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an unabashed exploration of the plain, ordinary, mysterious matter of vaginas
Next exhibition of vagina vérité®: TBD click for details of the next exhibition of vagina vérité®

Welcome to vagina verite dot com!

a space for conversation on vagina-related subjects. grew out of my work on vagina vérité®, a book of vulva portraits for women. The v-portraits are close-up documentary photographs that reveal the elusive face of the ordinary vagina in plain view—not that there is such a thing as an ordinary vagina—they are each unique and beautiful.

vagina vérité® is an unabashed exploration of the plain, ordinary, mysterious matter of vaginas. So we can see ourselves for ourselves.

Working on the project led to so many fun, moving, thought-provoking conversations. Read the story of vagina vérité® here. Shared topics and themes emerged, and from these (our stories, questions and concerns) followed the questionnaires listed there on the right. is the companion website to the vagina book. It's a repository for our stories, mainly told as responses to the questionnaires. Its mission is to provide a comfortable environment for women to share their experiences and propose questions to explore. Its purpose is to engender respect and appreciation for our bodies by providing access to each other's experiences. is dedicated to the value of our individual experiences, and celebrates diversity and the beauty of all women.

While is for, and about, women, men are warmly welcomed.

I have photographed over 100 v-portraits  for vagina vérité®, the book, and am always looking to exhibit. If you have suggestions on an NYC space, I'd love to hear about it!

previous exhibitions [web page] vagina vérité® exhibitions
exhibition highlights [pdf] vagina vérité® exhibition highlights

Learn about the next exhibition and how the project is unfolding, via the newsletter*. You can sign up for it here.

Curious about the newsletter? Read a sample newsletter.

I hope you enjoy the site, and I look forward to hearing what you think.

Alexandra Jacoby

Twitter: @alexandrajacoby
Facebook: alexandra.jacoby

* The newsletter is opt-in, and opt-out whenever you like. It is an opportunity to be kept in the loop on all leave the castle projects. To leave the castle is to step out of your comfort zone. Something I am always looking to do! vagina vérité® is my primary leave the castle project at this time.

Sunday Afternoon Salon
Attend a Sunday Afternoon Salon, where you can view the v-portraits and engage in conversation. Salons take place the third Sunday of the month in NYC.

what's a salon?
A salon is a gathering for learning or enjoyment. It's a conversation in my living room, that I hope will spill out into the world.

Find more info about what to expect at salons, the schedule and attending here.

The salon invitation goes out via the newsletter. If you're not already subscribed, you can subscribe here. Don't forget to confirm your subscription or it won't get activated.

If you're not nearby, email your thoughts to me. What does all this bring up for you?

weekly update
SEP 21, 2013

the book!
For now, the book is only available to order online.

the vagina book

You can order it here, at— or, to read the text of the book, download a free pdf here.

No salons scheduled at the moment.

Thank you for being part of this project. Your support and interest mean a lot to me.

Always: your questions, comments, suggestions about the project are so welcome!

Please stay in touch about your experiences with the v-book and this conversation. They're going to change over time.

- Alexandra
Alexandra Jacoby

yOur vagina Stories
read what others wrote; add yours
[ The number of responses published so far is listed in the brackets next to each questionnaire. If the number is bold, then responses were added in the last week or so. ]

contraception review  contraception review [8]
vagocosmetic surgery  designer vaginas [
do you like the way your vagina looks questionnaire  do you like the way your vagina looks? [
gynecologist review  gyno review [
questionnaire  masturbation [91]
menstruation review  menstruation review
men's vagina first-time questionnaire  men's vagina first times [
pussy, punani, fanny, front-bottom, snatch -what's your name for vagina?  vagina names: what do you call it? [
vagina styling questionnaire  vagina style [75]
vagina taste and feel questionnaire  vagina taste and feel 
questionnaire  virginity [161]
women's vagina first-times questionnaire  women's vagina first times [244]

Total responses: 1520

view a vulva diagram

  vaginas - our relationships with them

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  about the site • mission statement • terms of use • contact • vvmail list
© 2000-2013 vagina vérité®.  site designed by leave the castle

Site last updated: SEP 21, 2013


women vagina first-times stories men vagina first-times stories