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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link New Books Worth Reading Mon Sep 19, 2016 23:25 | Seán Sheehan

offsite link 13 Billion ? Lucky for some? Mon Sep 05, 2016 13:04 | Tony Phillips

offsite link Rebuilding Ireland: Long on Promise, Short on Detail Mon Aug 29, 2016 22:20 | Eoin O'Mahony

offsite link Brexit and Other Issues: Comments on the Current Situation Mon Aug 29, 2016 21:52 | Brendan Young

offsite link Bin Charges: From Private Circus to Public Service Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:38 | Michael Taft

Irish Left Review >>

Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link London Spy TV series 14:04 Sun Mar 12, 2017 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Monster Movie redux 12:00 Sun Mar 12, 2017 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Sunday Independent Sensible Statement of the Week 10:00 Sun Mar 12, 2017 | guestposter

offsite link Peak poll ? SF ahead of FG. 21:11 Sat Mar 11, 2017 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Borrowing ebooks from the Library? 15:44 Sat Mar 11, 2017 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link Notes for a Book on Money and the Irish State - The Marshall Aid Program 15:10 Sat Apr 02, 2016

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015


offsite link ALWAYS THE ARTISTS: WEEK THREE OF THE BANK INQUIRY 23:11 Thu Jan 22, 2015

Dublin Opinion >>

national / economics and finance Thursday November 24, 2016 03:56 by 1 of Indymedia
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We are republishing this article by Stephen Donnelly TD who has been doing great work in exposing how Fine Gael have gone out of their away to facilitate vulture funds who are now preying on ordinary people by charging exorbitant rents and fueling the current property and are replacing the English absentee landlord of centuries past, with ruthless vulture funds capitalists of this era and essentially introducing a form of neo-fuedalism as increasing huge swaths of the population are either priced out of buying homes, or are signing up for debt that last close to a lifetime.

international / eu Wednesday June 22, 2016 23:18 by 1 of Indymedia
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The People's Newsletter from the People's Movement in their bi-monthly newsletter carry an article on Brexit which is topical given that the British go to the polls on it this Thurs 23rd June. The various opinion polls show it to be relatively close.

The article here from the People's Movement puts forward good Left wing arguments why Britain should leave and they are good reasons for Ireland to leave too. The impression given is that the Brexit referendum was agreed to because of political pressure from the people. It is likely though that there are considerable powerful interests within the elite want to leave as they see their chances to be better off in the long run, yet those arguments not discussed here would be more issues within national capitalist faction.

The other article in this months newsletter is

national / history and heritage Sunday March 27, 2016 01:23 by T
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The 1916 Proclamation

On the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising it is worth reflecting on what has happened since then and the aspirations of the proclamation to guarantee equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens and cherishing all of the children of the nation equally.

The Rising itself was doomed to failure from the start but as with life itself often the most unpredictable and unexpected things happen because despite the lack of initial public support, after the executions sympathies swung the other way and as they say the rest was history and the ripples spread out, because it has been said the fight for independence of India was inspired by the Irish Rising.

national / elections / politics Wednesday February 24, 2016 18:26 by T
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Parties for a Left Dail

The election cycle has come around yet again it is time to take a look at some of the issues being discussed and more importantly those not discussed and have a quick look at the economy.

For this election there are more independents going up than ever before, although people should be warned that a certain fraction of them are closet FFers and FGers so if it is change you are looking for, they may not be the candidates to vote for. Sometimes people seemed to assume Independents tend to be more to the Left. There is no inherent reason this should be the case and statistically one would expect them to evenly spread to the Left and Right. So if voting for an Independent then be sure you have checked what they really stand for and their previous record if any.

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TTIP is the greatest single threat to our
democracy. Both FG and FF support it.
It is a EU-US wide corporate power grab.
Find out more before you vote !!
national / economics and finance Tuesday February 02, 2016 23:11 by T
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Trajectory of Irish Banks

Forget the official Banking Inquiry report because Joe Higgins has written a much more better one and it asks the rights questions and gets to the heart of the matter by putting the whole saga in its proper context -something which the official report couldn't thing as it would mean asking fundamental questions. Indeed the inquriy itself and official report have been steeped in controversary with allegations of coverup because of numerous reports of key officials and whistleblowers in the regulator office and central bank were ignored and their evidence never making into the inquiry. The whistleblower made a formal complaint under the Protected Disclosures Act and (Village Magazine) "outlining a range of detailed concerns about how the Central Bank and some of its legal representatives were omitting huge swathes of vital documents, redacting many of the most crucial pieces of evidence, and delaying release of vital material until it was too late to use them in briefings for public hearings – in at least one case handing them over 24 hours before a scheduled interview about them."

