Media Release 26 Aug 2015


APC - Australian Press Council
Press Council welcomes three new publisher members
Three more publications have joined the Australian Press Council, boosting the large and growing number of print and online media outlets that have committed themselves to the Council’s standards of ethical journalism.
The new members are Daily Mail Australia and HuffPost Australia recent entrants into the Australian media landscape and local offshoots of global media operations, and The Monthly Chronicle, a long-established and award-winning community newspaper in Sydney.
“These latest members of the Council reflect both the increasing globalisation of the media as well as the continuing importance of local newspapers serving their communities,” Council Chair Prof David Weisbrot said.
“I’m really encouraged by the fact that publishers continue to value the importance of Press Council membership and of making a public commitment to excellence and social responsibility. They clearly see the benefits of the Council’s complaints system and of being part of our self-regulation, standards-setting and advocacy processes.”
Weisbrot said the Council was also in active talks with other publishers about joining, including members of the thriving multicultural press.
Daily Mail Australia’s Managing Director, Peter Holder, said: “We’re delighted to now be a part of the Australian Press Council – we’ve been impressed by the Council's recent advocacy for press freedom as well as its new educational initiatives that not only help maintain standards but keep journalists informed on myriad and emerging media law issues.”
HuffPost Australia’s CEO, Chris Janz, said: “Joining the Press Council affirms our commitment to the high standards of quality journalism and freedom of expression through media the Press Council works tirelessly to maintain.”
The Editor of The Monthly Chronicle, Anthony Brewster, said smaller publications such as his had much to contribute to the work of the Press Council.
“Local and regional news in Australia is of vital importance to the communities they serve because the local stories they tell are often not provided by larger media outlets, "Brewster said. “Membership in the Press Council and adherence to its guidelines provides a layer of editorial rigour to assist in the delivery of credible and accurate local storytelling.”
The Australian Press Council was established in 1976 and is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through the media. 
The Council is proud of the breadth and depth of its membership, which encompasses all but one of the major newspaper and magazine publishers in Australia, some 850 mastheads, and 95 per cent of circulation.
For more details, contact Michael Rose, the Press Council’s Director of Research and Communications, on 0451 978 276 or by email at
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Australian Press Council
Address: Level 6, 309 Kent St, Sydney, 2000    Phone: (02) 9261 1930 or 1800 025 712    Fax: (02) 9267 6826
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