Media Release 11 March 2015


APC - Australian Press Council
MEDIA RELEASE | 11 March 2015
Proposed surveillance legislation a threat to press freedom
Press Council Chair Professor David Weisbrot has issued the following statement:
“The proposed new metadata retention laws represent a fundamental change to the way governments interact with citizens and with the press, initiating a new era of comprehensive surveillance. Given the serious erosion of traditional civil liberties involved, the bar should be set very high for justifying this new approach, and for reassuring the community that its legitimate concerns about overreach are being addressed effectively.
“Our major fear is that the new regime will crush investigative journalism in Australia and deal a serious blow to freedom of speech and press freedom. It will dissuade whistleblowers and confidential sources from engaging with the media, and similarly it will discourage what once were ‘anonymous tips’ - despite the fact that many such revelations have proved over the years to contain critical material that is wholly in the public interest to ventilate since it may expose corruption or misconduct.
“A healthy democratic society requires robust free speech and a free and vigorous press to hold governments and other powerful interests to account. In order to fulfil that critical role, the press needs to be able to engage with confidential sources.
“It is worth pointing out that these are not hypothetical concerns, but rather occur against the backdrop of governments chasing down leaks and failing to provide adequate whistleblower protections.
“It is most unsatisfactory for the government and opposition to acknowledge that there is a serious problem, but only to undertake a ‘review’ after the legislation has come into force.
“It is our strong belief that these legitimate concerns cannot be addressed effectively short of exempting journalists and media organisations, at least, from the proposed law’s application, recognising the broader public interest in openness and accountability.”
Press Council media contact: Michael Rose, Director of Research and Communications. 0451 978 276 or
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