
Essai sur "l'herméneutique" stalinienne - Slavoj Zizek

Zizek's contribution (pp. 86-144) in Armando Verdiglione 1978, Actes du Colloque de Milan, 1977: Généalogie de la politique (Colletivo semiotica e psicanalisi) La Violence, Volume 2 (pp. 375), Paris: Union Générale d'Editions 10/18 (Christian Bourgois).

Militancy: highest stage of alienation - Organisation des Jeunes Travailleurs Révolutionnaires

A critique of the role of the political militant, its misery and arrogance; written by Dominique Blanc and published by the OJTR in France, 1972.

Correspondence between Bordiga and Trotsky

Letters between Bordiga and Trotsky, written during the VIth Plenum of the CI’s Executive. Bordiga asks Trotsky for some clarifications of his views on the German question.


Bolshevik (journal). Political-economic biweekly of the central committee of the Russian communist party. (Reproduced for reference only)

Theory and action in Marxist doctrine - Amadeo Bordiga

In this article from 1951, Amadeo Bordiga presents a master-summary of various bourgeois ideologies and their underlying social dynamics, before outlining the Marxist conception of party, praxis, and the Marxist approach to the unions.

Standing at night, or taking it lying down? - Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu


A byproduct of the recent protests against the new "Labour Law" in France was an Occupy-style protest movement (known as "Nuits Debout") based around gatherings in public squares, notably Place de La République in Paris. This is a translation of a highly critical leaflet which Mouvement Communiste distributed at the gatherings. The original French version is provided as a PDF.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 7-8

The Volume 3, Number 7-8 (August 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Дамье В.В. СТАЛЬНОЙ ВЕК: Социальная история советского общества/ Age of steel. Social history of soviet society 1917-1991 by V.Damier

A book about the history of "Soviet" society from libertarian point of view
By Vadim Damier
(in russian)

Living in the shadow of Stalinism - Donald Parkinson

Communists today must grapple with the difficult realities of the USSR, a society where capitalism didn’t operate but working class rule was liquidated.

Russia and Ukraine: history called up on national service

Flag showing Stalin

The Russian and Ukrainian elites are mobilising, and misrepresenting, history, to justify each side of the ruinous military conflict in eastern Ukraine