Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. mar. 4
  2. mar. 4
  3. Duela 20 ordu
  4. mar. 4
  5. Duela 4 ordu
  6. Duela 5 ordu
  7. Duela 10 ordu

    If we cannot see there we cannot a about them

  8. Duela 17 ordu
  9. mar. 9

    " (Delos island, Greece)" Tumblr on Pinterest

  10. mar. 8
  11. mar. 8
  12. mar. 8
  13. mar. 7
  14. mar. 7

    Here's my contribution- a plethora of from around the world!

  15. mar. 6
  16. mar. 6

    "For me, nursing is not just a job, it is a way of eliminating people's suffering."

  17. mar. 6

    So! Kinda jealous on sneha! 😊 !lucky girl! BTW eyes says it all ❤!

  18. mar. 5
  19. mar. 5
  20. mar. 4

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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