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German retail giant Kaufland enters Australia, seeking big lots of land and staff

The battle for Australians' grocery shop is set to intensify, with German grocery giant Kaufland looking for land and staff in Australia.

In news likely to send send shivers down the spines of under-pressure local retailers, the superstore chain is looking for big lots of land of up to 20,000 square metres.

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Is Australia ready for Kaufland?

Germany's Kaufland could rock the retail world if the 'hypermarket' giant decides to set up stores in Australia.

This is about the same size as the big box stores of the collapsed Woolworths hardware business, Masters, and large enough to house between 200 and 300 car parks.

Kaufland is also looking for a property developer, an architectural planner, a letting manager and an administrator/assistant, all based in Melbourne, its new Australian website shows. 

The same site says Kaufland has an "ambitious Australian investment and development programme".

Its feasibility study into the local market has raised eyebrows in Germany because the company is considered to have its hands full closer to home, particularly in the tough Eastern European market. 


​German Retail Blog reports that "an increasing number of its [Kaufland's] top brass have been seen returning from Australia with a suntan of late, and we are happy to reveal that the corporate HQ will be in Melbourne."

Kaufland describes itself as a "grocery chain focused on our customers". 

German customers have compared it to Big W or Kmart in Australia, saying it is popular because it is a "one-stop shop with decent prices on both supermarket products, but also things such as bikes and car maintenance supplies." 

According to its website, Kaufland operates more than 1230 stores in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia, with more than 150,000 employees across Europe.

Stores can stock up to 60,000 products, about 48 times more than a typical Aldi discount supermarket and tens of thousands more than a typical Woolworths and Coles supermarket.

Kaufland is part of the giant retail conglomerate Schwarz Group, which is led by German billionaire Dieter Schwarz and is one of the world's biggest retailers with $US94.5 billion ($126 billion) in sales in the 2015 financial year.

The group also owns discount supermarket chain Lidl, the arch-rival of Aldi, which has operated in Australia since the turn of the century. 

Supermarkets in Australia enjoy some of the world's highest profits margins, but have come under pressure in recent years due to the growth of Aldi. The country's biggest chain Woolworths has poured more than $1 billion into cutting prices, and Coles boss Ian Durkan last month said his chain would be  "competitive forever".

Pharmacy Guild's protest

As Fairfax Media revealed, Kaufland lodged its Australian trademark application in July last year, covering everything from alcohol to tobacco, pharmacy, musical instruments, sports equipment, garden, vehicles, financial services and insurance.

But Kaufland's trademark application almost became unstuck when one of Australia's most powerful lobby groups sought to oppose the retailer's application because it mentioned selling "pharmacy articles". 

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, which represents the nation's chemists, recently sought to stop Kaufland from registering its name and logo in Australia.

The Guild told Fairfax Media this week that "an applicant for a trademark, other than a pharmacist, would not be permitted to use the trademark in Australia in relation to pharmaceutical goods or services because, under Australian law, only pharmacists are permitted to own pharmacies."

A successful challenge to Kaufland's application would have required to register the business under another name.

But a spokeswoman for Kaufland said it had entered into an agreement with the Guild.

"This is why [the Guild's] activities have no impact on our schedule or expansion in Australia. It is our understanding that we will be receiving our trademark rights any time soon."

Victoria makes development easier

Kaufland's ambitious plans may be curbed by planning restrictions and lack of available sites, particularly in NSW.

Zoning restrictions on large format retailers in Victoria and NSW make it challenging to find suitable locations, said CBRE head of large format retail Chris Parry.

Commercial zoning changes introduced in Victoria several years ago gave smaller supermarkets such as Aldi rights to operate in homemaker centres, usually reserved to bix box retailers.

Kaufland's 20,000 square metres stores would be well above the current 1800 square metre limit.

NSW's planning laws and lack of suitable land were even more restrictive than Victoria's, Mr Parry said.

Rival supermarket giant Cosco, which boasts a similar store footprint, has managed to roll out just eight stores since its first opened in 2009 in Docklands, Melbourne.

Kaufland isn't the only international retail giant looking for large blocks of land and local staff to enter the Australian market.

Fairfax Media revealed earlier this week that Amazon has made its first official step towards building a physical presence here with the appointment of agents, understood to be CBRE, to look for distribution sites that will form the hub for its business across the country.

- with Simon Johanson