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Lisa Du is director of ReadyTechGo, a service that helps people gain the confidence and skills to embrace modern technology.

If you own an iPhone or iPad, you've most likely heard of Siri, and maybe even used its functions. For those of you who haven't yet interacted with this feature, allow me to introduce you to your new personal assistant! Siri allows you to utilise a number of features on your Apple device with ease and convenience, by simply holding down your home button, and asking. With the recent release of the new software for your Mac - Mac OS Sierra - you can now have Siri on your computer, also.

How do I access Siri on my Mac?

Firstly, it is important to ensure that your computer can update to Mac OS Sierra. Apple has compiled a clear, useful page here that will tell you whether or not your Mac can support the new software, and you can find it here. If your computer can support the new software, follow these steps to upgrade to Mac OS Sierra.

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Once running Mac OS Sierra, you will notice the Siri icon in the top right corner of your screen, next to your Spotlight magnifying glass icon. Click on the icon, and you can start using Siri straight away.

Where do I start?

You can ask Siri a multitude of questions, exactly as you would expect to be able to ask on your iPhone or iPad. It is important to bear in mind that Siri relies on an internet connection to function, so if you are using your laptop outside of a wifi network, Siri may not work.

If you would like an idea of the best things to use Siri for, you can click the small question mark that appears in the Siri window, or even say, "Siri, what can I ask you?"

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  • Perhaps you want Siri to assist you writing an email? eg. "Siri, send an email to Tom, telling him I loved my Christmas gift."
  • Is there a song you're dying to hear? eg. "Siri, play Frank Sinatra."
  • Perhaps you want to find some information? eg. "Siri, search the internet for information on Melbourne."

Apple is constantly developing Siri's abilities, meaning that as you continue to utilise the feature, the more useful and intelligent it will become.

Over60 has partnered with ReadyTechGo, a technology service for seniors, to provide you with FREE tech lessons in Melbourne over the next month. Register your interest today.

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