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WA Election: Liberal preference deal with One Nation smacks of 'desperation'

The Barnett government's extraordinary move to give first preferences to One Nation ahead of its long-term coalition partners the Nationals, smacks of "desperation" and could backfire, according to political experts.

Under the terms of the deal detailed in the Sunday Times newspaper, the Liberals will preference One Nation above the Nationals in the upper house country regions in exchange for the far-right party's support in all lower house seats at the upcoming March 11 state election.

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Premier Colin Barnett discussing his vision and promises for WA ahead of the 2017 election. Vision: Nine News Perth.

The news of the deal comes just days after WA Premier Colin Barnett cautioned people against voting for One Nation, saying it would be bad if the balance of power in WA's upper house was controlled by candidates from a minor party.

The move could spell the end to the Liberal/National coalition which has already been on shaky ground over the last year.

The WA Liberals want to avoid a repeat of the 2001 election when Richard Court lost power after putting One Nation last. But the Nationals are furious over the deal, which could cost them several seats.

Nationals leader Brendon Grylls has been surprisingly quiet about the rumours the Liberals might be cutting a deal with One Nation, and it's hard to imagine the one-time Kingmaker of WA politics is going to take this latest slap in the face lying down.


Murdoch University political lecture Ian Cook said the Liberals' jumping into bed with One Nation could backfire and jettison the party out of power.

"There are big risks for both the Liberals and One Nation," he told WAtoday.

"The Liberals risk losing supporters who think that One Nation is divisive and extremist, and One Nation risks being seen to support a Barnett government."

"I get the short-term attractiveness of the deal, especially for One Nation. For the Liberals, it looks like a desperate move to hold onto power at any cost. I'd be surprised if it worked."

Remarkably, the Turnbull government has supported the WA Liberals's decision to give One Nation its first preference, which is a far cry from when former PM John Howard demanded the party put PHON last on how-to-vote cards.

"The One Nation of today is a very different beast to what it was 20 years ago," NSW's Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos he told the ABC on Sunday.

"They're a lot more sophisticated. They've clearly resonated with a lot of people. Our job is to treat them as any other party.

"So when it comes to issues of preferencing and the like we have to make decisions - in this case it's a state decision, not a federal decision - based on the local circumstances," he said.

Dr Cook disagreed with Mr Sinodinos' assertion that One Nation had "matured".

"One problem is that I am not convinced, as Arthur Sinodinis suggests, that ON has matured as a party and will be any better at holding itself together than it was last time," he said.

 "It won 11 seats in the Qld state election and it took only months for them to descend into something of a rabble."

Notre Dame University political expert Martin Drum agreed with Dr Cook saying the deal was a risky move by WA Liberals.

"The deal does smack of desperation, given the Liberal party's previous statements about One Nation," he said.

 "But at the same time it does make sense for them to try to retain the support of conservative voters. The challenge is that not all of One Nation's voters are simply conservative; some are protest votes. Plenty of One Nation voters will still make up their own minds about who they preference, regardless of this deal," he said.

Dr Cook said the decision also spelt trouble for One Nation's image amongst its voters.

"The Liberal Party is part of the establishment that One Nation is supposed to be against. I, for one, look forward to Ms. Hanson explaining One Nation's anti-establishment, pro-Liberal position."

The move also further splinters the fragile relationship between Premier Colin Barnett and WA Nationals leader Brendon Grylls, and could see the long-held alliance between the two parties finally fracture.

"The future of the WA Nationals has always been at stake in this election," Dr Cook said.

"But it's not just in WA that the Nationals are struggling. They're merged with the Liberals in Queensland and the Northern Territory and don't have much of a presence in South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.

"They are also very vulnerable to losing support to One Nation because the Nationals can't achieve enough separation from the Liberals to be seen to truly represent a regional voice."

"The deal with One Nation could also be seen as a way for the Liberal Party to nail down the conservative vote in WA.

"I think One Nation will eat into the conservative vote and will be very important at the election.

"Their vote in the regional areas will be very high but I think they will do well in metro areas."

WA Labor leader Mark McGowan has categorically stated it will not cut any preference deals with One Nation or the Nationals ahead of the state election.

Recent polls had Labor romping to victory at the March state election, winning up to 14 seats, but the Liberals/One Nation preference deal could see the election result come down to the wire.

- with Adam Gartrell