Got a question about advertising with the Guardian? From available formats, to how much things cost and getting your ad live, here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
What are our ad rates?

You can find the Guardian ratecard here.

What formats can I buy?

Take a look through all of our digital and print formats in our ad gallery. 

Interested in something bespoke? Chat through your idea with our ad operations team.

Any other questions about display ads and our ad formats can go through our media sales team.

What does our audience look like?

Familiarise yourself with the Guardian's cross-platform audience in the UK with our cheatsheet

Is there a minimum spend?

It depends on what kind of ad you are booking with us. Here's an estimation of minimum spend across our ad options:

  • Display ads - Digital ads carry a minimum spend of £2,000. In print the cheapest size available is the 8x3 valued at £1238.
  • Programmatic ads - There is no minimum spend for programmatic.
  • Guardian Jobs ads - The minimum Jobs display campaign is valued at £500. Bookings for less than this amount would be for job board inventory. The smallest campaign we will sell would be 50,000 impressions at £10CPM. 
  • Guardian Ad Manager - Minimum spend for our self service Ad Manager platform is £250.
What are the booking/copy deadlines?

Take a look through this handy deadline guide to find all the dates you need. 

What are the different publications that I can advertise in?

Walk yourself through our catalogue of Guardian products and the available formats here.

How do we deal with ad blocking?

Research into our ad blocking audience showed that a great deal of people who used ad blockers didn't understand how important ad revenues were when it came to supporting the Guardian. 

So allow us to explain the importance of ad funding to our business:

Advertising revenues play a significant role in helping fund the Guardian and the Observer’s independent, award-winning journalism.

The Guardian Media Group is owned by the Scott Trust, whose role is to secure the editorial and financial independence of the Guardian and the Observer.

Revenue that comes from advertising is reinvested into our journalism rather than going to a proprietor or shareholders.

In this way, advertising revenues play an important role in maintaining our ability to produce quality journalism and to break the stories that hold power to account, without any external pressures or influences.

How does the advertising model work?

Put simply, it works like this: a brand pays us for space in our pages, online and in print, which they can then use to put their messages in front of our readers.

Advertising on our website and in our newspapers looks different from our editorial content. Online it carries an “advertisement” label above it. You may also see ‘Supported by’ and ‘Paid content/paid for by’ content, which we explain here.

Our ad spaces aim to be non-intrusive and we pride ourselves on ensuring that whether you are reading our journalism in the newspaper, online or via our app it will be a great experience.

If you do ever see an ad that you think is intrusive or makes accessing the Guardian problematic, get in touch with userhelp@theguardian.com. They'll have some questions for you and will work to solve the issue.

Find out more about our privacy policy.

How do I supply my advert?

Here are your delivery options depending on the type of ads you are supplying:

We can also set and design your ads for you if you supply text, logos and a style sheet (where needed). This method should always start with the sales team who will guide you through what to do and what to supply. There is a small charge for this service which your contact can discuss with you. We do occasionally set simple colour advertising with things such as colour borders and swatches of a single colour from an agreed list of colours.

If you have any further questions please contact us at: ad.services.ad.design@theguardian.com

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