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  1. Tweet épinglé
    19 févr.

    Enemy of the people? No. A free press is a big part of what makes America great. My closing essay on --

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 6 heures

    Press Secretary Sean Spicer tells Pres. Trump has not spoken to FBI director about wiretapping claims.

  3. a retweeté
    il y a 6 heures

    Press Sec. to : "No the president has not" asked the FBI Director if there's proof that former Pres. Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.

    Press Sec. Talks About Pres. Trump's Wiretapping Claims
    See the whole picture with ABC News.
  4. a retweeté
    il y a 6 heures

    Pence on GOP healthcare bill: "This is the bill. And the president supports the American Healthcare Act."

  5. il y a 7 heures

    The first on-camera White House briefing in 8 days begins shortly. And looks like we have props --- – à James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 9 heures
  7. a retweeté
    il y a 11 heures

    Per pool report of Trump at WH tour: "White House aides told us that we’re not allowed to ask any questions." Um, that's not the WH's call.

  8. il y a 11 heures

    Hanging with Anna, Emilia, Maya, Vincent, Albert and various other…

  9. il y a 13 heures

    New on -- has invited Heidi and to dinner at the WH tomorrow

  10. il y a 13 heures
  11. a retweeté
    il y a 13 heures

    Incorrect. Obama transferred/freed many people he shouldn't have but overwhelming # of recidivists date to Bush era.

  12. a retweeté
    7 mars

    Michael Hayden: "we are off the map here in terms of normal governmental activity."

  13. 6 mars

    Speaking but not answering. They left without answering a ingle question.

  14. 6 mars

    "There will be no Q&A" - Tillerson, Kelly and Sessions are about to hold a briefing on the new travel ban. Limited press and no questions.

  15. 6 mars

    I think I spotted some of the briefings included in this too.

  16. 6 mars

    So ... there is no on-camera WH briefing today. And , has cancelled its briefing today, which was to be the 1st since January 19

  17. 6 mars

    The new order goes into effect on 3/16. The last time, the WH said implementation had to be immediate or people would flood in ahead of time

  18. 6 mars

    "We had no evidence of such collusion." The other thing Clapper told - he saw no evidence of collusion btwn Trump camp & Russia

  19. 6 mars

    The last time held an on-camera press briefing was a week ago today. The streak continues today

  20. a retweeté
    5 mars

    It'd be a lot easier to believe Clapper if he hadn't done this:

  21. 4 mars

    Two sources at the meeting told me Priebus & Bannon volunteered to stay in DC.

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