Nev Shulman's fiancée Laura Perlongo talks breastfeeding #bressure

Laura Perlongo talks #bressure - the pressure mums feel to breastfeed exclusively.
Laura Perlongo talks #bressure - the pressure mums feel to breastfeed exclusively. Photo: Instagram/el_peego

Remember Laura Perlongo, the writer and photographer who bared her "badass" pregnant belly at the Video Music Awards last year?

Well, the new mother, who welcomed baby Cleo with fiancée Nev Shulman in October last year is back, this time with a candid video about breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.

Announcing that she is sick of the "Bressure", Perlongo took to Twitter to share the ATTN clip, which chronicles her own breastfeeding journey - and the challenges she's faced since Cleo was born.

"Hi, I'm Laura and I breastfeed," Perlongo says, "most of the time. Actually just some of the time. And I am so sick of feeling stressed, judged and shamed when I can't."

Perlongo's breastfeeding story is one that will have many mums - including me! - nodding along in solidarity.

"I went through pumping, timing, shielding," she says, "massaging, more water, lactation tea, lactation cookies, lactation smoothies."

The mum also shared that - on the advice of a consultant - she even turned to classical music ...

And yet, making milk for her little one remained a challenge.

So, Perlongo decided to do something she says many would consider a "mothering sin of the greatest offence."

"I started supplementing with formula."

Doing so, she explains, is like wearing a "parenting scarlet letter."

Why? Because right now  there's intense pressure on women to exclusively breastfeed our bubs.

Take a look at Perlongo's video - and take heed of her concluding call to arms.

"People should stop judging mums, mums should stop judging mums, and most importantly, we as mums should stop judging ourselves."

