

Image North Korea: Kim Jong Un issues temporary ban on weddings and funerals for 'secu
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Image Philippines: The Duterte Phenomenon and our attitude towards it
07-05-2016 07:46

Image Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte’s One-Man Revolution and the CPP
19-04-2016 09:55 | 1 comment

Image Arms fair faces lively protests
02-04-2016 14:01 | 4 comments

Text The Taliban have declared war on God
29-03-2016 09:57

Text Stop Trident replacement public meeting.
04-02-2016 15:26

30-01-2016 16:53

Image Mindanao, Philippines: Stop ‘Lumad’ killings, harassment - UN
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Image Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
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Image Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
02-01-2016 13:08

Text Archived discussion re cover-up over Alzheimer's - Borrelia link
01-01-2016 16:31

Image Germany’s staying secretly supportive of the Turkish Kurds
24-12-2015 05:52

Text China Prepares Rare Earth Mineral Sanctions Against US
18-12-2015 09:54

Image Secret Kurdistan’s ally
16-12-2015 10:36

Image Cambridge Gets Creative Against Syrian Bombing
04-12-2015 00:44 | 2 comments

Image Cambridge Says "No" to Bombing Syria!
01-12-2015 23:35 | 2 comments

Audio Sheffield #DontBombSyria Protest
28-11-2015 20:09

Text Iran Using Chumbawumba Trick To Defuse Car Bombs
15-11-2015 18:49

Text DSEI - we are going to end it for ever.
13-11-2015 08:49 | 1 comment

Audio UG#723 - A US Deep State Event (The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail)
08-11-2015 15:02

Image Refugees & the UK Arms Trade Graffiti
06-11-2015 10:54 | 2 comments

Audio UG#722 - A Milieu of The European Deep State (NATO and The Bilderberg)
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Text Trollhattan Killer´s Odd Obsession Revealed
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Text The Massacre of Ankara. Eye-witness Account& Analysis
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Generic media Moron Hunt through Haze October
16-10-2015 22:13 | 4 comments

Audio UG#721 - Mind-numbering Contradictions (Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech...)
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Text Chinese Hackers Sink British Aircraft Carrier
12-10-2015 13:28

Text Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015‏‎‏‎
06-10-2015 22:34

Text Indian anti-nuclear film and discussion with the film maker.
29-09-2015 12:35

Audio UG#718 - The Deep State'sIncreasing Shallowness (Bombs from Oklahoma to Libya)
25-09-2015 17:12

Image Arms fair's cyber security breached
19-09-2015 13:41 | 4 comments

Text More files from Anarchists breach of DSEI arms fair's online security
18-09-2015 20:42

Text Anarchists breach DSEI arms fair's online security
17-09-2015 20:23

Text Numbers low, help needed NOW !
16-09-2015 16:24 | 3 comments

Image Berlin Weighs Controversial Parachuting Ramp
14-09-2015 09:59

Image British Embassy in NZ claims "we're doing better than most European countries"
08-09-2015 03:48

Image BLACK SKIN, WHITE FATIGUES Opposing Imperialist Army Recruitment
14-08-2015 21:01 | 1 comment

Audio UG#713 - The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 (The Vicious Cercle...)
13-08-2015 18:50

Text DSEI - Day of Action. Details for the day
10-08-2015 11:57 | 1 comment

Image John Pilger to appear at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on August 9th.
30-07-2015 14:53

Image 6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action
26-06-2015 04:42

Image Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
25-06-2015 09:57

Image Ongoing weekly demo, Tuesday evenings at NSA/NRO Menwith Hill
24-06-2015 21:53 | 1 comment

Image MANILA – ‘Morong 43’ arrest, detention illegal — CHR
22-06-2015 13:46

Image Independence FROM America
21-06-2015 21:33 | 2 comments

Image Armed Forces Day North Wales: Report & Pics
21-06-2015 13:59 | 1 comment

Audio UG#709 - Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 2 (Atoms For Profit)
09-06-2015 16:01

Generic media Whistleblower McNeilly's statements compared
18-05-2015 16:57 | 1 comment

Image Royal Navy Sub Engineer blows whistle on Trident Nuclear Weapons System
17-05-2015 07:10 | 4 comments

Image Report & Pics: Anzac Day in Wales - Remembering a Pioneer for Peace
28-04-2015 19:28 | 3 comments

Image Event in Llangollen to remember lifelong peace activist Lib Rowlands-Hughes on centenary of Gallipoli landings (Anzac Day)
21-04-2015 12:49

Text A Peace Tree in Oxford
20-04-2015 21:18 | 1 comment

Image World Social Forum 2015 in Tunis Joins the Cry "Nous Sommes Bardo!"
06-04-2015 05:59

Audio UG#706 - When Are Terrorists Not Terrorists? (States assassinating by drones)
02-04-2015 16:13

