Performance Management System Improves Service Delivery in Kisumu County

The County Government of Kisumu has installed shaded market stalls at the Nyamasaria market providing the much-needed shelter from adverse weather conditions to vendors and customers. The market vendors can now trade without worrying about their produce or wares being damaged by the hot sun or the anticipated rains. Besides providing shelter, the shaded stalls have also improved the order within the market area. In addition, sanitation within the market has also been enhanced with construction of public toilets, infrastructure which was not available for market-goers at the busy market.

Sustainable Land Management for sustainable livelihoods

Sustainable land management is a comprehensive approach to address land degradation through improved land stewardship, with benefits for both the environment and the people who depend on it.

UNV Kenya Builds Capacity of Scouts Leaders for peace and development

the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Kenya programme partnered with the Kenya Scouts to support and facilitate the inaugural Rover Moot Event between 15th and 19th February 2017. The Rover Moot was an event for young adults and scout leaders aged between 18 to 30 years aimed at promoting peace and development through leveraging the strength of the scout movement and building the capacities of volunteer scout leaders within the Africa Regional Scouts network who were to commit and be guided to further build the capacity of their communities.

Global Goals World Cup
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Nicolaj Coster-Waldau in Kenya to Raise Awareness on SDGs During the Global Goals World Cup

The atmosphere was electric at the Impala Sports Grounds as the Global Goals World Cup Anthem was played to signify the beginning of a unique football tournament for women and girls termed Global Goals World Cup. The celebrity referee, who is also UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, of Game of thrones fame added the excitement to the crowds as they cheered the teams on.


The United Nations has contributed over Ksh. 37.7 Billion shillings towards Humanitarian and Development assistance to Kenya in the past three years (2014-2016). This has been managed under the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) in which Government takes the lead in the development programing while the UN supports the coordination of activities through the Delivering as One mechanism

Chatterjee Presents Credentials to Kenya Foreign Office

Sid officially presents credentials to Foreign Affairs and Trade CS, Amina Mohamed following recent appointment as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative and the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Kenya

Empowering Communities with Renewable Energy

The Ewang’an energy center was established in 2008 with assistance from UNIDO. Ewang’an later submitted a proposal to the Global Environment Facility(GEF) Small Grants Program (SGP), requesting for funds to up-scale the Center and increase energy supply to meet the growing demands.

#LeaveNoOneBehind: Kenya Government Gives Road Map to implementation of SDGs

the Government of Kenya launched the national implementation plan for the Sustainable Development Goals, and expressed commitment that ‘no one will be left behind’ in the economic and social prosperity of the country.

UNDP Support to Elections in Kenya

Following request by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for the UN to support Kenyan’s 2017 elections, the UN conducted an electoral needs assessment in 2014 which served as the guide for the type and nature of UN electoral support which normally rendered through a basket fund managed by UNDP. Subsequently, UNDP developed a 24m USD election support project titled Strengthening Electoral Processes in Kenya (SEPK) in 2014 for implementation from 2015 – 2018.

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark Statement on International Women’s Day

This year, International Women’s Day is devoted to Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030. Globalization and technology change are driving that change. It’s important that women are able to succeed in this new world of work

Localizing and Mainstreaming SDGs at the County
Localizing and Mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the County Government Level in Kenya

22 June 2016, Kwale: The 47 County Governments have embarked on integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their Development Plans. This follows a consultative forum with various County Planners, Officials from the Ministry of Devolution and Planning and the United Nations in establishing the key priority...

Empowering Women to Conserve Wildlife in Amboseli

The project seeks to empower women in imbirikani Group Ranch to Plan and implement their own sustainable income generating enterprises, develop their business skills and commercial viability and to link their products to the local and international market

Solar Dealers accreditation
Cellphone based solar dealers accreditation initiative

UNDP, through UN Joint program on Climate Change helped Kenya start the 1st national-wide mobile phone based platform for accredited solar dealers and technicians. Prospective buyers just need to dial *860# to get a list of accredited dealers. This has enabled gradual removal of sub-standard solar products and installations in the market thereby enhancing adoption and use of sustainable renewable energy

UNDP Supports the Legislative Agenda of County Governments
UNDP Supports the Legislative Agenda of County Governments

County Governments will now be able to develop their own legislation following the unveiling of over fifty County Model Laws; that will act as reference guides for adaptation and customization, to suit the specific realities and unique needs of each county in the exercise of its legislative powers.

UN Secretary General Regrets Resistance to Gender Parity

The richness, welfare and prosperity of countries depend on the full integration of women in the development process, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today, commemorating International Women’s Day at a ceremony in Nairobi as part of his visit to Kenya. Speaking at an event alongside the First Lady of Kenya, Mr. Guterres told the hundreds of assembled women leaders at the Government’s official celebration of the International Day, that every effort had to be made to finally defeat male-dominated culture if we are to be able to achieve gender equality.

Maendelo forum
Maendeleo Policy Forum Deepening Democracy- Election Management and Stability in Africa’s Divided Societies

Elections are increasingly the norm across the continent. The number of countries holding elections in Africa have grown exponentially over the last two decades.