APC Update | Issue 12


APC UPDATE | 27 July 2012
Summary of latest adjudications

Alison Couston/Shepparton News (no. 1546)
A complaint about an article and an editorial concerning the Victorian Ombudsman's report into governance and implementation of water savings projects in northern Victoria. The Council concluded that the article did not accurately represent aspects of the Ombudsman's findings. It also concluded that the editor-in-chief's membership of a relevant steering committee should have been disclosed with the editorial (not only with the article). Accordingly the complaint was upheld on these grounds. A general complaint about lack of fairness and balance in the coverage was not upheld. Read the full adjudication.

Adam Burling/Huon Valley News (no. 1545)
A complaint about a particular photograph published amongst a series of other photographs of protestors at a local rally. The concern was that the photograph showed a sign held by a protestor which referred to a specific person and was highly offensive. The Council concluded that the photograph was not so offensive as to override the strong public interest in newspapers being able to report views expressed at public events. Accordingly, the complaint was not upheld. Read the full adjudication.

Kay Johnston/Echonetdaily (no. 1544)
A complaint about a front-page article alleging that a house controversially approved for development had subsequently been listed for sale. The Council concluded that the allegation was inaccurate and that echonetdaily had not taken reasonable steps to check its accuracy. It also concluded that after the error was pointed out to it, echonetdaily failed to correct it promptly and with due prominence. Accordingly, the complaint was upheld and a censure was issued to echonetdaily. Read the full adjudication.

Australian Press Council
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Email: info@presscouncil.org.au    Web: http://www.presscouncil.org.au
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