Image Report of UN anti-racism day demonstration in Glasgow 21st March 2015
22-03-2015 20:46

Image Report of Radical Independence Campaign Conference
20-03-2015 17:50 | 1 comment

Text The banning of landmines
17-03-2015 15:16

Text Smash EDO response to supreme court ruling on surveillance
04-03-2015 21:26

Text Petition calling for an immediate British withdrawal from NATO
22-02-2015 12:23 | 2 comments

Image US secretly passes arms to Ukraine, while Ukraine secretly passes it to… Bashar
18-02-2015 06:45 | 1 comment

Image Second UK-based Israeli drone factory shut down by occupation
17-02-2015 09:59 | 2 comments

Image Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance
14-02-2015 00:22

Image AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?
02-02-2015 13:22

Image AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?
02-02-2015 12:23

Image Possible US Presidential Candidates In 2016
28-01-2015 21:53

Image Winston Churchill:the Imperial Monster
28-01-2015 21:04 | 2 comments

Text The Crisis Denial Illusion as a Shadow Deficit Symptom
23-01-2015 15:47

Image On suppression of truth during Pope’s visit and challenges to the Filipino relig
19-01-2015 09:24

Image They won! Anti-Militarist Court Solidarity
16-01-2015 15:08 | 1 comment

Text Je ne suis pas Charlie!
13-01-2015 20:59 | 7 comments

Image 23/24 January: 2nd Manning Truthfest in west Wales
09-01-2015 21:24

Text Can Greece Shrink the Submarine Bubble Without Burst?
05-01-2015 22:34

Image My view on the `Honours System`
02-01-2015 01:48

Audio UG#699 - A Country with A Military or A Military with A Country?
31-12-2014 12:29

Image Catholic Workers Blockade Northwood Military HQ
29-12-2014 12:30 | 4 comments

Text Door Smashed by UKBF Raid-Soli Fund
26-12-2014 20:29

Image Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares
19-12-2014 13:14 | 2 comments

Image Chelsea Manning demo US Embassy, London
18-12-2014 21:25

Text US vet tells the thruth about War and Racism
11-12-2014 09:52

Image 17 Dec: Noise Demo at US Embassy on Chelsea Manning's Birthday
09-12-2014 23:40 | 1 addition

Image Philippine Women’s Coalitions Launch 18 Days of Activism against Violence
03-12-2014 12:05

Image Report and photos from Faslane anti-Trident demo on Sunday 30th November 2014
30-11-2014 19:07

Text Is Africa Over the Watershed?
27-11-2014 18:01

Text Get the bloody arms trade out of Bristol
19-11-2014 17:33

Text US Planes Supplying ISIL with Weapons, Foodstuff. Iraq Intel Report
19-11-2014 14:04

Image Not guilty verdict for Barclays Newport protestors
17-11-2014 00:13 | 1 comment

Image Brisbane G20 - Ciaron O'Reilly prohibited then arrested speaking out for Assange, Manning, Snowden
16-11-2014 21:46 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Text A Sheffield-based Death Squad?
11-11-2014 08:00

Text On trial: Anti-Nato protesters who demanded Barclays divest from the arms trade
10-11-2014 10:17 | 1 comment

Image Philippines: Akbayan and Santiago file joint resolution to terminate VFA
05-11-2014 11:04

Text Death Drones are Arriving in Llanbedr - Protest
30-10-2014 10:14 | 1 comment

Image Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps
21-10-2014 12:13

Image U.S. Marine Suspected in Killing of Transgender Filipina
15-10-2014 13:36

Image Opposing the DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff
14-10-2014 23:30

Image A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 2)
09-10-2014 20:18 | 1 comment

Image Glasgow anti-war demonstration Saturday October 4th 2014
06-10-2014 10:38

Text Peace Strike Statement Re: Air Strikes On Iraq
27-09-2014 13:18

Text Marx, Lenin, Mao and the Futurology of Scientific Anarchism
26-09-2014 15:27

Image Wrexham: Protest outside MP's office in advance of Iraq vote
26-09-2014 10:08 | 2 comments

Image Wrexham: Join us today to protest British involvement in war on Isis
25-09-2014 07:37

Text Callout to Demonstrate against 2014 DPRTE Arms Fair.
24-09-2014 15:04

Text No Borders Noise Demo outside the UK Home Office Buildings, Cardiff.
24-09-2014 11:47

Image Mass Lobby of British Parliament for Palestine
22-09-2014 12:03

Image A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 1)
20-09-2014 17:00 | 1 comment

Text Humanitarian catastrophe looming in Syria as ISIS advances on Kobanê
19-09-2014 21:38 | 2 comments

Image 21 & 22 September: Two Days for World Peace in Wrexham
17-09-2014 22:19

Text USAF Croughton - march and rally Saturday 4th October
10-09-2014 12:33

XML UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive