
Consumer Security

The bright-eyed talking doll that just might be a spy

Germany is banning the My Friend Cayla doll over privacy fears.

Cayla is a blond, bright-eyed doll that chatters about horses and hobbies. She plays games and accurately answers questions about the world at large. She could also be eavesdropping on your child.

Is this viral photo filter app spying on you?


Chinese app Meitu has recently taken off in English-speaking countries, and your social feed may be filled with images of your friends' faces contorted into an anime style. But security researchers are warning the app is doing far more making your selfies cute.

The most common passwords of 2016

Keeper found about 1.7 million accounts were protected by the password '123456'. Is yours?

We've all heard the warnings about passwords — use a variety of character types, make it random, use a password manager — but many of us, it seems, still aren't listening.

Ransomware for hire

Ransomware: a growing service industry.

Ransomware is a growing problem. It's estimated to have affected tens of thousands of Americans in 2016, and according to the FBI, is on track to make nearly $US1 billion a year for the criminals behind it.

A doorbell that talks to your phone

A doorbell that talks to your phone. Of course.

Do you want to see live-stream footage of everyone who comes to your door? If so, then it may be worth spending $299 on a video doorbell, made by US company Ring, which has a camera with night vision and two-way audio.

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