Bridie SmithVerified account


Science Editor, The Age. Also covering Victorian WWI stories during the Anzac centenary for

Melbourne, Australia
Joined March 2011

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  1. Plenty of interesting reading piling up on the desk of our science editor

  2. Astounding find: humans occupied Australia's arid interior 49,000 years ago, 10,000 years earlier than thought

  3. This is the result for Research Fellowship (senior level = professor). The gender distribution is better for ECRs (see below)

  4. , it’s time to puff out your chest. You are Australia’s hotspot. , you come second.

    , , and 7 others
  5. , , and 3 others
  6. Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence computer 'judge' which predicts court findings w 79% accuracy

  7. Snow Leopard Meo having a health check today

  8. , , and 3 others

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