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textPuerto Rico Oversight Board Warns Island Can't Pay Vital Services 20:53 Wed 08 Mar by Greg Williams 0 comments

The Financial Oversight and Management Board of Puerto Rico warns "the Commonwealth soon will be unable to pay essential services, including pensions, education, healthcare and public safety,"‎ as soon as June.

webiawfront150x150.jpg imageIsraeli Apartheid Week 2017 – Event Guide (4 – 11 March) 00:14 Sun 05 Mar by ipsc 0 comments

Celebrating 13 years! Israeli Apartheid Week is an annual international series of events (including rallies, lectures, performances, films, multimedia displays and protest actions) held in cities and campuses across the globe.

Each year, Israeli Apartheid Week takes place across more than 150 universities and cities. It aims to raise awareness about Israel’s ongoing settler-colonial project and apartheid policies over the Palestinian people. IAW aims to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support for the growing campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Please join us in making the the 13th Israeli Apartheid Week one of the biggest yet.

Climate change graph imageLoading the dice - lecture report 10:53 Wed 01 Mar by Paul Lynch 0 comments

On Monday night professor Myles Allen of Oxford University delivered the first in a series of four Lectures on Climate change at UCC to a full house in room 107 of the Western Gateway Building. The theme of the lecture was "Understanding - Climate science and observations", with a focus on quantifying the role of climate change in extreme weather events in Ireland and worldwide.

textTreasury Extends Anti-Money Laundering Luxury Real Estate Regulations 19:05 Thu 23 Feb by Greg Williams 0 comments

Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) renewed requirements for title insurance companies to identify the real owners behind shell companies in six major metropolitan areas.

textMinutes of Joint Committee meeting -not on Oireachtas website 20:56 Sat 11 Feb by ffi 1 comments

Minutes of Joint Committee meeting from DEC 6th 2016 – minutes confirm that the Fracking Bill is with the Select Committee (supposed to be) rather than the Joint Committee (141 -2). These minutes are not available on Oireachtas website, only internally within Leinster House…

textLay Litigant wins another Case in Supreme Court 00:11 Sat 11 Feb by Justin Morahan 0 comments

The rejection of a judicial review request could not be appealed because of the backdating of the High Court Order. Now the appeal is allowed.

textBus Eireann set to strike from 20th February 23:05 Thu 09 Feb by wsm 0 comments

Bus Eireann staff are set to exert their collective rights and strike from the 20th February in an indefinite industrial action in order to secure their pay and conditions. The strike action follows Bus Éireann’s acting chief executive officer Ray Hernan saying the company wanted to reduce its cost base by €30 million per year, with payroll costs accounting for 40 per cent of that reduction.

textHow new technology will end homelessness in Ireland 12:33 Fri 03 Feb by Mack MacThomais 1 comments

The recent census taken shows an alarming land distribution fact.Almost 50% of Ireland's limited landscape is owned by 10% of the population. The reasons given for this onesided dynamic is farming and food security.This has created a land scarcity which has seen thousands of Irish families without homes or land to feed themselves which was the prime fundamental at the centre of every uprising in Ireland since the 15th century. A new technological innovation in science is set to put an end to land agitation ,extortionate food price hikes and offers the opportunity of food security for all .

20092017obamatrumpinauguration.jpg imageTrump, spokesman slam U.S. media over inaugural crowd coverage 07:29 Sun 22 Jan by afpRappler 2 comments

Washington city authorities do not provide official crowd counts but TV footage clearly showed the gathering did not stretch all the way to the Washington Monument as Trump asserted

delaysign.jpg imageIncinerator decision bites the dust for third time 23:00 Sat 21 Jan by chase 0 comments

An Bord Pleanala have postponed a decision on the Ringakiddy Incinerator Application for a third time. The decision was originally due on 12 July 2016, postponed to 26 October, then to 24 Jan 2017 and has been postponed again with “a proposed decision date not available at this time” according to Bord Pleanala’s website. (

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textBrazil wants democracy back! Mar 02 by Emilio Jose Lemos de Lima 0 comments

The coup of 2016 double hit democracy in Brazil: it overthrew an honest president from power, without being able to point out against her rigorously no wrong attitude, thus trampling the constitution, which does not admit this alternative, and passing, in practice, the presidentialist regime to The parliamentarian, without consulting the population, a hypothesis that is also forbidden by the Magna Carta.

