APC Update | Issue 55


Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times investigative journalist
confirmed as a speaker for 40th Anniversary Conference.

The line-up of International speakers for the Press Council’s 40th Anniversary Conference in May 2016 continues to build, with multi-award-winning New York Times investigative journalist David Barstow confirming his participation.

Barstow will appear alongside Australia’s leading investigative journalist, Kate McClymont of The Sydney Morning Herald, at a session on Day 1 of the conference, 4 May 2016. The topic: “Is Investigative Journalism an Expensive Luxury or a Necessity?”

David Barstow           Kate McClymont 
Barstow and McClymont are among an expanding range of top notch speakers and panellists now confirmed for the conference, which is being organised by the Press Council to celebrate its proud 40-year history of promoting press freedom and high standards of media practice.

Other confirmed participants:

  • Anna Nemtsova - Russia’s leading investigative journalist
  • Madhu Trehan - Founding Editor, Newslaundry, India
  • Kate Geraghty – Nikon Walkley photographer of the year (2006, 2007 & 2013).
  • Steve Grove - Director, Google News Lab USA
  • Kristin Carlos -  Head of Media Partnerships, Facebook Australia
  • Jonathan Harley - Director of Media Partnerships, Twitter Australia

For more details; about speakers and sessions, including plans for a series of journalism Master Classes led by prominent journalists, click here. To book tickets, click here.
The discounted Early Bird rate for the conference has been extended to 1 March.

WHEN:  4-5 May 2016
WHERE: L'Aqua, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, Sydney NSW 2000
HAVE A QUESTION? Email us or call on +61 2 9621 1930 

Sponsorship opportunities available. Click here for a brochure or contact our Director of Communications Michael Rose on +61 2 9261 1930

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