APC Update | Issue 9


APC UPDATE | 14 June 2012

Council members

The Chair of the Australian Press Council, Professor Julian Disney, has announced that the Council has appointed two new Public Members. They are:

Andrew Podger AO (currently an international consultant and part-time professor of public policy at ANU; formerly Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, National President of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and head of several government departments);

Philippa Smith AM (currently Chair of Foods Standards Australia and New Zealand, member of the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal and company director; formerly CEO of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia and Commonwealth Ombudsman).

The Public Members of the Council comprise about 40% of its members, with Industry Nominees comprising a similar percentage and the remaining members being the Chair and Independent Journalists chosen by the Council.

Executive Director

Prof Disney also announced that a new Executive Director will head the Council’s secretariat. The appointee is:

Linda Matthews (formerly Queensland Privacy Commissioner and South Australian Equal Opportunity Commissioner).

Ms Matthews will commence in the position on 9 July. The current Executive Secretary, Jack Herman, will become a part-time consultant to the Council.

Prof Disney said:

“These appointments are important further steps in strengthening the Council. We are greatly looking forward to working with Andrew Podger and Philippa Smith, and to the major contribution which Linda Matthews will make to the operations of the Council.”

Australian Press Council
Address: Suite 10.02, 117 York Street, Sydney 2000   Phone: (02) 9261 1930 or 1800 025 712   Fax: (02) 9267 6826
Email: info@presscouncil.org.au    Web: http://www.presscouncil.org.au
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