It is fundamental that democratic sectors outside Brazil, support the struggle of Brazilians for the return of democracy and presidentialism!

textMy book exposes the Human rights Malpractice of the Liberal Left Feb 06 by Anthony Ravlich 0 comments

My book has just been published and given time it will result in the elimination of neoliberalism because I show how it derives from a United Nations 'hidden' collectivist agenda which involves major violations of the Universal Declaration and the UN Charter. I recommend that the West, which has been determined for decline, boycott the UN until it has been removed. Already we are seeing the rise of China, Russia and political Islam and the decline of the European Union.

textThe Irish water charges movement Jan 25 by Laurence Cox 0 comments

A working paper on the water charges movement now available online for comment and discussion.

textThe world stands still waiting for Trump's first steps Jan 24 by Fabio Ang 0 comments

First speech of The President of United States at his own rearranged CIA headquarters, I said, the US President!:
“… you know, I am on a running war with the Media.They are among the most dishonest human being on earth.”

textA Letter to All Americans and to Real News Websites (labeled Fake News by the Mainstream Media): Dec 15 by Anonymous Student 0 comments

It should seem obvious whoever controls access to ideas controls a people or nation to a large extent. It is natural for power-hungry operators to attempt to control and manipulate masses of peoples’ perceptions (assumptions and thoughts). The mainstream media has been compromised for a very long time. Things have become truly Orwellian. We need a complete re-assessment of this last election cycle to understand how deep the Deceit State has corrupted so many institutions in this country—and especially the mainstream media and the Democratic Party.

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textSIPTU Firefighters and supporters protest outside fire stations across Dublin Mar 06 0 comments

SIPTU Firefighters and hundreds of their supporters protested outside fire stations across Dublin today (Saturday, 4th March) to highlight their opposition to an attempt to break up the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) Emergency Medical Service by removing its ambulance call and dispatch function.

imageCorrib benefits from high price of gas Mar 03 0 comments

[Shell to Sea]The Oil & Gas giveaway in action: The Corrib Gas partners made $589m (estimated €532m) last year and yet paid no royalties or tax.

The Corrib Partners are benefiting from a relatively high gas-priced product and recorded estimated sales of over €420m in the first full year of production at the Corrib gas field.

Production started on the field at the end of 2015. For the 12 months of last year, the Corrib Partners, including Shell Ireland, recorded estimated revenues of (Canadian) $589m from the production of gas from the field.

textBrain Awarenes Week: Brain Doping in Academia Mar 01 0 comments

Dear Friends,

We are a collaborative group of Ms C students in Applied Psychology at Dublin Business School.

We are an advocacy project raising public awareness around Cognitive Enhancers and Doping in Academia
We have attached an article surrounding this important issue hopefully to be published during National Brain Awareness Week commencing March 6th 2017.

Kind regards,


textNBRU To Engage In All Out Indefinite Strike From Monday 6th March Feb 27 National Bus & Rail Union 0 comments


General Secretary Dermot O’Leary said:

“Bus Éireann Management are determined to steer a course towards conflict by issuing ultimatums to staff, before they have had the opportunity to digest, never mind analyse the detail contained in this latest missive. Placing an emphasis on, as it were, parking the race to the bottom agenda for now, and replacing it with broad sweeping generalisations under insider specific language, is obviously designed to create an impression that there has been a major shift in policy, away from raiding workers’ pay packets to plug the policy induced financial gap at Expressway.”

imagePeople's News: Another housing bubble building! Feb 27 0 comments

The latest issue of People's News -for 15th Feb carries a lead article on the current housing bubble.

The free movement of capital has become one of the maxims of global capitalism. Along with the free movement of people, goods and services it is also one of the “four freedoms” of the EU’s single market.

But the removal of the policy instrument of capital controls has probably contributed to a succession of financial crises. Three decades ago, many people in the EU invested their hopes in a combination of free trade, free mobility of capital, a fixed exchange rate, and an independent monetary policy — dubbed an “inconsistent quartet.”

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