Category Archives: Documents

Against Deep Green Resistance

DGR book cover

Warrior Publications note: Get your dictionary, this is some heavy mental material here…

by Michelle Renee Matisons and Aalexander Reid Ross, Institute for Anarchist Studies, August 9, 2015

For a book that advertises itself as a “shift in strategy and tactics,” Deep Green Resistance (DGR) has an overwhelmingly dispiriting tone, and is riddled with contradictions.[1] While DGR provocatively addresses many pressing social and ecological issues, its opportunistic, loose-cannon theoretical approach and highly controversial tactics leaves it emulating right-wing militia rhetoric, with the accompanying hierarchical vanguardism, personality cultism, and reactionary moralism. By providing a negative example, DGR does us the service of compounding issues into one book. Take it as a warning. As we grasp for solutions to multiple and compounding social and ecological crises, quick fixes, dogmatism, and power grabbing may grow as temptations. By reviewing DGR, we are also defending necessary minimal criteria for movements today: inclusivity, democracy, honesty, and (dare we suggest) even humility in the face of the complex problems we collectively face. None of these criteria can be found in DGR, and its own shortcomings are a telling lesson for us all. Read the rest of this entry

Oka Crisis, 1990

Oka warrior and soldierKanienkehaka Resistance at Oka/Kanehsatake & Kahnawake, 1990


The Kanienkehaka resistance at Kanehsatake & Kahnawake had a profound impact on Indigenous peoples in Canada. Oka set the tone for Indigenous resistance throughout the ‘90s, and inspired many people & communities to take action. Like Wounded Knee 1973, Oka was an awakening for an entire generation. Read the rest of this entry

Defend the Territory PDF

Tactics and Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities

A 24 page, 8×11, PDF document.  Download: Defend the Territory PDF Zine  Defend Territory Zine Cover

From the introduction: Communities that are effective in carrying out resistance will inevitably face some form of state repression, most often carried out by police forces. This text is intended as a review of tactics and techniques that have been used in countering police assaults on crowds and communities.

For police, these types of assaults are referred to as “public order” or “crowd control” operations. Communities targeted by such operations may face riot cops as well as armed tactical units, dog teams, armoured vehicles, the use of chemical agents and baton charges. Read the rest of this entry

PDF: Everyone Calls Themselves an Ally…

Ancestral pride logo ColourEveryone Calls Themselves An Ally, Until It’s Time To Do Some Real Ally Shit.  A new zine from Ancestral Pride, based in Nuu-chah-nulth territory on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

To download the PDF click the link below:


Check out their website:

Statement of Solidarity with the Mi’kmaq Warriors

Mi'kmaq Warrior solidarityby Zig Zag, Warrior Publications, Dec 2, 2013

Since the spring of 2013, the Mi’kmaq, along with Native and non-Native allies, have been resisting exploratory testing by SWN Resources Canada in New Brunswick. SWN, a Houston, Texas-based company, is searching for deposits of natural gas in shale rock formations. If they are successful and find significant deposits, they will then attempt to extract this gas using the process of fracking. Read the rest of this entry

PDF: The Wretched of the Earth

PDF: Wretched of the Earth Frantz Fanon

Wretched of Earth book coverFrantz Fanon was born in 1925 on the Caribbean island of Martinique, then a French colony.  He served in the French army during WW2, and after attended the University of Lyon in France, where he studied medicine and psychiatry.  From 1953-56 he served as the head of psychiatry at Blida-Joinville Hospital in Algeria, which was then part of France. He joined the Algerian liberation movement in 1954 and in 1956 became an editor of its newspaper, El Moudjahid, published in Tunis. Read the rest of this entry

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Indigenous Grassroots & the Indian Act Band Council

by Zig Zag, Warrior Publications, January 7, 2013Grassroots fist logo

Debates arising from the recent Idle No More movement have revealed two main interpretations of what comprises the grassroots.  One seeks to exclude band councils, while the other views chiefs & councillors as an integral part of the grassroots, simply by virtue of them being members of the community.  Clearly, we need some basic understanding of what constitutes the grassroots in order to advance our movement. Read the rest of this entry

Smash Pacifism; A Critical Analysis of Gandhi and King

Smash Pacifism; A Critical Analysis of Gandhi and King is a 72 page, 8×11, zine critiquing pacifism and the legacies of  Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  

Smash Pacifism zine

This Land is Not for Sale!


Background & History

Graffiti against BC treaty process in Alert Bay, Kwakwak'awakw territory 2011.

BC is unique in Canada in that virtually no treaties were made in the occupation & settlement of the province. This was in violation of the 1763 Royal Proclamation, which legally bound the British to make treaties surrendering Indigenous territory. Britain –and later Canada– followed this law in their westward expansion, making a series of numbered treaties across the prairies (i.e., Treaty No. 3, etc.). Read the rest of this entry

Colonization: A War for Territory

By Zig-Zag,

(Originally pub. 1999 as Colonization is Always War, Revised 2012)

“If anyone is trying to destroy you, STOP HIM!”
Karoniaktajeh – Louis Hall, Warrior’s Handbook p. 1

War & Colonization

Just slightly over 500 years ago, in 1492, three European ships under the command of Christopher Columbus arrived on the shores of what has come to be known as the Americas. With this began a genocidal war aimed at destroying Indigenous nations, occupying our ancestral territories, and plundering the natural wealth of the earth. How many tens of millions of Indigenous people were killed in this war will never be known, although the methods of massacres, biological warfare, executions, torture, and the enslavement of entire nations, has been well documented by historians. Read the rest of this entry