

If I could go back
I’d look you straight in the eye
brush your hair behind your ear

and I’d affect my best sisterly-motherly voice

Oh, poppet.

You are so bright
so strong
so brilliant
and joyful

You will spend years mired in self-doubt
try to shrink yourself into nothing
hide in shadows

tremble at your power

catch your breath on salty sea air
let it dance through your teeth
gaze out at endless tundra
feel the coldest cold
whisk you up
almost steal your breath away

shout out
into arctic blizzard

the kind of cold
that sweeps through
your hometown
makes you wonder
if you will make it home
on these empty streets


climb up stone steps
worn from hundreds of years
of feet

you will sleep
under stars

your own ancestors have never seen

you will be a woman
so fierce
so brave

you will travel
inside and outside
of your flesh

whisper stories to yourself
in your sleep

carry songs
and potions

you will not understand
the words that come to you

you will feel yourself melt into muskeg
swat flies and mosquitoes
hold the tenderest berry
a lifetime of sunshine
pushed through earth

you will feel your bones
across oceans
across time

and i know it is hard to conceive
as you tread back and forth
on these same concrete streets
year after year after year

but you are on the verge
of explosion

and you will find yourself
breathing in fire

and i am here to promise
that when you wake up

bit of it

was true