The Australian Press Council handles complaints against publishers for alleged breaches of the the Council’s Standards of Practice. The Council considers and investigates complaints, seeks to facilitate an outcome acceptable to the parties, and where appropriate adjudicate the matter to determine whether the publication has breached the Standards. Adjudications must be published by the publication in accordance with the Council’s specific requirements.

Legal Proceedings
The Australian Press Council’s complaints process seeks to be as informal, prompt and economical as possible, and serves as an alternative to litigation. Complaints to the Council should be made and pursued by the complainants themselves, not by lawyers or other professional representatives. The Council does not require complainants to waive all rights to commence legal proceedings against publishers in relation to the material about which they are complaining. However, complainants must inform the Council if they have commenced proceedings or intend to do so. If legal proceedings have commenced, or there is a reasonable possibility that they may be commenced, the publisher may request that the Council delay action unless the complainant meets specified conditions.



Before completing this form

please read summaries of Council processes for: 

Making a complaint

Handling of complaints



Have you read the important information above?
Summaries of the Council's complaints processes  *
 Yes, I have read the summaries of the Council's complaints process (links are above)
Council's information on Legal Proceedings  *
 Yes, I have read the Council's information on Legal Proceedings (text is above)


1. The following details must be provided:

* = required field. You will need to fill in these details in order to submit this form.

Given name:  *
Family name:  *
Email address:  *
Phone number (Land line or mobile):  *
State:  *
Country:  *


2. The following details must be provided about the article or other published material which is the subject of your complaint:

What is the name of the Newspaper, Magazine or Website where the material was printed  *
Please select the date/s on which the material was published  *
Please provide the Headline, URL or any other identification which can help us locate the material  *
3. If possible, please also send us a print copy or screenshot of the material. This will help us to locate the article more quickly. You can send the material to us by email, fax or post, or upload an attachment to this form:

Files must be less than 2 MB
Add another file

Files must be less than 2 MB
4. Please tell us where you saw the material (print/online/both):  *
Both print and online


5. Please state in no more than 400 words the reasons for your complaint and, where possible, state which of the Council’s Standards of Practice you think have been breached.
(Example: "The article’s statement that I threatened my neighbour is inaccurate and misleading, which in my view breaches the Council’s General Principle 1. Also, the newspaper has refused to publish my denial of the allegation, which in my view breaches General Principle 4".)   *

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6. Were you personally identified in the article?  *
7. Were you directly affected by the article's contents?  *
7.a. If 'Yes', how were you directly affected?
7.b. If 'No', what is the main reason for your complaint?
8. Have you complained directly to the publication itself?  *
8.b. If 'Yes', please enclose any correspondence, or the details of the responses you have received. You can send the material to us by email, fax or post, or upload an attachment to this form:

Files must be less than 2 MB
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Files must be less than 2 MB
9. I consent to the Australian Press Council collecting and using my personal information for the purpose of dealing with my complaint in accordance with the Council’s Privacy Policy.  *


Note:  Information on this form is used by the Council for the purposes of responding to your complaint and may also be used for general research into the operation of our complaints system.


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