Media Release 26 Aug 2016


APC - Australian Press Council
MEDIA RELEASE | 26 August 2016
Appointment of new Adjudication Panel Chairs
The Australian Press Council has appointed two new Chairs for its Adjudication Panels in order to increase diversity and broaden expertise in the organisation’s senior ranks.
Press Council members Julie Kinross, a barrister now working at the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General, and Jennifer Elliott, the former Managing Director and Regional Head of Moody’s Asia Pacific, are the first women to be named to these important posts.
An Adjudication Panel is convened to determine complaints made to the Press Council that cannot be resolved through some other means; i.e. an apology, a letter to the editor or some other remedy deemed acceptable by both sides in a dispute over published material. The Panels, which may include four to six members with equal representation from Council’s public members and industry members—publisher members do not take part in considering complaints—have usually been headed by the Council’s Chair, Professor David Weisbrot, or one of the two Council Vice-Chairs, Hon John Doyle AC and Julian Gardner AM.
The new appointments mean that Adjudication Panel proceedings may now also be headed by either Ms Kinross or Ms Elliot.
“In making these appointments, we were conscious of the need for greater gender and geographical diversity, as well as to recognise and develop the capabilities of our public members,” said Press Council Chair David Weisbrot AM. “It also provides the Council with much more flexibility in scheduling Adjudication Panels, spreading the workload more evenly, and providing for both continuity and succession planning.”
Julie Kinross said: “As women comprise a significant part of the news readership, it makes sense for the composition of the Adjudication Panel to reflect that readership. I thank the Press Council for the significant trust it has placed in me and look forward to serving the in my new role."
Jennifer Elliott said: “Given the rapid change in the media landscape today, it’s important that the Council continues to ensure its Adjudication Panels are well placed to respond by broadening expertise. I’m delighted to be a part of that process and look forward to making a significant contribution."
The Australian Press Council was established in 1976 and is responsible for promoting high standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through the media. Press Council membership encompasses most of the major newspaper and magazine publishers in Australia, accounting for more than 900 mastheads (print and online) and about 95 per cent of circulation
Biographies and a photo of the new appointees are attached. For more information about the Australian Press Council, contact the Director of Research and Communications by email at or by telephone: 02 9261 1930.
Jennifer Elliott
Jennifer Elliott is a senior executive who works with Boards and Executive Teams to drive performance and transformational change. Jennifer is the former Managing Director and Regional Head of Moody’s Asia Pacific. She first worked with Moody’s in the Sydney office as an analyst in the Structured Finance Group. In 1996, Jennifer was transferred to the London office, where she was a Vice President – Senior Credit Officer. In 1999 she was appointed head of Moody's Australia. From 2005-2007 she was Chief Human Resources Officer in New York, after which she took over the company’s Asia Pacific operations. Prior to joining Moody's, Jennifer worked as a banking and finance lawyer at Clayton Utz in Sydney. She received her BA in English Literature and LLB from the University of Sydney and earned an MA in Southeast Asian Business Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University.
Jennifer was appointed as a public member of the Press Council in May 2015
Julie Kinross
Julie Kinross is a barrister now working full time in the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Julie served as Queensland’s Information Commissioner from 2008-2012, with responsibility for promoting open government, deciding Right to Information reviews and handling privacy complaints. Julie has held other senior positions, including Queensland Commissioner for Fair Trading and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry Development. She has also been an Assistant Commissioner with the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission and the Director of Families First in the NSW Office of Children and Young People. Julie holds a Master of Social Welfare Administration, Bachelor degrees in social work and arts, and was admitted as a lawyer in 2005. She also holds a Graduate Diploma in Advanced Finance and Investment and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Julie Kinross was appointed as a public member of the Press Council in December 2012.
Julie Kinross, left; Jennifer Elliott,right
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Australian Press Council
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